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Chapter 172 A business worth hundreds of millions, won't you take us?

Chapter 172 A business worth hundreds of millions, won't you take us? (Ask for a ticket)

Gao Yang returned to the capital and started to get busy again in the first week of work.

After Wu Bo's family left, Gao Yang muttered with Zhou Wenbin, Fang Jian and others until dinner.

Gu Yawen felt sorry for him, so after 9 o'clock in the evening, she dragged him to take a bath with mandarin ducks, planning to let him rest early.

In the oversized bathtub, Gao Yang embraced Bai Fumei, who was getting more and more beautiful and tasteful, and started to move his hands.

Gu Yawen suddenly grabbed Gao Yang's hand: "You have officially started your business now, or I will leave Aomei and help you."

Gao Yang was a little surprised: "My wife, why do you have such an idea?"

Gu Yawen said: "When the company was first established, only Teacher Wu and Sun Chengyi were full-time. Zhou Wenbin could only work concurrently. After all, Tong Hua and Hu Lin had just graduated from university and lacked work experience. You value this project so much. help you."

"This..." Gao Yang didn't know how to respond for a moment.

To be honest, with Gu Yawen's ability, Gao Yang was still a little moved.

Afterwards, Gao Yang still shook his head: "No, our mother is urging us to make humans quickly, and I don't want you to be so tired."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "I work in Australia and the United States, and sometimes I am very busy. If I am pregnant with a baby, I can't just stay at home. I have to do something. When it's time to rest, I will naturally rest."

Gao Yang said: "Let's talk about it, the official start of this project is still early, let's hurry up and create humans..."

In the super large master bedroom, which was fifty or sixty square meters, Gu Yawen was full of love and anticipation, waiting for the formal creation of a human being.

During the Spring Festival, two weddings were held in a row, and another banquet was held when he returned to the capital. Gao Yang drank a lot of wine and was a little tired from the busy work during that time. He was worried about his poor health, so he took measures.

Although Gao Yang has been a bit busy these few days, he has resumed his morning exercises and feels in good physical condition. It happens to be Gu Yawen's ovulation period again, so he is going to make a formal birth tonight.

Looking at the anticipation in Bai Fumei's eyes, Gao Yang deliberately teased: "Creating a human is a big event, and it needs to be a bit of a ritual, so let me prepare my emotions first..."

Gu Yawen was amused, and laughed to herself that this guy is really bad.

After waiting for a while, Gao Yang said: "Well, I'm almost in the mood..."

Gu Yawen always finds ways to give Gao Yang a little more freshness in her daily life.

Gao Yang understands her thoughts, and he himself is the same.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang suddenly at this time, which was very ear-piercing.

Gao Yang immediately scolded: "Which bastard is calling at this time, this time, the mood is gone again..."

Gu Yawen laughed, knowing that Gao Yang was teasing her.

Gao Yang grabbed the phone, unexpectedly, it would be He Yong.

"Brother Yong, you really know when to call..." Gao Yang complained.

Although he had only met He Yong a few times, Gao Yang felt that this guy was quite casual, and he was very casual when talking to him.

On the other side of the phone, He Yong was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "Oh, I forgot that you are newlyweds now, I disturbed your young couple's intimacy, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"It's good that you know," Gao Yang said with a smile, "Brother Yong, what's the matter this big night?"

He Yong said: "Gao Yang, you are not authentic."

Gao Yang was puzzled: "What's wrong with me, Brother Yong, I haven't offended you recently, have I?"

"Of course you offended me, and Peng Zi," He Yong said, "I heard that you are going to do a big business worth several hundred million yuan, so why don't you bring us?"

Gao Yang understood that it must be the girl Wu Ruohan who went to extort money from Wu Peng again, and then told Wu Peng.

Gao Yang asked: "Brother Yong, are you with my second brother?"

He Yong said: "Yes, tell me, will you take us with you?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yong, I just brought up a discussion with some friends today, and I haven't written a word yet. If you want to vote, what if you end up losing money?"

He Yong said: "If you lose, you will lose, we are happy."

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Okay, next weekend, we will continue to discuss, if you are interested, come and listen to it."

He Yong said: "Okay, then Pengzi and I will come over next Friday."

He Yong hung up the phone, hehe smiled, this guy Gao Yang is interested in the business, I heard that he has been preparing for a year, how could he lose money.

He Yong and Wu Peng began to discuss how much money they each had, and how much Gao Yang would invest in the project he planned to do.

Gao Yang hung up the phone, leaned against the bed and sighed: "Oh, I'm really out of mood now..."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "What did Brother Yong tell you just now?"

After Gao Yang said, Gu Yawen smiled and said: "He and my second brother want to invest money in, isn't it a good thing."

Gao Yang shook his head: "It's a good thing, and it's not a good thing. I don't understand. Why are the two of them obsessed with making money?"

Gu Yawen was happy: "No one thinks there is too much money."

Gao Yang shook his head: "Too much money is not a good thing for them."

Gu Yawen became even more curious: "Why?"

"I'll tell you later, but now, I have to prepare my emotions..."

Gao Yang pretended to be serious, with a sense of ceremony, and then began to do his hands up and down.

Gu Yawen bit her lip, trying not to laugh...

On Monday, I got up early in the morning and had to rush to work in the city.

After Gao Yang got up, he changed his clothes and went for a morning run. When he came back, he met Wu Ruohan who just woke up with a lazy face.

Gao Yang waved, and Wu Ruohan came over: "Brother-in-law, what's the matter?"

Gao Yang said unhappily: "I just said yesterday to keep it a secret, but you turned around and sold it to me."

"I'm... wanting Boss Peng to send money."

Seeing that Gao Yang's face was not good-looking, Wu Ruohan rolled her eyes, thought about it, and sighed deliberately: "Brother-in-law, I've been so annoying recently."

Gao Yang said: "You've been heartless all day long, what's bothering you?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, I found that you are too capable, what if I fall in love with you, what should I do..."

Gao Yang was overjoyed, this girl tried to change the subject crazily.

Gao Yang made a straight face on purpose: "Wu Ruohan, you are really talented. You used to run trains with your mouth full, but now you can fly planes with your mouth..."

As soon as the words came out, Gao Yang suddenly felt that the words were a bit dirty, but the sister-in-law should not be aware of this kind of stalking.

Then he said: "If you dare to say this in front of your sister, I admire your kindness."

Wu Ruohan stuck out her tongue, turned around and ran to Gu Yawen.

In front of Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan sighed again: "Sister, I'm a little annoying recently."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "Ruohan, what bothers you?"

Wu Ruohan said: "I'm thinking about a question, my brother-in-law is too capable, what if I fall in love with him, what should I do?"

Gu Yawen laughed until her stomach ached in an instant: "You crazy can do whatever you want, that's fine."

At this time, Gao Yang was about to go to the bathroom to take a shower, when he passed by, he naturally heard it too.

Wu Ruohan had let him hear it on purpose.

Wu Ruohan looked at Gao Yang provocatively, with complacency in her eyes.

Gao Yang was speechless, raised his thumb, and whispered: "You have kindness."

Gao Yang is now very familiar with his sister-in-law's eccentric temperament, and Gu Yawen also told many interesting things about Wu Ruohan, including her watching movies, talking about wars on paper and so on.

Even if Wu Ruohan was playing for real, Gao Yang didn't dare to take the trick.

Not to mention that Wu Peng would hack him to death, the old man would also beat him to death.

It can only be said that this little sister-in-law is really weird, and in the future, no one knows which man can hold her down.

(End of this chapter)

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