Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 177 The Daily Life of a Vice President

Chapter 177 The Daily Life of a Vice President (Please ask for a monthly ticket)
As soon as she went to work on March 3, Gu Yawen submitted her resignation letter to the company. The company leaders were not surprised. Colleagues all knew that this flower from Aomei had a good family background and married a good husband who is capable.

Last year, after COMPAQ was acquired by HP, the two companies are also facing a global integration this year. In the next step, whether the PR and advertising agency of the COMPAQ brand will still be done by Aomei, no one knows.

Wu Bo, Sun Chengyi, He Jin and others also started to get busy, resigned, and started their own careers.

Zhou Wenbin is on a business trip again, going to the CPI headquarters to coordinate the implementation of the first touring channel forum and SMB forum in April.

Fang Jian, Zhang Yue, Song Liangqiu and others are very busy. They have to complete performance tasks in 2002, so they don’t have to worry too much about the execution of the activities, but they need to go all out for the content planning of the special issue and the follow-up of advertising sales.

Gao Yang also observed that the National Edition achieved high performance last year, and the project team employees had high incomes, and they are also very motivated this year.

After the Spring Festival, he went to work for more than three weeks. After arranging and finalizing a few major events, Gao Yang found that his daily work was quite easy after he was promoted to vice president. He wondered what Wan Hong was busy typing on the computer all day.

Now, Gao Yang finally has time to think about how this small project of CPI Research can make a breakthrough this year.

In fact, Gao Yang was not familiar with this project in his previous life and had little contact with it.

On March 3, Gao Yang called Zheng Weiqiang, the general manager of the CPI Research project, into his office.

Zheng Weiqiang is young, 28 years old. He used to be the general manager of the CPI Shuchuan branch. He has a business background and good ability, so he was transferred to the Beijing branch to be the person in charge of this research business project.

Gao Yang handed Zheng Weiqiang a cigarette: "Weiqiang, it's been almost a month since I started working. Are you familiar with the research project?"

Zheng Weiqiang said: "Mr. Gao, I am basically familiar with it, and I have also communicated with project colleagues one by one. The group has assigned a performance task of 400 million to Research this year. The pressure is huge."

Gao Yang asked again: "You have been working in the capital for almost a month. Compared with the previous work in the local branch, do you think Research, a project that has been established for five or six years, develops at an average speed. What is the problem?"

Zheng Weiqiang took a puff of a cigarette and thought about it: "Mr. Gao, to be honest, I didn't do research products before, and I don't know enough about this industry. I am studying hard. Now, I feel that the biggest problem of the project is that the team is not energetic enough. More than half of the project colleagues feel that CPI does not have enough background in research projects, and its influence has never been able to rise. No matter how hard it is, it seems that it is difficult to get customers' approval."

Gao Yangdao: "At the capital branch, there was a vice president named Deng Lijun two years ago, who switched to Zhongji. You should know about the research company in charge of Zhongji, right?"

Zheng Weiqiang nodded: "I know."

Gao Yang asked again: "Then do you know why Zhongji has taken a fancy to him and asked him to work in this research company?"

Zheng Weiqiang said: "Mr. Deng has been in charge of CPI Research for two years, so he should be familiar with the research business. This factor is the most important factor in the plan."

Gao Yang shook his head: "Yes, Deng Lijun has been in charge of CPI Research for two years, but he should not be very familiar with the research business. At that time, the research company in Zhongji was weaker than CPI Research. Under the leadership of Deng Lijun, it got up faster and was about to catch up with CPI Research.”

Zheng Weiqiang said: "This shows that Mr. Deng's leadership ability is relatively strong."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled again: "This only shows that CPI Research still has its own advantages and certain influence in the industry.

Actually, I don’t know much about research business, so I’ll just give my general impression.

In the past two or three years, I have participated in many press conferences and interviews of IT companies. IT companies often quote the report data of research companies to prove the advantages and strengths of their products in a certain aspect.

What I see is that the IDC report, and the Gartner report, are often cited.

These are two global, established consulting and research companies that entered the Chinese market relatively early, and their brands have great influence and authority.

However, the branches established by these two companies in the Chinese market must be very good?

I don't think so.

Wei Qiang, you come from a sales background, you should have already discovered that the biggest problem of CPI Research at present should be the lack of marketing ability.

When IT companies publicize, if we don't quote our report data, we have little influence.

But what about the roots?

What I feel is that the quality of our research reports is not enough, or even poor, and it is too heavily watered down. A lot of data is compiled by analysts after making a few phone calls to learn a little bit about the situation.

Of course, it is not certain how precise and accurate the research reports of IDC and Gartner are. The point is that their brands are strong and have industry-recognized authority.

My idea is not necessarily right, but I feel that CPI Research has been ignoring the resource advantages of CPI Group.

We have the most unique and only nationwide structural resource advantage in the entire industry. Our strongest point lies in our understanding of IT channels and close contact with regional IT channel merchants.

IT companies, as well as national general agent distributors, now have an urgent need for information on regional channel merchants.

Last year, I received several calls from channel directors of IT companies. They wanted to expand channels in a certain region, including prefecture-level channels.

This is the real market demand.

It has been 10 years since CPI was founded. Up to now, a relatively complete IT channel business database has not been established. I think this is the task of your CPI Research. You have to work hard and cooperate with local branches to establish a region as soon as possible. The basic database of IT merchants, and then regularly update relevant information.

The information should be accurate and rich. From one item, you can know more detailed information, advantages, characteristics, products and brands of agents, customer resources, etc. of a regional distributor.

After achieving this step, no IDC or Gartner can compare with us in this field.

In this field, CPI Research is the leader, and can meet the needs of IT companies at any time and customize research reports.

There are also productized, industrial research reports that can be sold to many IT companies in one report.

In addition, last year, we did a SMB special issue, which was immediately successful, and this year it became an independent project operation.

In terms of SMB informatization, IT companies still have an urgent need for market and channel information, which is also the advantageous resource of our local branches of CPI.

For SMB, CPI Research also needs to establish a basic information database.

If you achieve these two points, your project will mainly focus on these two fields. No research company can make a more solid and accurate research report than yours.

Therefore, CPI Research needs to focus on the resource advantages of CPI Group, and then go deep into it to strengthen its unique product line.

Wei Qiang, you come from a sales background and have worked in a local branch for several years. You should know how to communicate and collaborate with the local branch.

If you need me to come forward and ask the group to coordinate, you can just bring it up.

The premise is that you have to have a detailed plan, and you have to take steps to advance, and in the process of accumulation, you have to attack orders to win the trust and reputation of customers..."

Zheng Weiqiang was a little excited: "Thank you Mr. Gao, you pointed out the direction, I know what to do."

Gao Yang nodded: "Then work hard, the performance is all achieved by the team."

The next day, Gao Yang approached the heads of the advertising department of the national edition and the SMB project respectively, to communicate about this year's business promotion and other issues, to encourage and encourage them, and to give him some directional suggestions.

This is Gao Yang's daily life since he became the vice president of the group this year...

(End of this chapter)

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