Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 178 Buying an Office Building?

Chapter 178 Buying an Office Building? (monthly ticket plus update)

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen still live in Weber's apartment across the street from the newspaper office.

Living in the villa in Xiangyi Villa is comfortable, but after all, there are more than 20 kilometers of road, and it is still a bit troublesome to run around every day.

After Gu Yawen resigned, she started to register the company with Wu Bo and others.

Taking into account factors such as tax incentives, the company registered in the remote Mentougou.

The company of CPI's Beijing branch is also registered in this district, and is also maintaining tax relations on a daily basis.

In this day and age, if you start a company and do business, if you want to make money, you have to find a way to avoid taxes reasonably.

CPI distributes year-end dividends during the Spring Festival every year, all of which are cash, and there are also reasons for this.

According to Gao Yang's opinion, two companies were registered.

The legal representative of one company is himself, and the legal representative of the other company is Gu Yawen.

After that, you have to apply for a business license and other procedures.

He Yong found a friend, and he really got the business DM issue of the national direct investment.

Wu Bo also found a friend to get a journal number on industrial research, which is similar to contracting. The annual management fee is 30 yuan, which is quite cheap.

Of course, if you don't know how to operate and don't have a good direction, you can lose 30 management fees a year.

Now it is 2002, 30 is a huge sum of money for many people, even if this is the capital city.

To apply for a business license, you must first have an office space. This is something everyone is busy with recently.

According to Gao Yang's opinion, it is best to locate the office in these few streets near the newspaper office, so that it is more convenient for everyone to go to work, without having to move.

Of course, Wu Bo will go to work far away in the future, so he can overcome it temporarily, and when the company's business is established, he will just buy another apartment in the west.

Gao Yang's theory of investing in real estate and financial management is now deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there are more and more landlords in newspaper offices.

Even the two founders of Haidilao are convinced of this theory.

Zhang Yong decided to pay for it himself and mortgage [-] or [-] houses near Dahui Temple to use as staff dormitories.

Gao Yang was very happy, and praised Zhang Yong a few words.

As long as you don't take money from the company, Gao Yang is still waiting for the dividends from the sea to get back the 1000 million investment as soon as possible.

In the future, Haidilao may consider buying a house to use as a dormitory for employees whenever it opens a store in a place.

Give employees the feeling of home, and then the company holds the real estate, and it will increase in value along the way.

In order to make money in the catering industry, it is very important to control labor costs. Therefore, foreign catering companies go to Beijing to develop the market. The waiters are usually recruited locally and sent to the capital after training. Food and accommodation are included, and the wages are relatively low.

The locals in the capital are all uncles, and they have a sense of superiority, so they can't afford to invite them, and they can't afford to offend them.

CPI's Beijing branch is located within the Northwest Third Ring Road, and the main street is called Zhongguancun South Street.

Go north across the Sitong Bridge on the third ring road, and then there is the National People's Congress, and not far to the north, there are several major computer cities in the capital, as well as Peking University and Shuimu University.

It is actually not easy to find an office building near the newspaper office.

The CPI Beijing branch has rented an office of more than 500 square meters in the cadre rest center for six or seven years. Now the annual rent is less than 30, which is considered cheap.

Such an office building is actually very difficult to come across.

Gu Yawen, Wu Bo and others ran for three or four days, but they couldn't find a suitable office building.

Anxious, tired.

Now that Gu Yawen has resigned, Gao Yang can still enjoy the treatment of going home for dinner at noon every day. Marrying a virtuous wife is really a big luck in life, let alone a white and rich beauty.

At noon on March 3th, after eating early, Gu Yawen walked downstairs with Gao Yang on her arm to digest the food, and then went home for a lunch break.

Gu Yawen was also a little depressed because she couldn't find a suitable office building these days, she didn't want Gao Yang to worry about these trivial matters.

The couple went downstairs and walked out of the community, Gao Yang unintentionally looked up...

"Reluctantly transfer 580 square meters of high-end office buildings, the price is favorable, first come first served!"

In the Weber apartment complex, facing the street outside, there are two office buildings called Weber Building, which are divided into Block A and Block B.

What Gao Yang saw was a striking banner hanging from the window facing the street on the 8th floor of Block B.

Gao Yang stood still, looking at the banner of transferring office buildings, with white and red letters, he felt bloody.

It may be some unlucky guy who failed to start a business and couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to sell the property to save himself.

Gao Yang also knew that there used to be many Internet companies in the Weber Building.

The reason why these two office buildings were named Weber was that the developer's marketing positioning at that time was aimed at the tide of Internet entrepreneurship.

Gao Yang stood there and watched for 10 seconds.

Gu Yawen was a little strange: "You want to consider Weber Building? The rent here is very high..."

Weber Building is a high-end office building with a good location and very expensive rent. The daily rent is about 3 yuan per square meter, and the monthly rent for a 100-square-meter office building is about 9000 yuan, which exceeds 10 yuan a year.

Gao Yang said: "I'm thinking, if the price is right, can I buy this 580-square-meter office building?"

"Buy an office building?" Gu Yawen was taken aback.

This is several million, how could Gao Yang have such a crazy idea.

The start-up capital of the company is only about 800 million.

Gao Yang said: "Let's go and have a look first. If the price is right, we can get a mortgage. As long as the company's business is established, there is not much pressure to repay the mortgage."

Gao Yang knows that the price of office buildings in the capital is actually not expensive. In the same location, they are cheaper than commercial housing prices, and it is 2002 now.

Of course, Weber Building is a high-end office building, and it is located in such a location, so the price must not be cheap.

I went up to the 8th floor of Block B and saw that the 580-square-meter office building under transfer was really in good condition, much better than the office rented by CPI.

Called, found the owner, and after inquiring, it turned out to be another unlucky guy who failed to start an Internet business.

A 35-year-old overseas returnee with a good family background. In 1999, when he started his business in the middle of the year, he bought an office building directly, which was very embarrassing.

As a result, I couldn't hold on until the end of last year.

The upstream capital has been cut off, and the cold winter of the Internet has not yet passed.

The returnee, surnamed Wang, was from Zhejiang Province and was eager to sell the office building to pay off his debts.

Gao Yang asked: "Mr. Wang, how do you sell this office building?"

Returnee Wang said: "7000 yuan per square meter. I bought the property at 7300 yuan per square meter two years ago. Now I don't consider the value-added factors of the property."

Gao Yang curiously said: "The rent of Weber Building is high. With 580 square meters, you can collect hundreds of thousands of rent a year."

Wang Haigui shook his head: "The area is too large to rent. To be honest, there were many Internet companies in the Weber Building in the past two years. Now many companies can't continue to operate. They have moved away, or closed their doors directly, and some office buildings have been vacant. If I don’t need money urgently, I won’t sell the office building, I believe the long-term rate of return will be very good.”

Gao Yang thought about it: "Mr. Wang, I really want to take over, but the area of ​​580 square meters is too big. Two questions: first, do you accept the mortgage? Second, in terms of price, can you give up a little more?"

Gao Yang knew that the price of a high-end office building at 7000 yuan per square meter was really not expensive in this location, and what the returnee king was telling the truth.

For the residence of Weber Apartment, the quotation of second-hand housing this year has already been called 8500 yuan per flat.

The returnee king shook his head: "If I can accept the mortgage, I've already sold it. This price is really a bargain. I need to hurry up to raise money."

The returnee king gritted his teeth again: "Mr. Gao, I think you are a capable person. If you really buy it and pay in full within a week, I can give you 6900 yuan per level. This is the final bottom line. Otherwise, I would rather go to Mortgage loans can also survive..."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Well, Mr. Wang, let's think about it, and I will definitely call you back tomorrow..."

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(End of this chapter)

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