Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 180 Scorching Sun Advertising Media

Chapter 180 Scorching Sun Advertising Media (seeking a monthly ticket)
The office location has been settled, and everyone is quite excited, and everyone is gearing up.

At noon, Gao Yang invited everyone to dinner.

The company office is located in the west of the city, which is quite inconvenient for Wu Bo to commute to and from get off work every day, so Gao Yang apologized to Wu Bo: "Mr. Wu, from now on you have to go to and from get off work every day, I'm sorry."

Wu Bo smiled and said: "It's okay, when the company's business starts, I will buy a suite nearby and just move here."

The company was started and the salary was not high.

Wu Bo is the general manager, with a monthly salary of 1 yuan. The car allowance, housing allowance and phone fee subsidy standard are 1000 yuan. Adding the 13 salary at the end of the year, the annual income is less than 17 yuan.

This is still pre-tax income.

Sun Chengyi is the editor-in-chief, with a monthly salary of 8000 yuan and a three-fee subsidy of 800 yuan, which is even lower.

He Jin is a sales manager with a monthly salary of 5000 yuan and a three-fee subsidy of 600 yuan.

Tong Hua is careful and responsible for finances.Hu Lin wants to follow He Jin in sales first, because she is from Lu Province, and the company's customers will be concentrated in Lu Province in the future.

For the two girls who just graduated from college in June, Tong Hua's monthly salary is set at 6 yuan, while Hu Lin's is set at 4000 yuan. The three-fee subsidy standard for both is 3000 yuan.

Zhou Wenbin only receives a three-fee subsidy of 1500 yuan a month from the company.

These salary standards were first discussed and requested by Wu Bo, Sun Chengyi, He Jin and others.

When the company was first established, to reduce operating costs, everyone's income fell sharply temporarily, which was also to share Gao Yang's worries.

Setting the salary lower and the subsidy higher is also a reasonable tax avoidance method for everyone.

The company's three-fee subsidy is now all released in cash every month, and it will be considered in the future when the business is started.

Neither Gao Yang nor Gu Yawen receives a salary from the company, and Gu Yawen is temporarily in charge of the office and human resources.

Gu Yawen will only consider getting a salary when she officially works in the company in the future.

Gao Yang has also discussed with everyone. At this stage, the advertising sales commission for the salesperson is tentatively set at 15%. After the advertising revenue exceeds 1000 million, it will be considered to gradually reduce the performance commission point.

In addition, like CPI, a fixed percentage of the annual operating net profit will be used for employee year-end dividends.

The standard set by the company is that 20% of the net profit is used for employee year-end dividends.

This profit dividend ratio is actually higher than the 30% project profit dividend of CPI, because the annual operating net profit of each project of CPI is approved by the headquarters, and there are many adjustment methods.

Gao Yang decided that the company's profit dividend will not be adjusted under normal circumstances, which is 20% of the real profit.

If the net profit in a year reaches hundreds of millions in the future, then the money used for employee year-end dividends will be 2000 million.

In addition, the dividends for shareholders are out of the question, which will be discussed and decided at a specific shareholders meeting every year in the future.

On April 4, Gu Yawen began to handle the office transfer procedures with Wang Yiming, a returnee.

Wu Bo and the others divided their labors, and started to get busy applying for business licenses, arranging office decoration, recruiting staff, purchasing office equipment, etc.

Gao Yang and his wife registered two limited companies.

Gao Yang is the legal representative, and the company name is [Scorching Sun Advertising Media]. From now on, the main business will be the solar water heater DM magazine, called "Solar Dealer".

Gu Yawen is the legal representative, the company is called [Yashan Culture Media], and the main business is a journal called "Solar Energy Industry", which will be listed as [Solar Magazine].

The editor-in-chief of the two publications is Sun Chengyi for the time being.The general manager is Wu Bo, the manager of the advertising department is He Jin, and the manager of the publishing department is Zhou Wenbin.

Two companies and two publications are actually a set of people.

The DM magazine "Solar Energy Dealer" is going to be designed as a quarto version and made into a weekly magazine like CPI's newspaper.

"Solar Energy Industry" magazine is designed as a six-page edition, and it will be made into a monthly magazine first. If the business starts to rise in the future, it will be considered to be made into a semi-monthly magazine.

The paper of the two publications is light-coated paper, and coated paper is used for the front and back covers and advertisements. It is necessary to pursue printing effects and give customers a high-level impression.

These things have already been decided in the previous discussion of project operation details.

In the future, the main platform operated by the company will be the DM magazine "Solar Energy Dealer".

In the first half of April, staff recruitment was basically ready.

He Jin's advertising department recruited 4 salesmen, including Hu Lin, there are a total of 6 people in this department.

Sun Chengyi's editorial department plus phototypesetting, a total of 12 people.

The publishing department recruited an executive manager named Liu Yue, from Yunnan Province. He had worked in publishing in the Yunnan branch of CPI before. Zhang Yue introduced him from a magazine in Beijing.

In addition, five publishers were recruited. In addition to Zhou Wenbin who works part-time, the distribution department temporarily has 5 people. In the future, the recruitment will be expanded, and regional branches will be established in the seven major regions of the country.

In terms of finance, Tong Hua worked as a supervisor and accountant, and recruited a cashier.

For the office and human resources, Gu Yawen was the supervisor, and recruited a human resources specialist and a front desk girl.

Exactly 30 people, not counting Zhou Wenbin.

In addition, Wu Ruohan has already secured graduate studies, and will study for a graduate student at the University of Finance and Economics next semester. Now that she has nothing to do, she also comes to the company to help Gu Yawen with some chores.

The company's operating framework was roughly determined in this way. In the first half of April, the office was simply renovated, and the office equipment purchase and arrangement were completed. On April 4, everyone officially started work.

It is planned to launch the first issues of the two publications "Solar Energy Distributor" and "Solar Energy Industry" on May 5 and May 6 respectively.

Next, the advertising campaign will begin immediately. Wu Bo, Sun Chengyi, and He Jin will all go to Lu Province to visit a group of customers and promote these two industry publications.

In June or July, a large-scale customer promotion meeting will be organized in Lu Province.

However, on April 4, Zhou Wenbin started a business trip again.

On April 4, CPI National Edition and SMB two projects will jointly hold the first regional tour forum in Hangzhou in 16, which will last for one and a half days.

This year's roving forum still starts from East China.

On April 4th, Gao Yang also went on a business trip. He rushed to Hangzhou with Fang Jian, Zhang Yue and Song Liangqiu and other project personnel to participate in the regional circuit forum activities.

In order to save costs, all personnel still take the train together and buy hard sleeper tickets.

From Beijing to Hangzhou, the distance is more than 1200 kilometers. In this era, the express train takes about 10 hours. Before 6 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang and others got on the train.

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you can arrive in Hangzhou.

On the train, Fang Jian, Zhang Yue and Song Liangqiu were all a little nervous.

Tomorrow's first touring forum is too important. Although the special issue advertisement booking is quite good now, if tomorrow's forum does not produce good results, the following forums will definitely be affected.

In fact, Gao Yang was not too sure. It was not because he was worried about poor organization and execution of the forum, but because of the customer's approval.

Even if the new element of SMB informatization is added to this year's forum, it will hardly have the sensational effect of last year.

However, Gao Yang can only cheer and encourage Fang Jian and others, as long as they do their best.

It's up to people to make plans, but it's up to God to make things happen.

At 5:[-] p.m., when he arrived at the hotel where the event was held, Gao Yang suddenly received a call from Gu Yawen: "Honey, I'm pregnant!"

Although it was not surprising, Gao Yang was still very happy, and immediately told Gu Yawen to pay more attention to rest and not to get tired.

After questioning, Gao Yang found out that Gu Yawen was accompanied by Wu Ruohan in the morning and went to the hospital for a urine test.The good news is announced now because he doesn't want to affect his rest on the train.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang was still very happy. In this life, he will finally be a father. I don't know if it's a son or a daughter. Anyway, he will like it.

Gu Yawen is pregnant, and Wu Lan has recently continued to deal with the company's assets. After Wu Xiaoyue's summer vacation, Wu Lan will most likely move to the capital.

Wu Xiaoyue's life situation has changed drastically, but she is quite able to study. In Jinyang No. [-] Middle School, the best public junior high school in Jinyang, her grades are ranked among the top five in her grade.

After the high school entrance examination and the results came out, Wu Xiaoyue and Wu Lan would come to live in the capital.

Gao Yang told Fang Jian and the others: "At the end of the year, I will be a father."

"Wow, congratulations, this efficiency is quite high..."

Fang Jian and the others were all happy for Gao Yang...

(End of this chapter)

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