Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 182 Solar Media Starts Publication

Chapter 182 Solar Energy Media Founding (seeking monthly ticket)
On the morning of April 4, at the headquarters of CPI Group, as soon as he went to work, the boss Feng Jinsong was very interested, and read the new national edition and the special issue of the SMB forum.

Although he believed that Gao Yang was a person capable of creating miracles, Boss Feng was still a little surprised.

Judging from the advertisement page, the forum is indeed very successful, and the news content of the special issue is also very well planned.

As for Gao Yang's originally creative public relations fee-based pages, Boss Feng can also see at a glance how many public relations pages there are.

Later, Boss Feng called a high-level meeting at the headquarters, and Vice President Ren Jing reported the specific advertising revenue of the two forum special issues that he had just learned.

Greatly exceeded expectations, especially the special issue of the SMB Forum, which actually achieved an advertising revenue of 118 million.

Everyone is smiling. After Gao Yang became the vice president, the three projects in charge of the national version have steadily increased, and the SMB advertising revenue has increased significantly.

In addition, the CPI Research project, driven by Gao Yang, is also expected to achieve a breakthrough in revenue this year.

In addition, the two projects that Wan Hong is in charge of are also making efforts this year, and they are also steadily improving.

Under the leadership of these two young people, the capital branch in 2002 is expected to reach a new high in terms of revenue...

This year's first touring forum ended, and after the special issue was published, Gao Yang's work has entered the daily routine of the vice president.

Gao Yang was more at ease with the national version team led by Fang Jian and Zhang Yue, and the SMB team led by Song Liangqiu alone.

Recently, Gao Yang's main job is to take Zheng Weiqiang, general manager of the CPI Research project, to visit key customers, implement the cooperation intentions communicated during the forum, and at the same time, find new customers.

Zheng Weiqiang himself is also very hardworking. After Gao Yang pointed out the main direction of this year's project, Zheng Weiqiang patiently communicated with the team. As a general manager of a branch, he naturally knows how to give the team blood.

Now, the project team of CPI Research has become more energetic, and has added three more people to work in the direction indicated by Gao Yang.

Recently, Gao Yang also has the energy to pay attention to his company's affairs.

Two industry publications, "Solar Energy Distributor" and "Solar Energy Industry", are planned to be launched in early May, and the time is actually very tight.

Mainly editing and distribution of these two links.

In terms of editing, it is necessary to collect a lot of information on the development of the solar water heater industry, as well as information on major brand manufacturers.

The editorial staff will go to the surrounding areas of the capital, as well as interviews in Lu Province, and the editorial department will also invite some experts in the industry to write articles.

The first issue of the two publications is planned to print 3000 copies, and the next step will be increased to 5000 copies depending on the situation.

The most important thing is distribution. It must be ensured that after the first issue comes out, it will be delivered in place in key markets across the country, that is, in the circle of core agents or dealers.

After Zhou Wenbin returned to the capital, he continued his business trip by preparing for the second regional touring forum in May.

Liu Yue, the executive manager of the distribution department of the company, led the distribution team, divided into two groups, and ran in all major regions of the country to implement the distribution work of solar water heater channel suppliers.

At this stage, Scorching Sun Media does not have branches in major regions of the country, and cannot send distribution personnel. The method is also simple, that is, find a solar water heater business to cooperate with in each key city, and the other party will be responsible for the distribution of publications in this city.

It's just that we have to negotiate and sign contracts one by one.

On the one hand, the cooperative merchants are responsible for accurate delivery of these two publications, and on the other hand, they are also responsible for collecting information on local solar water heater merchants.

In order to promote the release quickly, Gao Yang discussed with Wu Bo and others, and decided to lure them with profit.

Cooperative merchants will pay 1.5 yuan to deliver a publication.Collect a piece of business information and meet the requirements, and give 10 yuan.

High cost.

"Solar Energy Distributor" will be made into a weekly magazine, and the printing volume of each issue is tentatively scheduled to be 3000 copies, and it will be delivered free of charge. The cost of delivering a publication is more than two yuan.

"Solar Energy Industry" magazine is a monthly magazine, and the printing volume of each issue is also 3000 copies. At this stage, it still adopts free delivery.

However, when the company completes the collection of information on solar water heater merchants in key markets across the country through these cooperative merchants, and establishes a distribution database, the distribution network at the initial stage can begin to be established.

In the seven major regions of the country, self-established branches, focusing on distribution, and then negotiated new cooperation prices with these cooperative merchants.

As long as the advertising business gets up, the printing volume of each issue of the two publications will increase greatly, at least tens of thousands of copies will be printed.

At that time, the delivery service fee for a single publication will drop, and the total revenue of cooperative merchants will not decrease, and may even increase.

For these two publications, there is no need to pursue timeliness now, as long as they can prove to the upstream solar water heater brand manufacturers that the publications will be delivered to the channel merchants.

The publishing work is very hard at this stage, but Gao Yang is not worried, this model will be successful.

What he cares about is how these two publications, especially the industry DM magazine "Solar Distributor" make content.

Wu Bo, Sun Chengyi, and even He Jin fell into a misunderstanding about this.

What the three of them thought was to copy the planning content of similar columns in IT professional media, especially the national edition of CPI.

This requires reporters to understand the industry, to understand a little product technology, but also to understand the channel business of solar water heaters.

It took Gao Yang a lot of saliva to change their thinking.

Now it is enough to make a yellow page of business information, and pile up solar water heater brands and product introductions on the publications, as well as relevant information on industry development.

There is no need for reporters to collect and write many very professional manuscripts. It is enough to simply plan a few column sections and make the layout more exquisite.

This is an industry with low technological content, single products, and serious homogeneity.

It is completely different from the IT industry, which has high technological content, complex product technology, and many product types.

In the solar water heater industry, brand manufacturers need an industry media to promote their products, and channel merchants also need such a media to understand the industry and brand manufacturers.

This is the essence.

Gao Yang remembers that in 2009, when he saw a DM magazine in this industry and another publication similar to "Solar Energy Industry", the content of the publications was relatively rough and could not be compared with IT professional media.

However, for a publication of this level, there are one to two hundred coated paper advertisements in each publication, and the advertising revenue is about [-] million a year.

Moreover, DM magazine is different from newspapers in that its content is mainly about advertisements and business information. When reporters go to collect and write some manuscripts, they can't sign them, let alone sign them as reporters.

The reporters of Sun Media, in fact, are all under the name of the magazine "Solar Energy Industry". This is a periodical with an official issue number, so it can naturally have reporters.

This is also the reason why Wu Bo suggested to create an industry journal.

During the May Day holiday, the Sun Media team did not rest, Gao Yang did not rest, Fang Jian, Zhang Yue, and Song Liangqiu did not rest either.

They all went to the company to help Wu Bo and Sun Chengyi, mainly in the editing and typesetting of publications.

On May 5th and May 6th, two industry media, "Solar Energy Distributor" and "Solar Energy Industry", finally launched...

(End of this chapter)

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