Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 187 Taking You as a General, Are You a Traitor?

Chapter 187 Taking You as a General, Are You a Traitor? (seeking a monthly ticket)

On the evening of May 5, Gao Yang invited Lu Tao, the boss of the 22 million company, to have dinner.

Gao Yang held a wedding during the Spring Festival, but did not notify Lu Tao, which made Lu Tao very upset.

When they met tonight, when Lu Tao saw that Gao Yang brought Gu Yawen with him, he brought up this matter again, and asked Gao Yang to notify him when he made the full moon wine for the child.

Gu Yawen smiled and agreed for Gao Yang.

It was impossible for Zhang Hua to think that the relationship between Gao Yang and Lu Tao was so good.

During the meal, the two first chatted about some IT market and channels. Lu Tao has always insisted on developing his own PC brand in the city and county markets, and the results have been very good.

This year, it has begun to expand from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other regions to the peripheral market, and according to Gao Yang’s suggestion, cooperate with CPI Research to customize the research report of the target market, and CPI Research will provide the PC distribution that [-] million companies want to cooperate with list of business proposals.

Lu Tao resolutely implements channel flattening, setting up two or three regional general agents in each province, and then directly facing terminal dealers, reducing the channel link.

The profit of dealers selling [-] million PCs is higher than that of selling big brand PCs, so they are naturally willing to recommend [-] million PCs to customers.

Lu Tao once wanted to invest in the notebook computer product line, but was persuaded by Gao Yang. Now the notebook computer market is too small, and the influence of domestic brands is very low. If he fails to do so, he will seek death.

Shenzhou is just a phenomenon. This company does not make money by making low-cost notebook computers. The purpose is to use this to build brand influence and make PCs behind the scenes.

Gao Yang revealed to Lu Tao that Gu Yawen was going to be a public relations company and hoped to cooperate with [-] million, and Lu Tao really laughed:
"My brother and sister want to be a public relations company. It's a good thing. It's very simple. When you are ready, just let me know. I'll arrange the marketing department to sign the contract."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Tao, [-] million still has a contract with United Media this year."

Lu Tao smiled again: "It's a small matter, this kind of contract can only restrict Linked Media, how can it be restricted to [-] million, it can be stopped at any time."

Gao Yang nodded: "Then let's thank Brother Tao first."

He poached [-] million yuan from Linked Media, and went so smoothly that Boss Zhang couldn't imagine that Boss Lu would care about his life or death in Linked Media.

The next step is to register a public relations advertising company.

Originally, with a business of [-] million yuan, there was very little investment required, and the company would generate income soon after opening.

In the end, Gu Yawen squeezed 50 yuan from her mother Wu Lan.

Like ants moving house, bit by bit, Gao Yang wanted to laugh.

On May 5, Gu Yawen completed the company registration and took a very domineering name: Yuanda Public Relations Advertising Co., Ltd.

Gu Yawen said that Gao Yang stands tall, sees far, and has great plans, so he took such a proud company name.

This company is solely owned by Gu Yawen with a registered capital of 50.

On the same day, Gu Yawen called Lu Tao and said that the company was registered and would open soon.

Lu Tao raised his sword and asked the company's marketing department to notify Linked Media to stop the cooperation from June.

Zhang Hua, the boss of Linked Media, was instantly stunned. He begged to see Lu Tao, but he couldn't see anyone at all.

Only then did Zhang Hua realize that the friendship he had established with Lu Tao in the past five or six years was nothing but plastic friendship.

On the same day, Gao Yang also notified Lu Yonggang that when he got his salary in May from Linked Media, he could lead others to leave.

As soon as Lu Yonggang heard that 5 million had stopped cooperating with Linked Media, he understood what was going on. Now Gao Yang informed him that Lu Yonggang didn't want to wait until he got his salary in May before withdrawing.

Hurry to work in the new company and prepare for the opening.

In the evening, Lu Yonggang convened four business team members to discuss whether the salary in May would be waived, whether Zhang Huaai would pay it or not.

If Zhang Hua refused, Lu Yonggang would pay the salaries of the four colleagues in May out of his own pocket.

On May 5, Zhang Hua couldn't see Lu Tao, and the marketing department of 28 companies didn't give any explanation for the termination of cooperation. Zhang Hua was also anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

As soon as he got to work on May 5, Zhang Hua was about to discuss the matter with Lu Yonggang. Unexpectedly, Lu Yonggang, together with the 29 million project team, and five people collectively applied for resignation.

At this moment, Zhang Huaru was completely stunned by the five thunderbolts.

Is there a famous hall here?
Zhang Hua pulled Lu Yonggang into his office.

"Yonggang, [-] million suddenly stopped cooperating, and you all want to resign collectively. What's going on? Which company will be next?"

Lu Yonggang looked at Zhang Hua and suddenly felt that he was a bit pitiful, so he lit a cigarette and sighed:
"Mr. Zhang, to tell you the truth, we are all going to the new public relations company opened by Mr. Gao's wife, and continue to make [-] million."


Zhang Hua was dumbfounded: "How is this possible?"

Lu Yonggang sighed again: "Mr. Zhang, when I met Mr. Gao that day, I reminded you that Mr. Gao and Mr. Lu have a very good friendship. This kind of thing is really just a matter of one word. I and the project manager Brothers and sisters have to eat too, I'm really sorry."

Zhang Hua was so angry that his forehead was smoking: "Yonggang, I have treated you like a brother these past few years and trained you as the main executive of the company, but you actually led the whole team to betray..."

Lu Yonggang sighed again: "Mr. Zhang, if it weren't for this friendship, I would have left last year. Many colleagues in the company think so.

Not long after you started your business, you lost your energy and began to enjoy life. As a result, the business development of Linkage was very slow, and you lost the courage of your early years.

People go to high places, and water flows to low places. Mr. Gao is always a super capable person. That day, Mr. Gao asked you to cooperate, but you treated him as a fool.

Mr. Zhang, with Mr. Gao's ability and strength, what a great opportunity to find you to cooperate, but you are too shrewd, you only think about the present, not the future.

Brothers and sisters follow you with no sense of future. "

Zhang Hua was about to cry: "Gao Yang and his wife, and you, are too ruthless."

Lu Yonggang said: "This is a business field, Mr. Zhang. In fact, Mr. Gao reminded you that day that there was a big opportunity. Unfortunately, you were so focused on treating him as a fool that you didn't realize it. Mr. Gao and Mr. Gu, at that time I sincerely seek your cooperation.”

Zhang Hua was taken aback: "What opportunity did he remind?"

Lu Yonggang said: "It is the solar energy industry.

Mr. Gao made the first commercial media in this industry, and predicted that it will be able to make several million sales this year, and 3000 to [-] million in three years.

This industry, I feel, is very different from the IT industry, and it is impossible to support too many industry media.

What Mr. Gao meant at the time should be that if Liandong Media accepts Mr. Gu's capital injection, then, with Mr. Gao's solar media team and the contacts he has established with large companies in this industry, he will be a public relations agency that can expand this industry in the future , and even advertising agencies.

This possibility is very high..."

Zhang Hua was stunned for a while, and finally figured it out: "Yong Gang, why didn't you remind me then?"

(End of this chapter)

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