Chapter 188 Only when you give up can you gain

Faced with Zhang Hua's question, Lu Yonggang just shook his head:
"It took me two days to figure it out."

Zhang Hua tried to save it one last time:
"Yonggang, you stay here, there is no [-] million, we just go to get new customers..."

Lu Yonggang said: "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, everyone has to eat. No matter whether you approve the resignation application or not, we will leave."

After Lu Yonggang finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and left Zhang Hua's office.

Zhang Hua was desperate, and collapsed on the seat. After a long time, he picked up the phone and called Gao Yang:
"Mr. Gao, I'm really sorry that day. We can talk about the cooperation you proposed..."

Gao Yang said: "Mr. Zhang, we have already registered the company, so there is no need to cooperate with you."

Zhang Hua despaired: "Mr. Gao, you are...too cruel."

Gao Yang said again: "Mr. Zhang, this is what happens every day in the business world. Without me, Gao Yang, there would be Zhang Yang and Li Yang.

In fact, after communicating with you that day, you are willing to let us spend 30 to [-] yuan to control Linked Media, and I am not interested anymore.

What you see is in front of you, you can't see the distance.

You and I are both born in poor rural families, Mr. Zhang, it is a terrible thing to lose your energy, I wish you can get up wherever you stumble.

By the way, Mr. Lu once told me that he likes reading Mao Xuan, and learned a lot of business principles from it.

I suggest that Mr. Zhang also read it, maybe you may also realize something.

When you realize it, um...

In the future, we will not have opportunities to cooperate. "

Gao Yang didn't care what Zhang Hua thought, and hung up the phone directly.

In the future, if Zhang Hua really understands the principle of win-win cooperation, Gao Yang will not refuse to cooperate with him.

It's actually pretty good for Zhang Hua to be able to work hard to get to this point in the capital city.

However, Gao Yang reckoned that with Zhang Hua's shrewdness, it might be difficult to change his way of thinking.

On Zhang Hua's side, he was confused again.

Lu Tao likes to read Selected Works of Mao, what kind of business has he learned?
What do you mean?
Zhang Hua has known Lu Tao for five or six years, and he has never heard of this incident.

Not long after Gao Yang hung up Zhang Hua's call, he received a call from Lu Yonggang again.

Gao Yang was stunned: "Yonggang, you don't need to be in such a hurry. The company has just registered, and you have to go through some business procedures, and your office area also needs to be furnished. You haven't received your salary in May. If you leave like this, If Zhang Hua doesn't give it, you will lose."

Lu Yonggang said: "Mr. Gao, we don't care about this month's salary. We have discussed it. We don't look at the present, but the future.

In addition, the company is preparing to open now, there are many things that need manpower, and Mr. Gu is pregnant with a child, we can go to work right away.

What's more, we still have to discuss many things with the [-] million marketing department about the future cooperation..."

Gao Yang suddenly asked: "Yong Gang, people from your company resigned, do you have any compensation?"

Lu Yonggang said: "One thing, Boss Zhang doesn't pay much. If he works for two or three years, he only gives two or three thousand yuan."

Gao Yang said: "How about this, then you can make do in my office first, and I rarely use the office.

In addition, if Zhang Hua doesn't give you your May salary and resignation compensation, I'll greet Yawen, and the company will make up for your losses. "

Lu Yonggang hurriedly said: "Mr. Gao, there's no need. We haven't gone to work yet. There is no such reason for the company to bear the burden..."

Gao Yang interrupted: "Let's settle it like this. The compensation for the five of you is not much. In the future, just work harder and help the company earn back."

"Thank you Mr. Gao, I would like to thank Mr. Gao and Mr. Gu on behalf of my brothers and sisters."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yonggang was quite moved. With such a boss, what else can he say? Everyone must fight hard.

After Lu Yonggang turned his head and conveyed Gao Yang's meaning to the other four colleagues, everyone was overjoyed, and there was no worry at all.

Originally, I was worried that such a sudden departure was premeditated, and Zhang Hua and his wife might not give May's salary and resignation compensation.

In Linkage Media, the salaries Zhang Hua and his wife set for employees are not high, which is relatively low in the public relations industry, and everyone has to live.

Therefore, with the same mentality as Lu Yonggang, they are willing to work hard for such a new boss.

On Gao Yang's side, he also called Gu Yawen, telling Lu Yonggang and others that they would rather not have salary and resignation compensation, but rush to work to help.

Gu Yawen was a little surprised by this.

Gao Yang said again that Gu Yawen naturally agreed to compensate Lu Yonggang and others for the loss caused by the company.

Finally, Gao Yang said: "Yawen, Lu Yonggang is not bad, he has experience, ability, leadership, and a good disposition.

I suggest that you let him temporarily serve as the executive general manager of the company, and let him lead other people to do the rest of the chores, so you don't have to worry about it.

After the company opens and its operations are on track, if Lu Yonggang has demonstrated his due ability, he will be appointed as the general manager at that time.

With a business of [-] million, it is no problem to support a small team. There is no need to worry about the development of the company.

The next step is to wait until you have a baby and can officially go to work.

At this stage, fully authorize Lu Yonggang, even if he wants to develop new customers, recruit new people, let him do it according to his own ideas, and you can control the general direction..."

Gu Yawen giggled: "I think so too."

Gu Yawen also knows that the public relations business in the IT industry has already been fully competitive in the past two years, and there is no great potential. It is impossible for her company to get business from a large IT company when it is a start-up.

The next step mentioned by Gao Yang is naturally a market opportunity for the solar energy industry.

Sun Media is also a new start-up, and it needs time to accumulate customer relationships. It is still early for this matter.

On the side of Linked Media, Lu Yonggang's team members all started to pack their things.

Lu Yonggang went to Zhang Hua again: "Mr. Zhang, look at our salary in May, as well as resignation compensation..."

Zhang Hua suddenly became angry: "Lu Yonggang, you are messing with me like this, and you still want money?"

Lu Yonggang was very straightforward: "Okay, then we don't want it anymore. Mr. Zhang, after we settle down, in a few days, come to handle the transfer of social security and other materials, please..."

Zhang Hua waved his hand: "Okay, what to do when the time comes, I will do whatever I want, and I won't embarrass you."

Lu Yonggang sighed secretly when he turned around.

Just now, Gao Yang's attitude made Lu Yonggang understand what it means to have something to gain.

It's a pity that Zhang Hua is too shrewd to understand this truth.

This is the fundamental reason why the whole team wants to quit.

In a small company that is developing slowly, the salary of employees is already low. If there is no human touch, no one would want to work for a long time.

The boss makes a lot of money, at least let the employees have a sip of soup...

 I was squeezed out of the city's monthly ticket list again. Readers, please throw a few monthly tickets and beg...

(End of this chapter)

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