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Chapter 190 Test?early pass

Chapter 190 Test?Passed the customs early (4 more ask for a monthly pass)

In the evening, Gao Yang arranged to go to Haidilao to eat hot pot, mainly for the mother-in-law and Wu Xiaoyue to experience it.

The person in charge of the Dahui Temple store has now been replaced by a 25-year-old girl named Jian Yu, who was also trained in the store.

Yang Lili moved to Chaoyang again, where she managed a new, larger store.

Gao Yang can also be regarded as the boss, and today he brought his family to the restaurant for dinner, and Jian Yu came to serve him himself.

After Gao Yang introduced Jian Yu, he said, "Jian Yu, you are the manager, you should do whatever you want, you don't need to come here to entertain us."

Jian Yu stayed with him for a while, toasted a glass of wine, then left with a smile, and there was another special person to serve Gao Yang and his small private room.

After Wu Lan came in, she had been observing carefully.

At this time, I was already very satisfied: "This hot pot is very good, the taste is very good, and the service is very attentive, no wonder the business is so good."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Mom, this store has a turnover of more than 6000 million a year, the store in Chaoyang is larger and the business is also very good, it is estimated that the turnover can reach nearly [-] million a year.

At the beginning, the task you assigned to Gao Yang, the 200 million, he first turned it into more than 500 million through stock trading, took out 500 million, added 500 million he made himself, and invested 1000 million in.

It has been discussed that the dividends will be distributed during the Spring Festival next year, and the 1000 million invested by Gao Yang should be able to be distributed in one go.

The 500 million invested by Er Ge and Yong Ge is the same.

The three of them invested 2000 million, accounting for 40% of the company's shares. Now, the 2000 million shares are worth hundreds of millions.

The three-year investment task you assigned to Gao Yang, he has already completed it..."

Wu Lan smiled and nodded: "Yes, Gao Yang has a good business vision."

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, then you have made a lot of money."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ruohan, Haidilao has just started to expand, and will open direct chain stores in major cities across the country in the future.

After more than ten years of development, it will be no problem to issue shares and go public. At that time, it is normal for the 500 million invested by the second brother and brother Yong to be worth several billion. "

Wu Ruohan was shocked: "Then you will all be billionaires by then, brother-in-law, why don't you bring me to invest in it?"

Gao Yang asked with a smile, "Ruohan, what do you plan to do after you graduate from graduate school?"

Wu Ruohan's eyes rolled: "Brother-in-law, I think of your company and work with you and my sister, is it okay?"

Gao Yang asked again with a smile: "Aren't you going to be a civil servant?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "No, I want to take the CPA exam, so I can play a better role in the enterprise."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Ruohan, it's not bad for you to plan like this. Your brother and brother Yong are starting to improve now and have to concentrate on work. They are no longer suitable for holding shares in Haidilao. I will persuade them to transfer the shares To you and Brother Yong's younger sister, let's call it He Shan, and transfer it to your name."

Wu Ruohan was overjoyed: "Wow, that's great, then I can hold Boss Peng to death, hehe..."

Wu Lan smiled and said, "Gao Yang's arrangement is right. Ruohan, you're not a little girl anymore. From now on, don't call your brother Boss Peng anymore. Be serious."

Wu Ruohan pouted: "If the equity is transferred to me, then I'll let him go."

Wu Lan looked at Gao Yang again: "Haidilao really has such a good development prospect as you said?"

Gao Yang said: "Mom, the biggest advantage of Haidilao, a hot pot restaurant company, is that it has found a set of standardized management and service models that can be replicated, especially in terms of service. It has done a good job and has a very good reputation.

Haidilao's expansion in the capital seems to be quite successful so far. Next, it will naturally continue to cultivate one after another management team to expand to other cities.

It is actually very difficult for a catering company to establish such an operating model and corporate culture.

In the future, high-end catering will become increasingly difficult to do. On the contrary, it is this unique and popular catering that will continue to benefit from economic development and the improvement of people's consumption levels.

High-end catering is a niche market, and only popular brand catering can become bigger..."

Wu Lan asked again: "I have funds in hand now, is it possible for us to create such a catering company?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mom, you should rest well in the future. You have been tired for so many years, so why do you have to work hard again? The equity we hold in Haidilao is enough. Let us young people do business. All right."

Gu Yawen also said: "Mom, just listen to Gao Yang, you don't need to be as tired as before."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Okay, mom listens to you, mom should enjoy the blessings too. The company's assets are almost done. Gao Yang, you asked me to invest in real estate. When will you start?"


Gao Yang was taken aback suddenly, and almost forgot a big event.

There will be an epidemic during the Spring Festival next year, and the capital is the center again.

Gao Yang said: "Mom, there is no rush now. The housing price is only rising slightly, and it has not yet reached the stage of real start, and there may even be a short-term decline. The funds in your hand can be deposited in the bank for a year. In the second half of next year, you should be able to enter the stadium."

When Gao Yang remembered that the SARS epidemic would start after the Spring Festival, he immediately realized that the house prices in Beijing would definitely drop next year. The mother-in-law has more than 2 million yuan in her hands, and she will definitely get a good deal if she enters the market in the second half of next year.

A 5% drop in house prices is a lot of money.

In the aftermath of the Spring Festival next year, the family will live in the Fragrant Hills Villa, so there must be no problem, and they will not go out unless they can.

After the Spring Festival, Gao Yang will definitely leave CPI. In the memory of his previous life, none of the employees of CPI in the capital had contracted SARS.

It's just that when the time comes, my company's employees, as well as Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue who are in school, have to make arrangements in advance.

Just in case, this must be done, to ensure nothing goes wrong.

As for the parents, Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen will definitely come to the capital before the Spring Festival, because Gu Yawen has already given birth by then.

Gu Yawen's due date is at the end of December this year. At that time, there is no problem.

When Gao Yang was thinking about these things, Wu Lan said with a smile: "Okay, then mom listens to you, and deposit it in the bank for a year for a fixed term."

Wu Lan is very satisfied with this son-in-law now, and couldn't be more satisfied.

Gao Yang showed his abilities, as well as his strong business vision and investment ability, and his relationship with Gu Yawen was also very good.

Is a perfect son-in-law.

Now, Wu Lan is quite convinced by the way her daughter looks at men.

It was the first time for Wu Xiaoyue to come to the capital, and it was even her first time to fly by plane today, everything in her eyes was very fresh.

In Wu Xiaoyue's heel, the capital is so big, much more beautiful than Yuzhou.

Seeing Gao Yang again today, Wu Xiaoyue remembered the Spring Festival in 2001, when she felt wronged and wanted to jump off the bridge, this brother showed up with his girlfriend.

Wu Xiaoyue will always remember the warmth she felt on that day in her heart for the rest of her life.

Tonight, seeing Gao Yang chatting with his mother-in-law, Wu Xiaoyue felt that she was so lucky to meet such a wonderful family...

 Ask for a monthly ticket, you will be able to enter the list with a few tickets, and the master who has a ticket will throw one out...

(End of this chapter)

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