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Chapter 191 The old man is expected to be transferred to the capital

Chapter 191 The Father-in-Law Is Expected to be Transferred to the Capital
In the first two months, Gu Yawen was tormented by morning sickness. For a while, she vomited whatever she ate.

Recently, the morning sickness is gone, so Gu Yawen naturally has a big appetite, and it tastes delicious.

In the past, Gao Yang didn't let her eat hot pot, fearing that she would get angry, or that some ingredients were not cooked enough, and she might be infected with things like toxoplasma gondii.

Of course, the probability of this is not high, and the ingredients from the sea are very hygienic.

Tonight, although Gao Yang asked Jian Yu to arrange a mandarin duck soup pot, Gu Yawen asked Gu Yawen to eat more clear soup and less spicy food.

As a result, the spicy red soup was too attractive to Gu Yawen's taste buds. After eating it, Gu Yawen gradually forgot Gao Yang's advice.

It was a mouthful of oil to eat, very happy.

Gao Yang saw it and couldn't help but want to laugh. He also knew that there is nothing wrong with pregnant women eating hot pot, but they can't eat it often.

In front of Gu Yawen, there are two bowls, one is for hot soup pot and the other is for clear soup pot.

Seeing that Gu Yawen scooped up a few slices of beef from the red soup pot, Gao Yang snatched them away with his chopsticks as soon as they put them into the bowl.

Gao Yang joked: "Yawen, if you eat like this, you won't be afraid of spicing up the baby in your stomach."

Gu Yawen was a little embarrassed: "I'll eat some more, okay?"

Gao Yang chuckled: "I'm kidding, but don't eat too much spicy food, it's easy to get angry, so it must be boiled before eating."

Gu Yawen smiled sweetly: "I know."

In the evening, I still went to live in a villa in Xiangyi Villa, and both A6 and Corolla drove past.

Arriving at Xiangyi Villa, Wu Xiaoyue exclaimed as soon as she got out of the car: "Wow, this house is so big."

The villa in Gu Yawen's Yuzhou family is actually not that big. It is a two-story single-family house with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters, but the garden is relatively large, with an area of ​​just over 200 square meters.

Wu Lan also felt that the villa in Xiangyi Villa was too big. After entering the house, she sat down and asked, "How do you usually take care of such a big house?"

Gu Yawen said: "We seldom come to live here, we only come to take care of it on weekends, and stay for a day or two."

Wu Lan said: "For such a big house, one or two nannies should be hired, otherwise, I'll ask you Aunt He to come over."

Gu Yawen said: "If Aunt He comes over, what will my father do? He is alone in Yuzhou now."

The Aunt He that Wu Lan mentioned was the nanny of Gu Yawen's Yuzhou family, who had been working in her family for seven or eight years.

Wu Lan thought about it: "Your Aunt He also has a cousin who is 36 years old and also works as a housekeeper in Yuzhou. Let her take over your Aunt He and take care of your father."

Gu Yawen said: "That's fine too, Mom, my dad has proposed this year, is there any hope for him to be transferred to work in the future?"

Wu Lan said: "Your father said, maybe you can apply for transfer in 04, and if it's later, it will definitely be done in 05."

Gu Yawen heard the words, don't worry, it's best for a family to live together.

Wu Lan asked again: "Gao Yang, when do you plan to pick up your parents?"

Gao Yang said: "It has been arranged. Next Wednesday, they and Xiaoxue will fly from Jinyang. I will ask Chen Sen to send them over."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "When the in-laws and mother-in-law come over, the house will be much more lively."

Now, Gao Yang's father, Gao Yingxue's body is much healthier than in his previous life, and he has two physical examinations a year, but no problems have been found.

Gao Yang planned to arrange for his father to go to the best hospital as soon as possible when his parents and Jiang Xue arrived next week, to have a comprehensive physical examination and a key lung examination.

I hope that in this life, my father can live a long life, at least until he is around 80 years old.

Going to bed at night, Wu Ruohan took Wu Xiaoyue to live in the same room, chatting on twitter.

Gu Yawen took Gao Yang to take a warm bath, and served him with her fragrant lips.

Later, lying on the bed, Gu Yawen snuggled into Gao Yang's arms: "In another week, I will be pregnant for four months. The doctor said that I can make out by then."

Gao Yang smiled and kissed Gu Yawen on the face: "Honey, do you want to?"

Gu Yawen smiled sweetly: "Well, I really think about it, these few months have been hard for you."

Gao Yang is very emotional, Bai Fumei's wife is so kind, she thinks about his feelings all the time, and she can't be more kind to herself.

On Sunday morning, Wu Lan called home and discussed with Aunt He, the nanny at home, and Gu Wenlong, asking Aunt He to contact her cousin to take over as soon as possible, and then come to the capital to help.

Aunt He and Gu Wenlong naturally had no objections.

Wu Xiaoyue changed her clothes today, a light blue dress with white trim, white leather shoes with round toes on her feet, and her black hair tied into a ponytail.

In the middle of the morning, Gao Yang called Wu Xiaoyue to the study.

It's time to have a heart-to-heart talk.

In the study, as soon as she sat down, Wu Xiaoyue started to make tea, which was quite skillful.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, a little curious: "Xiaoyue, you have already learned how to make tea."

Wu Xiaoyue said with a smile: "My grandfather taught me, and my mother taught me too."

"That's right," Gao Yang boasted, and then asked, "Xiaoyue, now you're living in the capital. Next semester, you're going to study at the Shuimu Affiliated Experimental Middle School. Do you have any plans?"

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Yes, this summer vacation, I will preview the courses of the first semester of high school. The second sister said that she will tutor me, and my sister will also teach me to practice oral English. Brother Yang, I will work hard."

Gao Yang said: "Xiaoyue is very sensible, I am very relieved in terms of study. Today, Brother Yang wants to talk to you about a very serious matter."

Wu Xiaoyue asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Gao Yang said: "Xiaoyue, in the past year or so, you have changed a lot, more and more beautiful, more sensible, and more and more likable.

At the high school stage, boys and girls gradually grow up and know more things.

In any middle school, there may be a phenomenon of puppy love between boys and girls. Brother Yang doesn't want to see this happen to you. "

Wu Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Don't worry, my sister and mother have talked to me about these things, I won't do it, I just want to concentrate on my studies, and I will be admitted to a good university in the future. After learning knowledge, I will be successful when I grow up .”

Gao Yang said with a smile: "That's right, it's good that you understand. You will be admitted to university in the future, and you must continue to work hard."

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Brother Yang, I will. I will go to university in the future, and I will not fall in love. My sister said that university is also very important. The knowledge learned in university will determine how to live in this life."

Gao Yang was very satisfied: "Xiaoyue, there are many things you can learn from your sister.

Yawen's family conditions are so good, she has been studying hard, and she is very calm, especially when you grow up in the future, you should learn more from her in terms of personal relationships.

You also need to have a plan, a goal, and a pursuit for your own life.

When your sister was in college, she didn't fall in love until she met me after she went to work.

Xiaoyue, brother Yang wants to make a solemn promise with you today, to study harder, read more books, and learn more about what is going on in this world, don't comment on people or things at will, just open your mouth, unless you really know enough.

At home, you must respect your elders, at school, you must get along well with your classmates, treat people with sincerity, and learn to respect others..."

Wu Xiaoyue nodded again: "Well, I remember."

At this moment, Wu Ruohan walked in and asked curiously, "What are you guys talking about hiding here?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I'm talking to Xiaoyue about her future studies, from high school to university, how to plan."

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, you are a busy person, Xiaoyue has me in her studies..."

(End of this chapter)

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