Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 192 The mother-in-law is really good, and she rewards the Mercedes-Benz big G

Chapter 192 The Mother-in-Law Is Really Tough

On Monday morning, Gao Yang drove the A6 and took Wu Ruohan to work.

After Wu Lan and Wu Xiaoyue came to the capital, Gu Yawen would not go to work, which was also discussed earlier.

With someone at home, Gu Yawen won't be bored. For the PR company, Lu Yonggang leads a team to do it. If you need to discuss anything with Gu Yawen, just make a phone call.

Wu Xiaoyue is very obedient. In the morning, she started to preview the high school textbook that Gu Yawen helped her find.

Wu Ruohan also taught Wu Xiaoyue a learning method, which is to design a timetable for herself every day, study when it is time to study, and have fun when it is time to play.

After the Spring Festival, Wu Lan hadn't seen her daughter. Naturally, she wanted to talk about many homely things after this meeting.

The mother and daughter sat in the sun room on the roof drinking tea, feeling happy.

Wu Lan asked: "Yawen, are you getting along with Gao Yang?"

Gu Yawen said: "Very good, he is very careful and considerate."

Wu Lan asked again: "You two are together, have you ever quarreled?"

"No." Gu Yawen was a little surprised, "Mom, why do you think so?"

Wu Lan said with a smile: "When your teeth and tongue are bumping into each other, you guys can really live your life like this."

Gu Yawen thought about it:

"Mom, let me tell you this, when we first got together, some living habits were quite different, Gao Yang grew up in the countryside, and some habits were more casual.

I will guide him slowly. He may feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, but it will not be reflected on his face. He will understand me, and I can understand him too.

Gao Yang respects me very much. After returning from the National Day holiday last year, we lived together every day. I never let him touch me, and he really wouldn't touch me.

Before we got together, he worked very hard and used to go to bed late, but then he gradually changed in order to be with me.

After I got pregnant, he basically didn't work overtime at night and set aside time to spend with me.

Mom, I am very content and happy to meet Gao Yang in this life.

He works very hard in his career and is a caring person. His colleagues and friends all admire him.

Well, and...he often said that one must have positive energy.

He is a very positive person..."

Feeling the happiness in her daughter's heart, Wu Lan was completely relieved.

It is rare for a couple to live like this.

Wu Lan said with a smile: "You can get along like this, so Mom can rest assured. Gao Yang is a very mature person. Mom is very satisfied now, so is your father, and your grandparents are all satisfied."

Gu Yawen said: "He is a person who sees far, has a plan for doing things, and has a plan for life.

Now, our company is running smoothly. Gao Yang treats people with sincerity. Everyone is united and working hard. We all believe that following him, we can achieve a great career.

After the Spring Festival, Gao Yang will leave CPI and concentrate on his own career. I think he will have great achievements in the future. "

Wu Lan smiled and said: "It's rare, your second brother, and He Yong, I heard that the changes are quite big now, your grandfather said, it's all thanks to Gao Yang.

He Yong's mother, your Aunt Xu, have mentioned it to me several times, saying that I want to thank Gao Yang, and that when the child hosts the full moon wine, he must invite her. "

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Mom, the son-in-law is so good, shouldn't you reward him?"

Wu Lan asked with a smile, "Okay, what do you want Mom to reward him for?"

Gu Yawen thought about it: "Buy him a good car, you need a car now that you live in the capital, the A6 driven by Gao Yang can be used at home.

Next year, he will concentrate on his own business. He also plans to invest in Internet projects and needs a good car.

One thing bad about him is that he cares about money on himself. If I buy him a more expensive dress, he has objections.

It's very rare for him to buy a good car by himself..."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Okay, then buy one, the Lu Xun at home, didn't your second brother drive over?"

Gu Yawen said: "Gao Yang has stayed with the company for that car, and he often goes to Lu Province for business, so he needs a good car."

Wu Lan asked, "What kind of car do you want to buy him?"

Gu Yawen said: "For him to do business in the future, maybe Mercedes-Benz is better. I checked, the Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle G55AMG, this car suits his temperament, it is a bit expensive, and it will cost more than 300 million."

Wu Lan smiled and said, "Okay, then buy this."

Gu Yawen said: "Don't tell him yet. When he comes home at night, I will ask him for his ID card. This car will be in his name. Otherwise, he will be in my name again. I want to give him a surprise." .”

Wu Lan smiled again: "Okay, Mom can do anything according to you..."

After get off work in the afternoon, Gao Yang took Wu Ruohan home again. In the evening, Gu Yawen said that she wanted to use Gao Yang's ID card.

Naturally, Gao Yang gave it casually, and would not ask his wife what to do with it.

There is no touring forum to be held this month, and the fourth one will be held in August. Recently, Gao Yang is not busy with work, and it is the daily life of the vice president, which is relatively relaxed.

Whether it is the three projects of CPI or the solar energy media of his own company, they are all on the right track now, there is a team working hard, and Gao Yang does not need to worry about too specific things.

On July 7, Sun Media will hold the first solar energy customer promotion meeting in Lu Province. Gao Yang didn't plan to attend, so he left it to Wu Bo and the others to try the water and see the effect.

Gao Yang is sure that this customer promotion meeting will have a very good effect.

Let Wu Bo and the others enjoy the sense of accomplishment of starting a business by hiding himself from the matter.

On the afternoon of July 7th, Chen Sen, Gao Yang's parents, and his niece Jiang Xue were about to arrive at Beijing Airport.

Originally, Gao Yang planned to pick him up at the airport by himself. In July, the capital is also very hot, but it won't be as muggy as in Sichuan.

Gu Yawen and Wu Lan insisted on going, Wu Xiaoyue would follow, and Wu Ruohan would also join in the fun.

Gao Yang knew that the mother-in-law and wife didn't want to give his parents the impression of neglect, so he had no choice but to agree.

In fact, Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen didn't even have the concept of being neglected when it came to picking someone up at the airport.

Gao Yang met at the Weber Building at about 4:[-] p.m., and then rushed to the airport.

Gao Yang got off work early and rushed to the downstairs of Weber Building 5 minutes early to wait.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting was not Gu Yawen's Corolla car, but a brand new Mercedes-Benz G55AMG.

Gao Yang knew that this car was expensive, and it would cost more than 300 million yuan. What he didn't expect was that his mother-in-law bought a car so quickly and changed it to an off-road vehicle.

G55 is commonly known as Mercedes-Benz Big G, and G55AMG is still the best big G of this era, with super off-road performance and one of the top off-road vehicles in the world.

G55AMG, square shape, sharp edges and corners, like a mechanical monster, this is a luxury car suitable for men.

Gao Yang was a little hard to understand for a while.

Wu Lan used to drive a Mercedes-Benz sports car in Yuzhou, but it should be disposed of now, and that car has been bought for four or five years.

This car was driven by Wu Lan. Gu Yawen got out of the car, walked towards Gao Yang, and said with a smile, "Honey, how is this car?"

Gao Yang raised his thumb: "Hao!"

Gu Yawen thought that Gao Yang said "hao", whispered: "My mother bought this for you, as a reward, the car is also registered in your name."

"Ha..." Gao Yang was instantly stunned.

It’s better to be the mother-in-law, it’s too embarrassing, but, more than 300 million, it’s better to discount it now.

Wu Lan walked over and said with a smile: "Gao Yang, from now on you will drive this car, do business, and be a boss, you must act like a boss."

Gao Yang smiled: "Mom, thank you so much, you are so kind to me."

Mother-in-law's gift, of course I have to accept it...

(End of this chapter)

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