Chapter 198 This year's dividends are a headache again (asking for a ticket)
The Spring Festival of 2003 is February 2st.


Work starts on the tenth day of the first month of the new year, and ordinary employees will have the Spring Festival holiday on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month this year.

On the afternoon of January 1, Gao Yang and Wan Hong flew to Shudu together to attend this year's group annual board meeting.

Then return to the capital. On January 1, the Beijing branch held its annual meeting.

Then, on the evening of January 1th, I had to go to Shudu to attend the group annual meeting, and then I had to go back to the capital.

Within a week, I flew four times.

January 1th is Sunday, which is also the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the deadline for annual sales payment collection of CPI projects.

This weekend, I was working overtime financially to check the 2002 operating performance of various projects and divisions.

On the morning of the 13th, Gao Yang got the performance data of the Beijing branch.

The national version led by Fang Jian completed sales of more than 5160 million yuan throughout the year, and received a payment of just over 5000 million yuan. However, more than 260 million receivables were transferred in last year, and they have all been paid back this year.

In 2002, the performance of the national version was 5280 million.

Excluding last year's SMB special issue, the sales of the national edition increased by nearly 500 million.

The SMB project is amazing. The performance in 2002 was 1690 million, a sharp increase of nearly 2001 million compared with 1000.

CPI Research, a small project, also shines this year, with a performance of 580 million, which was only 2001 million in 320, a huge increase of 260 million.

The total performance of these three projects led by Gao Yang reached an astonishing 7550 million, with an increase of more than 1700 million.

The performance of the two projects managed by Wanhong has also increased by more than 400 million this year, reaching more than 2600 million.

The operating performance of the Beijing branch in 2002 exceeded 2001 million, an increase of more than 2100 million compared with [-].

This performance is equivalent to the overall performance of CPI Group in 2000.

Very scary.

This is the achievements of Gao Yang and Wan Hong, two young people under 30 years old leading the team to battle, among which the three projects led by Gao Yang are the most amazing.

The new income is actually all net profit.

At 13:1 pm on the 40th, Gao Yang and Wan Hong took off at the Beijing Airport and rushed to the headquarters of Shudu.

While the plane was still flying at an altitude of [-] meters, the office building of the headquarters, the office of CEO Yang Limin, ushered in Yu Guangming, the outspoken vice president in charge of operations.

As soon as he sat down, Yu Guangming smiled and said, "Limin, this year the group's revenue has exceeded 1.9 million. It's scary. The capital branch's revenue has increased by more than 2100 million, and the three projects that Gao Yang is in charge of have increased their revenue by more than 1700 million.

I have made a lot of money, and this year's dividend issue, the boss should have a headache again. "

Yang Limin also sighed with a smile: "Yes, the national version is actually the most amazing this year. After SMB became independent, it still made 5280 million sales, which is only less than 200 million less than last year.

Even if the nuclear profit is like last year, it should be approved at 2300 million.

If Fang Jian is paid in full, then Fang Jian's project dividends will exceed 200 million, making him the highest earner in the group.

As for Gao Yang, who is the vice president this year, even if the option dividend ratio is set at 90%, he can only pay 90 yuan in dividends. "

Yu Guangming said: "So, it's still the question of last year, how to treat Gao Yang's dividends. Everyone knows that Gao Yang contributed the most, but his car costs more than 300 million, and he is not short of money. If he feels uncomfortable, I'm afraid he will turn around. Let's go."

Yang Limin rubbed his forehead and sighed: "The boss should have a way to deal with it."

This year, all CPI executives understand that even if the group pays Gao Yang a dividend of 100 million, it is extremely unfair.

The appearance of Gao Yang made CPI's originally mature salary design system embarrassing.

However, fortunately, it is a private enterprise, and everything is decided by the boss.

At this moment, Boss Feng shut himself in his office again, circling around with a teacup in his hand.

This year, CPI created a business performance that shocked Boss Feng himself. Year after year, the core factor of the great increase in performance is because of the emergence of Gao Yang.

This young man is astonishingly capable.

Then, this year, the distribution of benefits has become a problem again.

Fang Jian, general manager of the national version, how to cash out the dividends?

Gao Yang's dividend, what should I do?
The issue of balancing the interests of the group's various projects is still a difficult problem this year...

If you earn a lot of money, how to distribute the benefits will cause headaches for the boss.

Just like Boss Feng explained to Gao Yang last year, a company should consider not just a year or two, but the long-term and the balance of interests of the entire team.

In CEO Yang Limin's office, Yu Guangming chatted for a while and left.

Soon, Chief Financial Officer He Yungang came again.

Still the same question: "Mr. Yang, how should the 2002 profits of the two projects of the National Edition and SMB be assessed?"

Yang Limin asked with a smile: "What is your financial plan?"

He Yungang said: "We approved 2600 million for the national version, 700 million for SMB, and 220 million for Research."

Yang Limin lit a cigarette and thought for a while: "Just follow this plan and report to Mr. Feng first..."

He Yungang nodded, in the end, it was up to the boss to decide.

Afterwards, He Yungang took the report and knocked on Boss Feng's office.

Boss Feng watched it carefully for a while before making a decision:

"The national version is reduced to 2300 million, SMB is set to 600 million, and other items...just follow your plan."

He Yungang took the order to recompile the annual profit statements of various projects and local divisions.

Boss Feng sat down and pondered for a long time before murmuring: "Gao Yang's dividends this year can only be handled on a special basis..."

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang and Wan Hong walked out of Shudu Airport.

It seems that the driver who came to pick up the plane was Boss Feng's driver, and it was Boss Feng's car Passat. Wan Hong laughed and said, "Boss has used his own car to pick you up."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Wan Hong, you are the vice president of the capital branch. If you want to pick him up, you must be picked up first."

"You bastard..." Wan Hong just shook his head and smiled.

Wanhong is in charge of the two projects of the Beijing branch this year, and has achieved an increase of more than 400 million in revenue. Among them, Gao Yang also contributed ideas.

Gao Yang's sense of the market and his business acumen in the planning direction of media activities cannot but be convinced.

Many people joked that this guy Gao Yang is almost becoming a demon.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, they rushed to a business hotel near the headquarters of the newspaper. After the two settled down, Wan Hong said, "Gao Yang, do you want to eat earlier?"

Gao Yang said: "I still have something to do, I have to go out for a while, I may not be able to accompany you for dinner."

Wan Hong said: "Okay, you are busy, I will lie down for a while."

Gao Yang left the hotel, stood at the door and lit a cigarette, smoked half of it, stomped it out again, picked it up and threw it into the trash can, and called Boss Feng:
"Mr. Feng, I'm Gao Yang. I just settled down in the hotel. Are you free now?"

Boss Feng said, "Come to my office."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, I'll be right there."

Gao Yang still decided to submit his resignation to Boss Feng before tonight's benefit distribution meeting...

(End of this chapter)

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