Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 200 Dividends are an exception, and it is Chapter 1 again

Chapter 200 Dividends are an exception and number one again (ask for tickets)
At 7:[-] in the evening, the group board of directors held another annual profit distribution.

This year, all the participants were vice presidents, CEOs, and CFOs.

CFO He Yungang first reported the profit verification status of each project and each division.

The approved profit of the national version is 2300 million, that of SMB is 600 million, and that of Research is 220 million.

The National Edition approved a profit of 2300 million, which was not beyond Gao Yang's expectations, and it was also the lowest.

The real profit of the national version in 2002 should be around 3000 million. Gao Yang can understand Boss Feng's balancing technique.

Within the group, between various projects and divisions, the gap between rich and poor should not be too large.

The approved profits of the two projects of SMB and Research actually exceeded Gao Yang's expectations. Boss Feng probably meant to encourage them.

Just as Gao Yang judged, the National Edition had tapped out its resource potential in 2002, and Boss Feng also understood that even if Gao Yang personally led the project in 2003, it would be difficult to make a performance of more than 5000 million.

Afterwards, Yu Guangming, the vice president in charge of operations, reported that in 2002, the revenue of the entire CPI Group reached 1.96 million, an increase of 3100 million from the previous year, which was an astonishing achievement.

Among them, the revenue of the capital branch increased by more than 2100 million, and the total revenue of the local branch and other projects increased by nearly [-] million, mainly due to the forum activities of the local branch, and the great efforts of ten local branches to make market surveys at the city and county levels special issue.

Finally, when determining the year-end dividend policy that everyone is most concerned about, Boss Feng expressed his opinion.

"This year, the group's revenue scale and operating profit have hit the best level in history, which is inseparable from everyone's efforts.

This year, the dividend ratio of group options is determined to be 90%.

In addition, under the leadership of two young people, Wan Hong and Gao Yang, the Beijing branch has made great contributions and should be rewarded.

For the option dividends in 2002, Wanhong paid 120 million options, Gaoyang paid 200 million options, and distributed dividends proportionally..."

Boss Feng's statement surprised everyone.

Previously, CEO Yang Limin had the highest options in the group at 150 million.

Now, Wan Hong has increased by 20, breaking the convention, and Gao Yang has given 200 million options, which is 50 more than the CEO.

Of course, no one is jealous of Gao Yang, everyone knows that Gao Yang has made great contributions again this year.

A dividend of 180 million is nothing to Gao Yang, who is sitting on a Mercedes-Benz Big G worth more than 300 million.

Tonight's benefit distribution meeting went smoothly and ended in less than half an hour.

After the meeting ended, Yang Limin, Feng Maonan, Yu Guangming and others all patted Gao Yang on the shoulder and whispered, "This year, you have suffered a lot."

Gao Yang just grinned: "That's enough, I made an exception for me."

After chatting for a few words, Gao Yang and Wan Hong were about to go back to the hotel when CEO Yang Limin came to greet them again and asked them to go to Boss Feng's office.

After the three rushed away, both Feng Maonan and Yu Guangming were there.

Yang Limin asked everyone to sit down, and Boss Feng asked Gao Yang to talk about his views on the CPI map project again.

Gao Yang knew that Boss Feng probably listened to his suggestion.

Gao Yang repeated it again, this time in more detail.

After Gao Yang finished speaking, Wan Hong was the first to express his opinion: "I think Gao Yang's suggestion is correct. The investment in the map business is huge, and the risk of the project is too high. Maybe it will be a bottomless pit."

Among the people present, only Wan Hong has a professional background in computer science. Wan Hong agrees with Gao Yang's opinion, hoping that the mobile company's MMS business will explode, and then enjoy the traffic share, which is very risky.

This project, if it loses another 300 million next year, it will be hard to get rid of it.

Others, having figured out the key points, also agreed to negotiate a new contract with China Mobile this year, sell map products directly, and the traffic sharing ratio can be greatly reduced.

If the negotiation fails, the project should be stopped immediately and the loss should be stopped in time.

In the end, Boss Feng also agreed, planning to give up the project if the negotiation fails within two months after the Spring Festival.

Gao Yang was quite happy in his heart. In this way, the CPI could save 800 million yuan in losses.

Boss Feng suddenly said: "Gao Yang proposed to resign after the Spring Festival, and I agreed. Now everyone is talking about this year's Beijing branch, what should we do?"

When everyone heard this, they were all surprised and looked at Gao Yang.

Gao Yang had no choice but to explain: "Leaders, please don't get me wrong. I'm not job-hopping, I'm planning to start my own business. My wife started a public relations company, and I invested in a solar industry media..."

After a brief introduction, Gao Yang said with a smile: "I have no choice. My wife's family is too good. I can't be a son-in-law. I can only work hard on my own. Last year, I didn't slow down at CPI, but in business, it's all about the team. I didn't worry too much about the operation."

Gao Yang also introduced Sun Chengyi and He Jin, who resigned at the beginning, each had their own future, but was persuaded by himself, together with Wu Bo, they made this solar media together.

At the same time, it also introduces the characteristics of this industry. The market space is not large, and it can only accommodate two industry media at most.

Everyone suddenly realized that Gao Yang certainly did not slow down his work last year, otherwise the Beijing branch would not have achieved hundreds of millions of dollars in performance.

I also understand why the boss mentioned Gao Yang's group option to 200 million.

This is a one-time reward from Feng Lao to Gao Yang.

Wan Hong smiled wryly: "Gao Yang, last year the capital branch made hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. If you leave, I will be miserable this year."

Gao Yang said: "Mr. Feng, Mr. Yang, and all the leaders, in 2003, if the group cannot dispatch a suitable vice president to the capital, I suggest that Fang Jian be promoted, and Fang Jian will concurrently serve as the general manager of the national version. , and in charge of SMB projects.

On the research side, a breakthrough was made last year, and Zheng Weiqiang's ability is also very good. If he continues to stick to the current path, there is still room for growth.

I suggest that Wan Hong work harder, in charge of the Research project, in fact, there is no need to worry too much, just let Zheng Weiqiang let go to do it..."

Everyone discussed Gao Yang's proposal for a while, and they all felt that it was feasible. In the end, Boss Feng made the final decision.

In the end, Boss Feng left Wan Hong and Gao Yang alone.

Boss Feng said: "This year, the focus is on the year-end dividend of the national version. The national version has approved a profit of 2300 million, which is a very high base. Fang Jian's project dividend is set at 120 million. In addition, his group option first mentions 50. .

In principle, the dividends of other employees of the national edition can be increased by 10% on the basis of last year, and excellent ones can be increased by 15%.

For the specific calculation, the two of you will discuss it on your own.

On Fang Jian's side, Gao Yang went to do his ideological work. "

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "President Feng, don't worry, Fang Jian will understand, his dividend is already very high."

According to Boss Feng's plan, Fang Jian can get a dividend of 165 million this year. Although he got 40 less, it is actually very high, even higher than CEO Yang Limin.

Boss Feng said again: "Gao Yang's dividends, in addition to the group options, will be settled through the Beijing branch for 40 yuan, which should be enough for 220 million yuan."

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Mr. Feng, there's no need. The group gave me a dividend of 180 million, which is already very high."

Boss Feng smiled slightly: "You have made a significant contribution to the CPI, and you deserve it."

Boss Feng is a real person.

Seeing this, Gao Yang no longer refused: "Thank you, Mr. Feng."

By doing this, Boss Feng actually transferred Fang Jian's 40 dividends to Gao Yang.

Gao Yang also knew that last year he was able to receive a full dividend of more than 220 million because the group leadership was speaking for him.

Fang Jian this year, no matter what, it is impossible to get the full amount of project dividends in the early 200 million, and he can get 165 million, which is already super high...

(End of this chapter)

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