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Chapter 208 My sister-in-law ran the train again

Chapter 208 My sister-in-law ran the train again
On April 4, Gao Yang asked Wu Xiaoyue to ask for a three-day leave of absence due to family affairs.
This year's May Day Golden Week will be suspended.

Schools in the capital have announced the suspension of classes.

Today is Sunday, Gao Yang called Wu Bo, Lu Yonggang and others, and asked them to inform all employees of the company to protect themselves and work from home during non-essential hours.

At the same time, there is no need to be too nervous. We must believe in the government's handling capacity and the collective spirit of the masses, and the difficulties will eventually pass.

The situation in the capital also made family and friends far away in Jinyang very nervous. People kept calling, even Mr. Wu called.

Gao Yang smiled and reassured everyone that everything at home is fine, they are all living in Xiangyi Villa, there is no problem.

The father-in-law, Gu Wenlong, even suggested that his family go to live in Yuzhou for a period of time, but Gao Yang persuaded him that the risk of traveling at this time was even greater.

Gao Yang doesn't go to work in the company every day, and stays at home every day, but when editing and making magazines every Friday, Gao Yang insists on going to work in the company.

Gu Yawen was worried, but she couldn't stop her.

But mother-in-law Wu Lan can understand: "If he is the boss, if he hides at home all the time, what will the employees of the company think?"

In fact, Gao Yang also knows that after the announcement of the epidemic, the public will be very careful, and social control is also strong. If he goes to the company to work one day a week, the risk is really small.

Now, the most tense and difficult thing is the medical staff who are fighting on the front line.

Gao Yang discussed with Wu Lan and donated 200 million yuan to the medical staff in Beijing in the name of Yuanda Company and Gu Yawen, using Wu Lan's money.

Anyway, the mother-in-law has plenty of money, so Gao Yang and his family can only do their part in this way.

Seeing that Gao Yang insisted on going to work every Friday, the mentality of the company's employees also relaxed a lot, as if they had a spiritual support.

The work is progressing normally and has not been greatly affected.

During the period, I only heard that Liu Jing, a female reporter of the national edition of the CPI, went to see a doctor at the infirmary of the Polytechnic University where she was at home because of a cold and a fever. She was quarantined for three days, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

During Liu Jing's isolation period, Gao Yang called her and teased her a few words, which made Liu Jing feel more relaxed.

In Gao Yang's memory, Liu Jing really had such a thing, but it still hasn't changed in this life.

At the beginning of March, Gu Yawen gave birth to a baby for two months, and she can live a married life.

Since the outbreak became tense, in order to relieve Gao Yang's pressure, Gu Yawen was extremely gentle when she was lingering.

In fact, Gao Yang really had no pressure.

Gu Yawen has been practicing yoga since her confinement. There is also a treadmill at home, and her body has recovered quite well. By late April, when Tiantian was 4 months old, Gu Yawen's weight had dropped to less than 4 kg.

Gao Yang actually likes it a little plump, but Gu Yawen's goal is to return to her pre-pregnancy waist of 50 kg.

Today, Gao Yang stays at home six days a week, hugs the children, reads books, spends time with his wife, and spends time with his mother and mother-in-law. Gao Yang is quite relaxed.

After Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue suspended classes, the family became more lively.

Wu Xiaoyue's homework was tutored by Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen, and there was no delay in both liberal arts and science courses.

Her oral English has a good teacher in a private school in Beijing, and Gu Yawen tutors her at home to practice. She has improved a lot, and Gao Yang is ashamed of herself.

In Gao Yang's eyes, Wu Xiaoyue is becoming more and more sensible and well-behaved.

On the other hand, Wu Ruohan has always had a detached personality, and sometimes, she is simply a living treasure.

On May 5, at the peak of the epidemic, Gu Yawen celebrated her 1th birthday, and it has been five months and one week every day.

He has been eating complementary food for a month every day, and Gu Yawen plans to wean him in another month.

Li Xiuzhen, on the other hand, believes that it is normal for boys to breastfeed until they are one year old, and they should.

Gao Yang could only explain with all his might, that the breastmilk has been eaten for about half a year, and the nutrition is not much, nor can it meet the needs of the child's physical development.

Then, Wu Ruohan also went to the Internet to check the information, and then talked about it on paper, leaving Li Xiuzhen speechless.

Wu Lan has a university education, so she naturally understands this, and after several people persuaded her, Li Xiuzhen didn't say anything.

On the night of May Day, Aunt He and Wu Lan made a table of delicious food for Gu Yawen's birthday.

Gao Yang originally wanted to go to the city to buy a birthday cake, but was firmly stopped by Gu Yawen.

Eating and drinking, Gu Yawen wants to nurse the child, so she dare not drink.

Wu Ruohan picked up a glass of wine with a serious face: "Sister, brother-in-law, I envy you very much, I wish you a happy life together and a lifetime of happiness."

Gu Yawen smiled: "Thank you Ruohan. Sister is 25 years old today, and you are almost 23 years old. It's time to find a boyfriend. If you wait any longer, you will really be an old girl."

Wu Lan also smiled and said, "Yes, Ruohan, it's time for you to find a boyfriend."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, what kind do you like, do you want my brother-in-law to introduce one for you?"

Wu Ruohan blurted out: "Brother-in-law, I like you like this."

Seeing that the girl was about to run the train again, Gao Yang said with a smile: "Then you go learn magic and become a brother-in-law."

Wu Ruohan pouted: "Brother-in-law, what I said is true. I found that I like you a little bit. It's a pity that my sister took the lead."

Both Li Xiuzhen and Aunt He were stunned.

Gu Yawen laughed so hard that she covered her stomach in an instant: "Ruohan, if time can be turned back, my sister will let you do it."

Gao Yang's face darkened deliberately: "What are you two doing, am I not worthy of my own opinion?"

Wu Lan said with a chuckle, "Ruohan, don't be so outspoken, be careful that you won't get married in the future."

Wu Ruohan also smiled, the joy in the room diluted the tension caused by the epidemic in the news reports.

Going to bed at night, Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue, the two sisters lived in the same room as usual, lying on the same bed.

As soon as she lay down, Wu Xiaoyue asked curiously: "Second sister, you said you like Brother Yang, is it true?"

Wu Ruohan said: "It's true."

Wu Xiaoyue was surprised: "But, how is this possible?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Xiaoyue, brother-in-law is too good, you don't know, brother-in-law's family used to be very poor, but in recent years, brother-in-law..."

Wu Ruohan chattered for a while, talking about Gao Yang's hometown that Wu Xiaoyue had never been to, and Gao Yang's amazing achievements in recent years.

In the end, Wu Ruohan sighed: "It's still my sister who has vision. When I first met my brother-in-law, my sister even said that she introduced me to be her boyfriend. Unfortunately, I missed it. I regretted it to death. A man like my brother-in-law, my whole life , I’m afraid we won’t be able to meet them.”

Wu Xiaoyue comforted: "Second sister, there should be people like Brother Yang."

Wu Ruohan curled her lips: "Xiaoyue, you are still young, you don't understand, go to sleep..."

Wu Xiaoyue didn't understand Wu Ruohan's words, and remembered that Gao Yang wanted her to concentrate on her studies and not to fall in love early.

The next morning, after Wu Xiaoyue got up, she followed Gao Yang to go for morning exercise as usual, still smiling...

 It was not sent out after the review just now, and it will be reissued after revision. As a result, it skipped to the sixth volume, and the name of the volume cannot be changed. However, the fifth volume is coming to an end soon...

(End of this chapter)

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