Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 219 Mother-in-law's financial management path

Chapter 219 Mother-in-law's financial management path
Going to bed early at night, Gao Yang said: "After the official launch of the Tongcheng Life website, Chen Sen wants to take care of the business and lead a team to sweep the streets to accumulate information databases. It will be very hard. After the Spring Festival, he will withdraw from Yuanda Company and work full-time the Internet."

Gu Yawen said: "After the Spring Festival, I will be able to walk and talk every day. When the time comes, I will officially come out to do things."

Gao Yang shook his head: "I don't want you to work too hard. Besides, before going to kindergarten every day, mother's company is very important."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "I don't work hard, and I won't delay spending time with my children. I'm only 25 years old, so you have to raise me like a canary."

Gao Yang thought about it and smiled: "It's up to you, but you can't be really busy, and don't go to the company to work every day, let alone work overtime."

Gu Yawen smiled sweetly: "Husband, I know. By the way, my mother is asking, should I make a move on the real estate investment you mentioned."

Gao Yang said: "Tomorrow, let's have a good chat with Mom..."

On Sunday the next day, after breakfast, Chen Sen and Feng Lan went to the city to see a house, mortgage a house of about 110 square meters, and plan to build a nest in the capital.

Chen Sen and Feng Lan now have a combined monthly income of more than 2 yuan. It is very easy to mortgage a house.

The two also plan to consider getting married this Spring Festival.

After Chen Sen left, Gao Yang asked Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue to push Tian Tian out to bask in the sun, and Li Xiuzhen followed.

Gao Yang invited his mother-in-law, Wu Lan, into the sun room on the roof, while Gu Yawen was making tea.

Sitting down, Gao Yang said: "Mom, the housing prices in Beijing have dropped a lot this year. In Chaoyang, the prices of some new houses have dropped below [-]. You can sell them. This year's housing prices are likely to be the bottom price."

Wu Lan smiled and said, "Okay, then let's buy it, Mom is waiting for you to talk."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Mom, how much money do you have now?"

Wu Lan said: "There are a total of over 2.5 million."

Gu Yawen was surprised: "Mom, you still have so much money."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "In the past two years, the interest on bank deposits has been close to 1000 million. In June, apart from the hotel, the last batch of assets of the company was also disposed of cheaply and transferred to your Aunt Xu. The total is 6 million, which can be regarded as making up for others. favor."

Gu Yawen's eyes rolled: "Mom, you have so much money in your hand, Gao Yang and the others are going to invest in the Internet, and they will soon register a company and officially launch it.

My Yuanda Company will open up new industries and new customers next year, and the office seems to be insufficient.

Now, there is an office building with an area of ​​over [-] square meters in Weber Building for sale, and the price is also cheap. Why don’t you buy it and rent it to us at a low price, and then collect the rent normally after Gaoyang’s Internet project improves, okay? "

Wu Lan smiled and said, "No problem. You can do whatever you want. If you buy the office building, you can use it for a few years for free. Anyway, if the meat is rotten, it's still in the pot."

Gu Yawen smiled: "Mom, you are so kind."

Gao Yang is also happy, it's better to be the mother-in-law, she is rich and powerful, and she can do whatever she wants.

Wu Lan asked again: "Gao Yang, with the funds in Mom's hand to buy real estate, do you need some leverage and get a mortgage?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Mom, there's no need, more than 2 million yuan is already a lot of money, if you are a developer, you can develop real estate, so let's buy a house with all the money.

With so much money, you can negotiate a preferential price with the developer, sweep the building directly, and then let the developer carry out the overall simple decoration, so that people can use it in normal life and collect rent for a long time.

More than 2 million yuan of funds, with an average household of 60 square meters and decoration, calculated at 4500 yuan per square meter, can buy seven to eight hundred suites.

Then rent it out. It is estimated that the annual rent can be close to 2000 million. This is long-term investment and financial management.

With so many houses, we can all be a real estate agency to manage them.

I suggest that in the Huilongguan area in the west, east and north of the city, consider buying houses in these three areas.

In the west and east of the city, the area between the third and fourth rings can be considered as the main area. Housing prices in Huilongguan are very cheap, and now that the subway is connected, the house will be very easy to rent.

Our intermediary companies open a store in each of these three areas. In addition to operating their own housing stock, they can also expand the housing stock. When the intermediary company is done well, it can also earn a little money and support a group of employees.

In addition, Mom, go to the securities company to open an account. At this stage, just invest 500 million in it. I will help you buy stocks. After the rent comes out, most of the annual rent income can be used to add stocks. , do long-term investment.

This is the long-term investment and wealth management plan I envisioned for you, the future investment income will be very considerable, and you can rest easy without worrying too much..."

Wu Lan smiled and said, "Okay, Mom believes in your ability and vision, so let's do it this way."

Gao Yang was also quite happy.

In the past two years, his role as a good son-in-law in front of his mother-in-law has been fully established. Wu Lan also obeys her own ideas and supports her strongly.

According to Gao Yang's long-term investment and financial management plan for her mother-in-law, after more than ten years, Wu Lan's net worth under her name may be tens of billions, and she will be a proper rich woman.

These matters were quickly negotiated. Tomorrow, Wu Lan will pick up the 1200 square meter office building transferred by a big owner of Weber Building, with an estimated investment of about 900 million.

This office building happened to be one floor above Sunshine Company, the 9th floor of Block B.This year's bleak property market has also dragged down commercial real estate. For such a large office transfer, the owner has not been able to sell it for nearly half a year.

Thinking about stocks, Gao Yang went back to his study, sat down and called He Yong who was working in the suburbs of Shudu.

Gao Yang asked: "Brother Yong, have you traded stocks this year?"

He Yong said: "No, I have been holding back, waiting for you, a master, to give orders. This year's stock market is also quite miserable. Why, do you think you have a chance?"

Gao Yang said: "I think it can be a long-term layout, Brother Yong, how much money do you have?"

He Yong said: "There are more than 1600 million, and I can draw 1500 million to invest in stocks."

Gao Yang asked again: "Where is my second brother?"

He Yong said: "We were drinking together two days ago, he probably has over 1000 million in his hand."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yong, I will tell you some stocks, you should write them down carefully..."

When He Yong found the pen and paper, Gao Yang mentioned the four wine stocks of Moutai, Fenjiu, Laojiao, and Wuliang, the two pharmaceutical stocks of Yunbaiyao and Pianzihuang, and the brokerage stock of Zhongxin Securities.

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yong, these stocks are the stock pool I recommend to you. From now on, you can consider slowly building positions on bargains, as long as you finish all the bullets."

He Yong asked curiously, "You won't help us operate?"

Gao Yang said: "I don't need to operate, you can operate on your own. Brother Yong, please remember that what we are going to do is long-term investment, and the cycle will be more than ten years. If you buy it, you will not hold the stock, even if there is a temporary floating loss. , and don’t panic, I predict that if you stick to it, the long-term benefits will be very high.”

He Yong was surprised and said, "Have you invested for more than ten years and have been holding it?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, I have been holding on to it all the time, and I will notify you when it is time to withdraw temporarily."

He Yong smiled and said, "Okay, you are an expert, I believe you. Pengzi has never touched stocks, so why don't you help him?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yong, you can help him, I don't have time."

He Yong said: "Okay, then I will help him do it. By the way, after the Spring Festival Hai's dividends, can I use it to increase my position?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, it's a long-term investment anyway. If you have money, you can wait for the low point to increase your position."

Last year, Haidilao distributed a large amount of dividends. The initial investment of 2000 million yuan by the three members of Gaoyang was recovered. It was agreed at that time that the company's annual profit and dividend ratio should be maintained at 30% to 40%.

The remaining profits will be transferred to capital reserve, which will be used for Haidilao's nationwide expansion and opening of stores.

This year, Haidilao's business in Beijing has been affected by the epidemic, but the company's annual profit is still expected to exceed 4000 million yuan, and it can distribute dividends of [-] to [-] million yuan before the Spring Festival.

At that time, Gao Yang's 20% equity will be able to distribute about 700 million dividends...

(End of this chapter)

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