Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 224 The 2200 million Expo

Chapter 224 The 2200 million Expo (seeking a monthly ticket)
"President Qin, I'm really sorry, we can't accept the exclusive title sponsorship, and there's nothing we can do to increase the money. Huangming is the industry leader, that's for sure..."

"Mr. Zhao, we really don't accept exclusive titles. The title of the expo is the top ten brands in the industry, the co-organizer brand is the top [-] in the industry, and Siji Solar is an industry leader. That's for sure."

"Mr. Zhang, thank you for your support. Yes, the top ten industry brands are ranked in no particular order. Knott is a joint venture brand, the only one..."

"President Lu, don't worry, our forum plan has been adjusted, and we will definitely ensure that Tianyang Company can participate in the forum speech..."

On the morning of October 10th, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen went to work in the company. He Jin and Wu Bo's cell phones kept ringing.

At noon, everyone was sitting in the meeting room eating boxed lunches, all smiling.

He Jin said with a smile: "Our first national industry expo this time is going to explode. Huangming, Siji, and Knott are about to fight, and we are about to run out of saliva, so we calm down."

Wu Bo said with a smile: "Gaoyang's method still works. The top ten brands in the industry are named, in no particular order. Ten exhibition boards are set up in the venue. The naming fee is 30, and the income of this one is 300 million.

In addition, the 20 co-organized brands have a total naming fee of 300 million. "

He Jin smiled again: "Currently, according to preliminary statistics, the top ten brands in the industry spend an average of nearly 100 million advertisements on titles, exhibitions, speeches and conference catalogs. The two-day forum squeezed out 30 speakers. The exhibition's The total income is expected to reach 2000 million, which is really explosive."

Liu Yue also laughed: "Mr. Gao proposed at the beginning that it would cost close to 100 million yuan to invite thousands of channel merchants across the country to participate in the conference. When our distribution department invited merchants, it was really painful. Now it seems that this sum The cost is really small, so worth it.”

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This year's first exhibition has indeed exceeded expectations. The next step is to see the implementation of the event. If it is done well, customers and merchants are satisfied. Starting next year, we will hold regional tour forums based on CPI.

At that time, the revenue of the exhibition will be doubled again, and it will be very easy.

This is the platform value of industry-leading media, and now we are the only one..."

On the morning of October 10, Gao Yang drove a BMW X17, carrying Gu Yawen, Wu Lan, and their 5-month-old son Tian Tian. It took nearly 10 hours and arrived in Quancheng, Lu Province after 6 pm.

After settling down in the hotel near the gymnasium and having dinner, Wu Lan took Tian Tian to rest at the hotel, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen rushed to the exhibition hall to see the scene.

The more than 70 people of Sunshine Company, except for a few post-departure employees who stayed at the Beijing office, all arrived in the morning.

They were all dressed in formal attire, with work badges on their chests, and they all looked excited.

Zhou Wenbin, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, greeted him with a smile, and gave Gao Yang a warm hug.

Gao Yang patted Zhou Wenbin on the shoulder: "Wenbin, you have worked hard during this time."

Zhou Wenbin laughed aloud: "It's not hard work, it's not hard work, it's worth it to get such a big vote."

As the executive team leader of the meeting, Zhou Wenbin led the team and has been stationed in Quancheng for another week.

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Gao Yang, this exhibition is a success, the company should reward Brother Bin a lot."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "That's for sure."

Zhou Wenbin waved his hand: "Brothers and sisters worked hard together, and we need a big reward. First of all, you, Gao Yang, the designer..."

In the evening, Sunlight Company invited customers from the top ten title sponsors and 20 co-organizers brands participating in the exhibition to dinner at the hotel. Gao Yang, as the chairman of the company, brought Gu Yawen to attend.

It was the first time Gao Yang met an important client today, and he drank a lot of wine, almost drunk.

Gao Yang could feel that these solar water heater bosses or company executives valued such a publicity and promotion stage as an industry exhibition.

Sunshine Company's industry media image has been completely established.

In this exhibition, there are 96 participating brands. The lowest booth fee is 3 yuan, and the highest booth fee is 30 yuan.

The exhibition catalog has been made into nearly 500 editions, like a thick book, and the advertising revenue of the exhibition catalog is nearly 600 million.

The catalog was produced and printed a few days ago, and 1.2 copies were pulled from the capital and distributed free of charge during the exhibition.

On October 10th, at 18:9 am, the exhibition officially opened, and the opening ceremony was crowded with people. There were more than 1300 channel merchants who came from all over the country to participate in the exhibition.

At the opening ceremony, a department-level leader of a relevant department in Shandong Province gave a speech for five or six minutes.

Then, Gao Yang delivered a speech on behalf of Sunshine Company. He had prepared a speech before, but Gao Yang memorized the outline, and gave an impromptu speech:
"Today, I am very glad that so many solar energy industry partners gathered to discuss the development prospects of this industry and share their views, thoughts and experiences.

"Solar Industry" magazine, as well as "Solar Dealer", is the first industry professional media founded by us.

Over the past two years, we have grown together with solar brand manufacturers and channel merchants.

Solar energy industrial products have a vast market, huge consumer demand, rapid development, and great potential in the future.

As the only industry media, we join hands with you to hold the first national industry expo and build such an industry promotion platform together.

Such a form of activity is a win-win cooperation for the entire industry, we hope to persist, and then continue to innovate the form of activities to promote the development of the entire industry..."

Next, Wu Bo, as the general manager and editor-in-chief of the company, talked about the value and characteristics of two industry media, about 15 minutes of PPT.

After that, guests from the top ten industry brands came to the stage to give speeches.

On October 10th, it was divided into two forums, the industry forum and the channel forum. Intensive speeches and dialogues between guests and agent representatives were arranged.

Accompanied by Gu Yawen, Gao Yang was an audience in the audience for two days. Although it was a bit boring, this was also the necessary attitude of the organizer of the event.

Gao Yang also listened carefully to the speeches of some guests, and gained a more intuitive understanding of this industry.

The exhibition was very successful. During the peak period of people flow, it is estimated that there will be close to [-] people throughout the day. Many local citizens are curious about solar water heaters.

Naturally, many people have relatives and friends who live in the countryside and think this kind of water heater that doesn't cost a kilowatt-hour of electricity is great.

On Monday, October 10th, the atmosphere of the forum was much colder, but manufacturers and distributors had time to communicate, and there were still 20 to 5000 people in the exhibition hall.

This morning, Gao Yang finally had time to visit several famous scenic spots in Quancheng with his wife, children, and mother-in-law.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon that day, the exhibition hall began to be dismantled. Zhou Wenbin took the conference affairs team and stayed to do the finishing work.

After the lunch break, Gao Yang also set off by car and returned to the capital after 9:10 pm. On October 21, he rested at home for a day.

On October 10, Wednesday, Gao Yang had just arrived at the office in the morning when Wu Bo and He Jin came in. They were all smiling and happy.

"The financial statistics have come out. The total revenue of this exhibition is 2215 million yuan, and the total cost of our exhibition is less than 300 million yuan. It's a big profit..."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This year's national exhibition is just a test of the water. The effect is really good, and the work will not be stressful. Let's discuss how to do regional tour forums next year."

(End of this chapter)

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