Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 225 Ten Thousand Prizes

Chapter 225 Million Dollar Prize
On October 10th, the frost fell, and the weather in the capital was cool for a long time. The autumn days have passed, and the temperature has dropped a lot in the past few days.

On Saturday, October 10th, more than 25 employees of Sunshine Company, more than 70 employees of Yuanda Company, Fang Jian, Zhang Yue, Song Liangqiu, etc., and some employees brought their family members, a total of more than 40 people, went to A hot spring resort in Xiaotangshan engaged in team building.

This time, it is mainly solar energy media's industry expo, which will summarize and commend.

At 10:[-] in the morning, after settling down, Wu Bo, Zhou Wenbin, Sun Chengyi, He Jin, and Liu Yue made summaries respectively from the overall situation of the event, execution, journal, sales, distribution, and business invitations.

Everyone has summed up a lot of experience, and there are also some shortcomings. We have a deep understanding and share them to prepare for the coming year.

Of course, the whole team was quite excited, because the first industry expo promoted and planned by Gao Yang had far exceeded the original expectations. Even Gao Yang himself did not expect that the exhibition would be so popular.

Zhou Wenbin's speech has been recognized by many people:

"To be honest, although I have carried out forum activities at CPI for two years and accumulated some experience, but the scale of the national industry expo we hold this time is very large, and the implementation links and details of various activities are very cumbersome. There are too many places to control.

It is far from being comparable to the implementation of CPI's forum activities.

At first, I was also apprehensive, fearing that poor execution would affect the company's image.

It took three to four months from the preparation to the completion of the event. The brothers and sisters worked very hard, but they really worked together.

The team spirit, combat effectiveness, execution ability, and cooperation between various departments are really great.

Personally speaking, I have learned a lot in these three or four months, and I have strong confidence in holding such an event next year.

As far as the team is concerned, the brothers and sisters each have their own shining points, and everyone worked hard and achieved such brilliant results.

When Mr. Gao led us to establish Sun Media, he once said that in this industry, we hope to achieve a revenue scale of [-] to [-] million a year in the future.

At that time, I thought he was bragging, but now, I believe it.

All of us should thank Mr. Gao for his vision, wisdom, and courage..."

Finally, amid thunderous applause, Gao Yang was greeted with a speech.

Gao Yang waved his hand with a smile, and the audience was instantly silent.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I can see that colleagues are very excited and have a sense of accomplishment.

At this moment, I feel the same as everyone else. I am proud of everyone and everyone in the company.

The solar energy media project, this year's preset business goal is to complete the performance of 2000 million. In the first half of the year, it was also affected by the epidemic, and everyone was a little pessimistic.

Now, with the last two months left in 2003, we are proud of our brilliant operating results.

As of now, the business situation is much better than our expectations at the beginning of the year. The media advertising is expected to complete 1200 million to 1300 million yuan for the whole year.

The key point is the great success of this industry expo. The total revenue of the event plus the journal reached 2200 million, which exceeded the original expectation of 800 million or even 1000 million.

Then, the annual business performance of the project is expected to be close to or reach 3500 million. In the second year after we founded this industry media, we made a major breakthrough.

This is to be an industry media, and to monopolize the advantage of an industry media resource.

There is still a long way to go in the future. This project still has great potential for development. It is normal to achieve an annual revenue of [-] to [-] million in the future.

Of course, all of this is subject to our continued efforts to maintain the spirit of teamwork and hard work.

This time the expo was a great success. After research and decision by the company's management, a bonus of one million yuan was budgeted to reward all the staff of the project. I hope that in the next work, everyone will make persistent efforts and create greater glories.

Next, I would like to invite Mr. Wu to read out the reward plan for everyone..."

For the million-dollar cash prize, Sunshine Company averaged over 1.3 per person, Zhou Wenbin was awarded 8, and Liu Yue and Sun Chengyi were awarded 6.

Prior to this, Gao Yang discussed the commendation plan with Wu Bo and others, and they tended to focus on rewarding the activity execution team based on the activity department and distribution department, and everyone agreed.

Originally, Zhou Wenbin was supposed to reward Zhou Wenbin with 10 yuan, but Zhou Wenbin insisted on cutting it down by [-] yuan.

The advertising department that He Jin is in charge of has the least rewards, which He Jin requested.

The advertising department plus He Jin has less than 20 people. These exhibitions have achieved a performance of nearly 2000 million. According to the 8-point commission, the commission is close to 160 million, and the per capita commission is close to 9, which is very high.

Wu Bo and Zhou Wenbin also ran out of business in the early 200 million, and their combined commission was close to 17.

Gao Yang is now his own boss, and like CPI's boss Feng, he will properly consider the balance of the entire team in terms of profit distribution.

Gao Yang is the boss, so naturally he will not participate in the bonus distribution. Wu Bo and He Jin also proposed not to receive the bonus.

Wu Bo's business commission in this event was 11 yuan, and He Jin's commission was more than 20 yuan.

As a result, only Gao Yang, Wu Bo, and He Jin in the entire company did not share the one million bonus, and the salesmen in the advertising department all received a bonus of 8000 yuan.

For other employees of the company, the bonus starts at [-] yuan, which not only reflects the gap, but also reflects the team sharing, and almost everyone is satisfied.

This is just a special reward for one event, and there are year-end bonuses during the Spring Festival.

The bonus was distributed on the spot, and the employees of Yuanda Company saw it and were quite envious.

In today's commendation and award ceremony, Gao Yang also intentionally invited the employees of Yuanda Company to attend, so as to stimulate everyone's fighting spirit.

At noon, it is natural to eat and drink, Wu Bo, Zhou Wenbin, He Jin...

Many people are high.

After the lunch break, everyone soaked in the hot spring together.

Gao Yang recruited Lu Yonggang and Zhang Hua from Yuanda Company to his side and chatted for a few words.

Gao Yang said: "Yonggang, Brother Hua, you have all seen the market potential of the solar energy industry. Whether Yuanda's revenue can quickly break through and reach 3000 million, 5000 million or even hundreds of millions, the key lies in this industry.

Sunshine Company has already set the stage in this industry. Next year, it's up to you. "

Lu Yonggang patted his chest: "Mr. Gao, don't worry, we promise to complete the task."

Zhang Hua said with a smile: "Mr. Gao, I will definitely cooperate with Yonggang. Yuanda Company will definitely become bigger and stronger."

Witnessing the miraculous success of Sunshine Company, Zhang Hua was also very moved and thankful that he made the right choice in time.

Follow Boss Gao, you can't go wrong.

Tiantian, who has been 10 months old, wears a swimming ring and is surrounded by Wu Lan, Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue. He is very happy playing in the water.

Gao Yang also went over to tease his son.

Wu Lan sighed: "You guys who work in the media, hold an exhibition, and earn 2000 million easily. Mom feels like I'm getting old."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mom, what you used to do was traditional business, and what you earned was the price difference in the commodity circulation link. We are not the same as the media, what we do is a publicity platform, relying on the establishment of industry influence, starting from planning, in the final analysis, earning money." The most important thing is the money of platform influence..."

While speaking, Wu Ruohan suddenly rushed from behind, hanging on Gao Yang's back like an octopus.

Wu Ruohan smiled coquettishly: "Brother-in-law, you are so amazing, I adore you so much."

"Ruohan, stop making trouble!" Gao Yang grabbed Wu Ruohan with his backhand.

Wu Ruohan pressed against Gao Yang's ear, and whispered softly, "Brother-in-law, I like you so much, I can't help myself, I can't extricate myself..."

Gao Yang turned his head, with a vicious expression on his face: "Believe it or not, I will really eat you in one bite?"

Wu Ruohan straightened her chest: "That's great, just tonight, okay?"

Gao Yang was instantly defeated.

The sister-in-law is really crazy, she has been thinking about hitting her brother-in-law, and she can't forget it.

Wu Lan has long been used to Wu Ruohan's eccentric spirit, as well as playing around with Gao Yang every day, as well as physical contact.

Seeing it, Gu Yawen was both helpless and worried.

My husband is really outstanding...

(End of this chapter)

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