Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 234 Discussing Life with Sister-in-Law

Chapter 234 Discussing Life with Sister-in-Law
Gao Yue was actually quite reluctant to transfer 45% of the equity of Jiajiahui Supermarket for 15 yuan.

In the evening, the couple rested and chatted for a while, before Jiang Bing finally convinced Gao Yue.

Jiang Bing's mind and vision were stronger than Gao Yue's, and he could understand Gao Yang's thoughts and arrangements.

In the morning, Gao Yang gets up before 7 o'clock as usual, runs and does morning exercises in the community.

Wu Ruohan, a follower, tried for a few days, but couldn't hold on, and flinched.

So, whenever I have time, I follow Aunt He, Wu Lan or Gu Yawen to learn cooking skills, so that I can go to the kitchen and go to the hall.

While eating breakfast, Gao Yang suddenly said: "Sister, brother-in-law, you may consider having a second child."

Jiang Bing was a little moved: "Now the policy is very strict."

Gao Yang said: "I remember that there was a policy in the countryside in the early years. If the first child is a girl, the eldest child will be 8 years old. There is a quota for allowing a second child. How about this, I will ask my second brother and Xiao Jin to help Ask around, if you can find the indicator, you can have another one."

Gao Yue was also a little moved, and said with a smile: "I am not young now."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Sister, you are not even 33 years old, you are still young."

While speaking, Gao Yang immediately called Wu Peng and asked, this matter can really be resolved through policies.

With the help of Wu Peng and Xiao Jin, it is really not difficult to take care of it within the scope of the policy.

Both Jiang Bing and Gao Yue were smiling. Life is better now, and it is really good to have a second baby.

Jiang Xue will be 11 years old this year.

Li Xiuzhen and Gao Yingxue were also very happy. If Gao Yue gave birth to a second child, the old couple could also help take care of the child.

Li Xiuzhen said again: "Gao Yang, you and Yawen can have another one in the future."

Gao Yang said: "Mom, Yawen's father is the leader, we don't dare to mess around, there must be policies."

After breakfast, Gao Yue and his wife hurried to work again. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the supermarket is at a booming time.

Jiang Xue is very well-behaved now, her academic performance is good, and she stays at home to catch up with her homework.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen held hands and took a walk in the community to familiarize themselves with the environment and digest food.

Wu Ruohan quickly followed, and also took Gao Yang's other arm carelessly.

Gu Yawen has long been used to it.

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It would be great if I had a rural household registration, and I can have a second baby in the future."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "There will be a chance. You are an only child. In a few years, or a decade or so, the increase in population will not keep up with the needs of social development. It is very likely that a new policy will be introduced that allows one child to have a second child."

Gu Yawen said: "If there is such a policy, then I will be too old."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Even if you wait another ten years, you are only 35 years old, you are still very young."

Wu Ruohan looked excited: "Brother-in-law, I'm only 23 years old, I can help you have a baby."

Gao Yang stared: "Shut up!"

Wu Ruohan acted like a baby: "Brother-in-law, I really can, sister, do you think so?"

Gu Yawen laughed aloud: "Ruohan, as long as your brother-in-law is willing, I have no objection."

Wu Ruohan proudly said: "Look, brother-in-law, my sister agrees."

Gao Yang said unhappily: "Wu Ruohan, if you want to die, go find a place secretly by yourself, don't drag your brother-in-law!"

Wu Ruohan acted like a baby again: "Brother-in-law, I am sincere to you..."

Gao Yang was speechless, this little sister-in-law is really annoying.

In the afternoon, they went to the city together again, Gao Yang approached Yang Yong, and had a serious talk about Gao Yue's transfer of 15% equity, Yang Yong was very surprised.

After Gao Yang explained it, Yang Yong accepted it. Yang Yong wanted to add an additional 10 equity transfer fee to Gao Yue, but was persuaded by Gao Yang.

Finally, Yang Yong said: "Brother, don't say anything. From now on, for the project of Jiajiahui, you can just look at me. If you work hard, I have to make achievements."

Jiajiahui Supermarket now only has 4 shareholders. Gao Yang also communicated with Xiao Jin and Chen Sen on the phone about this matter, and Xiao Jin naturally understood and supported it.

In the afternoon, Chen Sen and Feng Lan finally returned by Air Canada during the Spring Festival. Gao Yang drove to the airport to pick them up, and Chen Sen rushed to Xishan Garden immediately to see the layout of the wedding room.

Xiao Jin, Yang Yong, and Wen Yi had already moved to Xishan Garden to live in a villa, and Wu Peng also moved here.

After Fang Jian and his wife returned to Jinyang, they have been busy preparing for the wedding, and they also helped Chen Sen arrange the wedding room.

After Chen Sen came back, the seven families living in this villa community were all together.

When Chen Sen and his wife went to visit their mother-in-law, Wu Peng came back in the evening, and the young people gathered together for a dinner.

Not to mention Gao Yang and Wu Peng's huge dividends in the sea, in 2003, Fang Jian was the one who earned the most salary.

In 2003, the CPI National Edition approved a profit of 2000 million. Fang Jian, in the name of the general manager of the project, distributed a dividend of 160 million. Boss Feng was quite generous.

Fang Jian worked in CPI for two years as the project general manager and as the group vice president for one year, earning more than 300 million yuan.

These two days, Wu Ruohan, a follower, followed Gao Yang and Gu Yawen, almost inseparable.

Even in front of these classmates and friends, Wu Ruohan treated Gao Yang very affectionately.

Everyone else thought it was Wu Ruohan's character. Wu Peng, an idiot, secretly praised Gao Yang, saying that he acted well.

Gu Yawen also always had a smile on her face, only Gao Yang was very annoying to this little sister-in-law, really annoying.

It's the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. In the afternoon, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are going back to Jinyang with Tiantian and Wu Xiaoyue.

In the morning, Gao Yang called Wu Ruohan into the study alone, planning to have a serious discussion about life with her.

Gao Yang said seriously: "Ruohan, you don't plan to start a family in this life?"

Wu Ruohan also looked serious: "Brother-in-law, women don't have to have a family."

Gao Yang's face darkened: "Ruohan, if a woman doesn't have a family, her life is incomplete."

Wu Ruohan pouted: "Brother-in-law, that's not necessarily true. Whether I get married or not depends on my mood. If I have a good relationship with my brother-in-law, if I feel better, maybe I will consider starting a family."

Gao Yang's face darkened even more: "Ruohan, in this life, it is best for a woman to find a man who is suitable for her, and then she will be happy with her forever, loving and loving her for the rest of her life."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "As long as my brother-in-law is willing, my sister doesn't object, and I can stick to my brother-in-law forever. I don't need any status."

Gao Yang was angry: "Are you going to insist on insisting that your brother-in-law will not let go? Is it plausible!"

Wu Ruohan looked aggrieved: "Anyway, if my brother-in-law doesn't become my first man, I'll be alone forever."

Gao Yang sighed: "Ruohan, you have a high IQ, and you are a smart girl. Logically speaking, you should be a girl with independent thoughts and ideas, and an independent life. Why are you so self-confident and even demeaning yourself emotionally. "

Wu Ruohan said earnestly: "Brother-in-law, I didn't demean myself, I was pursuing my love boldly and earnestly, and my thoughts and concepts have always been very independent."

Gao Yang was a little speechless: "Ruohan, we have families and family members behind us as human beings. We should not only think about ourselves, but also have a sense of responsibility. In the past, there were poor people in the countryside, but now there are still some of them. Poor, elder brother or younger brother can't find a wife, so he is willing to change marriages..."

Wu Ruohan said: "Then I am better off than them. I was reborn in a family that has no worries about food and clothing since I was a child. I can pursue the man I like and the love I want."

Gao Yang was completely speechless, sister-in-law, you don't want to eat anything, you...

(End of this chapter)

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