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Chapter 235 Family Summary Meeting on New Year's Eve

Chapter 235 Family Summary Meeting on New Year's Eve

On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, after 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the father-in-law, Gu Wenlong, drove a brand new Daqie, and brought Wu Lan and others to Jinyang.

Gao Yang drove the car and waited ahead of time on the side of the road into the city, and then led the way, first going to the villa in Xishan Garden to settle down.

Now, with a nest of their own in Jinyang, the family naturally wants to live together.

Gu Wenlong's Daqier is also a private car. Wu Lan bought it for Gu Wenlong when he disposed of his sports car.

The Lu Xun V4700 at home was used as the bus of Sunshine Company after it was driven by Wu Peng and He Yong to the capital.

Gu Wenlong is now the chief leader of the unit, and his demeanor is more majestic, but in front of his family, he always smiles and looks easy-going.

Seeing the in-laws Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen, Gu Wenlong also took the initiative to talk about the family, bold and enthusiastic.

Tiantian will be 13 months old soon, and he can walk very steadily. He can speak words clearly from his small mouth when he calls grandpa and grandma.

Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen are also very happy after not seeing their grandson for more than three months.

After resting for a while, Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan, together with Tiantian and Wu Xiaoyue, first went to Wu's house to meet the old man and the old lady.

In the evening, I still go back to Xishan Garden for dinner and stay at home.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and the whole family has to go to Wu's house for a happy New Year reunion.

Wu Ruohan, this girl, has been staying in Xishan Garden since she returned to Jinyang, and she couldn't even drive her away.

The Wu family's reunion dinner this year was arranged at noon on New Year's Eve, and it was still in the old villa at No. 8 Jianshe Road.

Before 10 o'clock in the morning on New Year's Eve, Gao Yang's family, except Gao Yue and Jiang Bing who were still at work, rushed to Wu's house to celebrate the new year.

In the morning, Wu Ruohan's father, Wu Guanghua, was still working as the mayor of a city, leading a team to visit the frontline cadres and workers.

When Gao Yang and his party arrived at Wu's house, the room was already full of people.

This year, Gu Yawen's eldest brother Wu Fei and his family of three also came back from abroad.

Gao Yang already knew that this uncle is very powerful. He is 35 years old this year. He graduated from Columbia University with a Ph.D. in economics.

Columbia's economics major ranks among the top ten in the United States and is a prestigious school.

The sister-in-law's name is Chen Lan, 31 years old, originally from Jiangsu Province, majored in finance, and works in an investment bank on Wall Street.

The two have a daughter named Wu Fei'er, who has just turned 3 years old.

Gu Yawen's eldest sister, a family of three, also came back from Shanghai.

The family gathered for the first time during Chinese New Year.

The four generations live together, the old man and the old lady are very happy.

In the past, the third generation of the Wu family, Gu Yawen was the most favored, because she was a sensible and well-behaved granddaughter.Now, even Tian Tian, ​​​​the great-grandson, is even more favored by the old couple.

After ten o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang started to report to the old man and the old lady.

Gao Yang talked in detail about the operations of several companies, as well as the operations of several projects invested in partnership.

Mr. Wu was very happy: "I said it at the beginning, Yawen is very discerning, and picked a capable husband. Xiao Gao is very good, mature and steady, has leadership ability, and is a big deal."

The old lady also smiled: "This is very good. Xiao Gao concentrates on his career, Yawen takes care of his family, and educates him every day. The couple are loving and loving. They will be blessed in this life."

Wu Lan smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, I feel old now in front of young people like them. I dealt with the company's assets in Yuzhou, and invested in the real estate market in Beijing under Gao Yang's suggestion.

From now on, I can earn a stable income of 2000 to [-] million every year, and enjoy the long-term appreciation of real estate. Yawen opened an intermediary company to help me take care of these real estate. Take a good day. "

The old lady smiled and said: "That's right, the son-in-law is capable, so you, mother-in-law, can rest in peace."

Next, the other third generations also reported on their work and study.

The old couple are very satisfied.

Finally, the old man concluded:
"Let's talk about Wu Lan and Wenlong first. Wenlong is the leader of the unit. He works hard and performs very well. Xiao Gao is very hardworking and outstanding. He has taken care of his family and business, which is very good.

Xiaoyue went to Beijing to study in high school. She has excellent grades, concentrates on her studies, has ambition, and is also very good.

On the old family's side, the two children are dedicated to work, the family is harmonious, and they have made achievements, which are worthy of recognition.

In the second child's family, Xiaopeng has made great progress, worked hard, changed a lot, and made good achievements. Now Xiaopeng is married and established a business, and Xiaoyue is also pregnant with a child.After the Spring Festival, Xiaopeng will be the top leader in the town, and he will continue to work hard.

Ruohan is not bad either, in terms of studies, you have to work harder, strive to graduate with honors, and work hard in the future..."

Wu Ruohan said: "Grandpa, grandma, I work very hard. I'm already working now. My brother-in-law and his friends founded this Internet company, and I'm still the company's CFO."

The old lady asked curiously, "Ruohan, what are you?"

Wu Fei smiled and said, "Grandma, the CFO Ruohan mentioned is an abbreviation in English, called chief financial officer, who is the director in charge of the financial aspect of a company, he can be regarded as the company's big steward."

The old lady smiled: "Oh, that's right, then Ruohan can be regarded as a professional counterpart. From now on, you will follow your brother-in-law and work hard."

Wu Ruohan proudly said: "Grandma, I will always be with my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law is doing a big business, and he is very good. My brother-in-law said that our company will develop into a public company in the future, and our business will spread all over the country. The company is listed, and it may be worth tens of billions. I want to be the housekeeper for my brother-in-law for the rest of my life."

The old lady said with a smile: "Okay, okay, then you should work hard and make a great career."

There was obviously ambiguity in the words of the crazy girl, and Gao Yang couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Gu Yawen naturally heard it too, with a smile on her face.

How could the rest of the family hear it.

Wu Fei was a little curious about Gao Yang's Internet project. After Gao Yang explained it, Wu Fei praised:
"Gao Yang, the idea of ​​your project does have a bright future. The rapid development of the Internet will change the social economy and life patterns.

If a project like 51 Tongcheng can be implemented, it is natural for it to be listed on Wall Street and be sought after by capital to reach a market value of billions of dollars.

You are doing media with your friends, and investing in other projects. You have a good vision, and it also fits the general trend of China's rapid economic development and continuous improvement of consumption levels.

Including advising my aunt to invest in real estate and conduct long-term financial management is also a good way to share the fruits of economic development.

In my opinion, the young people of our generation may be the most promising in the future. "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother, it's amazing. We are also taking a step forward, taking a step forward, following the trend of social and economic development, and on the basis of seeking stability, conforming to the general trend of national and even global economic development. In the future, I will ask my brother for advice. .”

Wu Fei smiled and said, "A family doesn't talk about the two families. If you have any needs or ideas, we can communicate at any time."

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, don't be humble, you must be the best and the most promising in our family, I am proud of you!"

Gao Yang couldn't help but give his sister-in-law a blank look.

I'm not even proud, what are you proud of?
Mr. Wu laughed aloud: "The young people of your generation are all good. I still say that you should do what you are good at in your respective positions, make achievements, and strive to be a person who contributes to society. people."

Around noon, Gao Yue and Jiang Bing arrived early, and the lively family reunion dinner began.

After the meal, the elders laughed and distributed lucky money to the children. After chatting until after 3 p.m., Gao Yang's family left.

In the evening, I will spend New Year’s Eve and have a New Year’s Eve dinner in Xishan Garden in my small home.

Wu Ruohan, a follower, wanted to follow to Xishan, but was stopped by Gao Yang:
"Ruohan, it's New Year's Eve and you have to spend it at your own home. It's not easy for you to go home once. You should spend more time with your grandparents and parents."

Wu Ruohan looked aggrieved: "Okay, after they rest that night, I will come to Xishan again, I will definitely come..."

(End of this chapter)

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