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Chapter 236 This officiant can really boast

Chapter 236 This officiant can really boast
At 10:[-] in the evening, Wu Ruohan really slipped out of the house and took a taxi to Xishan alone.

At this time, Gao Yang's family was watching the Spring Festival Gala, chatting and laughing happily, and they didn't even sleep every day.

People of the older generation are used to keeping watch for the New Year, and at midnight, they light a string of firecrackers, which is called New Year's Eve.

Wu Ruohan's arrival will not surprise everyone.

Wu Ruohan pretended to be a good girl as soon as she entered the house, and said happy new year to the elders one by one.

Later, Tiantian finally couldn't stand it any longer and began to doze off, so Wu Lan took the child to bed.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen couldn't stand it any longer, they rested after washing.

Gu Yawen's relatives have left, and tonight is New Year's Eve, so I really want to have a good time.

After the tenderness, Gu Yawen was satisfied, and asked with a smile: "What did Ruohan tell you tonight?"

Gao Yang said unhappily: "Don't mention it, this crazy girl is too rampant."

Gu Yawen giggled: "Then you can follow her."

Gao Yang is used to Gu Yawen making jokes like this, so he tapped her on the forehead:
"She will have a chance when I go crazy someday."

Gu Yawen giggled for a while again.

In the yard, there was a sudden explosion of crackling firecrackers, one after another.

Finally, the whole world calmed down, and the year passed.

Gao Yang and his wife hugged each other and fell asleep...

On the first day of the first lunar month, I slept late and didn't get up until almost 9 am.

After breakfast, the neighbors in the yard also stood up one by one, wishing each other a happy new year, and then gave lucky red envelopes to the children.

Yang Yong, Xiao Jin, Chen Sen, Xiao Jin and Wen Yi all moved into the villa for the New Year with their families.

Fang Jian's family is busy preparing for tomorrow's wedding, and the others will meet to go to the temple fair in Xishan Park not far away.

Gao Yang called Wu Peng and made an appointment to meet at the gate of the park at 10:[-] in the morning. The old man and the old lady also went to the temple fair, so they had fun.

After meeting in the park, all the old and young of the Wu family came.

The old man is almost 80 years old, and he is still in good spirits. When he saw Tiantian, he smiled and hugged him for a while.

Gao Yang didn't expect that Mayor Wu and his wife would also come here. It's not easy for the mayor to have a good time.

Gao Yang looked at his father, Gao Yingxue, who is in good health now, with a radiant face, less than 170 cm in size, and estimated to weigh more than 65 kg.

Gao Yingxue will be 60 years old in May of the lunar calendar this year. When the time comes, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen will celebrate his birthday and hold a birthday banquet.

A group of three or 40 people went to the temple fair in the park, and then went down the mountain into the city at a little before noon, and went to the hotel arranged by Wu Peng for dinner.

After dinner, each went home to rest.

After lunch break, Gao Yang and other young people from several families took their children to the city to buy fireworks. In the evening, they planned to hold a fireworks party for the children in the villa complex.

Among the families, Xiao Jin and Wen Yi both have children, Chen Sen's baby is over 4 years old, and Yang Yong's wife Zheng Xiaohong is just over 4 months pregnant.

In the evening, the sky was bright and clear, the fireworks were bright and blooming all over the sky, and the children danced happily.

Gao Yang also took his son Tiantian and lit two fireworks with his own hands. Tiantian was so excited that his little hands danced wildly, screaming strangely.

Gao Yang cheerfully held the little guy in his arms, and Gu Yawen next to him snuggled together.

This day is really good.

The second day of the first lunar month is here, and today, Fang Jian and He Zifang are going to hold a wedding, which is also scheduled to be held at the Municipal Party Committee Guest House.

Gao Yang is going to be the officiant today, this is what Fang Jian and his wife, especially He Zifang strongly requested, and they cannot be rejected.

Wu Ruohan is going to be a bridesmaid again today, and on the fourth day of the first lunar month, she will also be a bridesmaid for Chen Sen's bride, Feng Lan.

This girl likes to be a bridesmaid.

After 11 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang and his family rushed to the hotel. Xiao Jin, Yang Yong, Chen Sen, Wen Yi and others also arrived. Jin Yang and his wife, He Guangwen and his girlfriend, Wu Bo and Song Liangqiu also came. .

He Guangwen finally fell in love. He is a master of Peking University and majored in computer science. Together with He Guangwen, he is engaged in website development in the project of

A girl from Jiangnan, named Zhang Xuan, was tall and pretty, and matched He Guangwen very well.

At 11:40 in the morning, many high school classmates came, three NO.[-] people, with their wives and children, like a class reunion.

Gao Yang, Xiao Jin and the others helped to receive these old classmates, many of whom had attended Gao Yang's wedding.

Later, CPI CEO Yang Limin, Feng Maonan, Yu Guangming, Ren Jing and a dozen other people also came from Shudu.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen took their children and went up to see them one by one, but in Tian Tian's arms, a stack of New Year's red envelopes was immediately stuffed.

Gao Yang joked with Yang Limin and the others: "Fang Jian and his wife want me to be the officiant. In my opinion, any of you, any one, is more suitable than me."

Yang Limin punched Gao Yang in the chest, and said with a smile, "Your boy and Fang Jian were once his leaders, and only you are the most suitable."

At 12:[-] noon, the wedding started. Fang Jian invited a wedding company to organize it. Soon it was time for Gao Yang to be the officiant and deliver a speech.

Gao Yang, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, took the microphone on the stage and said with a smile:
"The officiant should be a respected elder. I am a bit reluctant to do this. Here, I would like to say a few words from my heart to my relatives and friends.

Fang Jian and I are high school classmates. Our family environment, study, work, and experience are all very similar.

Fang Jian, like me, was born in a poor family in rural areas, and then studied hard to pass the exam. He first became a civil servant, and then resigned and went to sea to find his own way out.

After working in CPI's Beijing company, Fang Jian quickly demonstrated his ability. Within three or four years, he has been a reporter, chief reporter, executive editor, and general manager of the company, and has been the vice president of the group.

In my eyes, Fang Jian is a piece of gold, with excellent ability, hard work, will shine sooner or later, and has a bright future, and he is also a man of good character.

This girl, Zifang, met Fang Jian during college. She has a pair of beautiful big eyes that can recognize a good man, and she fell in love with Fang Jian's gold at a glance.

From acquaintance, acquaintance to love, many friends around me, including me, have witnessed that they are very compatible, have a good relationship, and are considerate to each other. Today, it finally blossomed and bore fruit.

Zifang is a top student at the University of Finance and Economics, and she is also very good. She works hard at Haidilao, a well-known catering company. How many billion.

Here, I wish Fang Jian and He Zifang their wedding today, and wish them an early son, a loving husband and wife, and a long life together.

They are all people who have careers and families in their hearts. With joint efforts, they have now achieved a well-off life ahead of schedule, and even initially achieved prosperity.

Today, they are newly married, but their lives are still very long. I hope that they will be like husbands and wives from now on, and they will make progress together.

We live in a good time, I believe that Fang Jian and Zifang will have amazing achievements in the future, and one day, it is conceivable to have a great career, a net worth of hundreds of millions, and a happy family life..."

Gao Yang talked for more than three minutes with a smile, and the audience applauded thunderously.

Some guests who didn't know Gao Yang, and those who were not familiar with Fang Jian's current situation, thought it was funny, this young and handsome officiant could really boast.

Those who are familiar with Gao Yang all smile, this is Gao Yang's style.

(End of this chapter)

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