Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 242 General Mobilization Before the War

Chapter 242 General mobilization before the war (seeking a monthly ticket)

Gao Yang first hid in the study and smoked a cigarette, sat for a while, and then found Gu Yawen in the sun room on the roof.

Gu Yawen leaned on the rattan chair and fell asleep.

At the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the afternoon sun shines on her through the glass house. This quiet face with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth is amazingly beautiful.

There is no heating in the conservatory, but there is an air conditioner. Gu Yawen will not catch cold if she sleeps like this.

Gao Yang took off his jacket and put it on Gu Yawen's body. Gu Yawen woke up immediately, with a smile on her face: "Honey, where is Ruohan?"

"She's resting..."

Gao Yang sat down and sighed: "Now, what should have happened has happened, and you are all satisfied."

Gu Yawen came over, sat on Gao Yang's lap, waved on his face, and smiled: "Actually, I feel a little sour in my heart."

Gao Yang hugged Gu Yawen, and was happy: "You are sad, and you still push behind your back. This is also called cocooning yourself, digging a hole and burying yourself."

Gu Yawen laughed again: "This is also a normal psychological reaction of mine, but when I think of Ruohan as my younger sister, I don't feel sour again, and I am happy for her."

Gao Yang slapped his buttocks on his legs: "Fake!"

Gu Yawen giggled: "I'm telling the truth, how about it, isn't Ruohan cute?"

Gao Yang deliberately got angry: "She looks like this, can she be called cute?"

Gu Yawen laughed again: "Ruohan is very cute, husband, you are a fake if you get a cheap price and act like a good boy!"

Gao Yang rubbed his temples: "When I think of our big family, my scalp gets numb."

Gu Yawen said softly: "This is Ruohan's choice, and it is also my choice. This is the end of the matter, let's take it easy and live our lives as we want."

The two chatted for more than half an hour, and Gu Yawen went downstairs to find Wu Ruohan.

Wu Ruohan just got up and made the bed, when the two saw each other, Wu Ruohan immediately fell into Gu Yawen's eyes with tears in her eyes.

"Sister, brother-in-law lied to me."

Gu Yawen was happy: "Ruohan, why did your brother-in-law lie to you?"

Wu Ruohan wiped the corner of her eyes: "Sister, my brother-in-law just now..."

After Wu Ruohan finished talking about what happened just now, Gu Yawen was dumbfounded: "Your brother-in-law just said..."

Gu Yawen was also speechless, she didn't expect that Gao Yang was just pretending to tease her.

Gu Yawen had no choice but to pull Wu Ruohan to sit down, and began to comfort her softly, but Wu Ruohan kept murmuring, but she looked aggrieved.

In the conservatory on the roof, Gao Yang lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought.

The sister-in-law is indeed quite cute, but Gao Yang feels that it is too absurd.

Before, Gao Yang really never thought about his sister-in-law, but Wu Ruohan got into bed at noon, it was really crazy.

If something really happens, it will inevitably face a whole family of troubles, and it may even be a huge trouble.

Gao Yang smoked a cigarette and came downstairs, the two girls had already muttered to each other, Wu Ruohan was happy again, and wanted to throw herself into Gao Yang's arms and go crazy.

Gao Yang dodged and dodged.

Then, the three of them held their arms together and went for a walk outside.

The afterglow of the setting sun hit her body, dragging out three long figures, clinging to each other.

Gu Yawen joked: "My mother and the others will come back next Saturday, and there is still a week left. Husband, you should spend more time with Ruohan these few days."

Wu Ruohan smiled: "Sister, you have to love me."

Gao Yang glanced at Wu Ruohan, who was full of embarrassment: "Tonight, you close your door and think about the past."

Wu Ruohan immediately acted like a baby: "Brother-in-law, I don't..."

Gao Yang said: "Come here, it's fine to play with you, if you go crazy again, I won't let you go."

Seeing that Gao Yang seemed to be really angry, Wu Ruohan immediately said: "Sister, I have already made up my mind. When my aunt and the others come back, I will live in Weber's apartment when I go to work, um... Every week, let my brother-in-law accompany me to work overtime Well, it's the weekend, and I just came to live in Xishan."

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "It's a good arrangement."

Gao Yang was a little speechless: "I asked you two to finish the arrangement?"

Wu Ruohan said excitedly: "Brother-in-law, this is the best, I won't affect your loving life with my sister."

Gao Yang said unhappily: "Your brother-in-law is not a cow, he doesn't need to eat grass every day, Wu Ruohan, I warn you, don't go crazy in front of me again."

In the following week, Gao Yang also accepted some of Gu Yawen's opinions, and spent more time chatting with Wu Ruohan, or going shopping.

Wu Ruohan suddenly became too obedient, accepted Gu Yawen's advice, and wanted to make a good impression on Gao Yang, and slowly figured it out.

Every day at home, Wu Ruohan is also very diligent, as if she is a different person.

As for Gao Yang, he also understood that this was a plan by his sister-in-law to delay the attack, or it was discussed with Gu Yawen.

Gao Yang doesn't care, anyway, as long as he doesn't step on the line, he can perform as he pleases.

February 2, Monday, the twelfth day of the first lunar month, all the staff of also went to work.

On this day, Gao Yang held three meetings in a row, namely the three companies of Jiaoyang, Yuanda and

Sunshine Company will start a regional exhibition tour this year. At the same time, based on the self-built regional distribution channels, it will start to set up regional branches.

The task is heavy and the work is busy. Gao Yang presided over this meeting, which is the general mobilization before the battle.

Liu Yue's distribution department was changed to a distribution center. Liu Yue was appointed as the general manager of the distribution center. He was about to send 6 regional managers to the six major regions of the country except North China to set up branches and immediately recruit troops.

Zhou Wenbin's activity department was changed to an activity center, and Zhou Wenbin served as the company's deputy general manager and general manager of the activity center.For the activity center, an activity specialist should be set up in each region.

The editorial department was changed to the editorial center, and Sun Chengyi served as the director of the editorial center. Each region had to recruit a reporter to collect and write local business information and industry news.

This year, whether Sunlight's revenue performance can reach a higher level depends on whether the regional touring exhibition can be welcomed by customers and channel merchants.

Next, is Yuanda Company.The general manager Lu Yonggang personally took the lead and set up a 10-person research team. This year, relying on the customer relationship accumulated by Sunshine, he began to develop public relations and advertising agency business in the solar energy industry.

On Sunshine Company's side, from the general manager Wu Bo to the advertising manager He Jin, they must cooperate closely. After the customer is captured, from Wu Bo, He Jin to the salesman, whoever introduces successfully will be honored by Yuanda Company. related business commissions.

The third meeting is the official launch of and the promotion before the launch.

This meeting is also a pre-war mobilization meeting, which is very important in Gao Yang's heart.

Today, there are still some data in the basic business information database of that have not been sorted and entered. Before the website is officially launched, some tests need to be done.

Finally, after discussion, it was decided that will be officially launched on February 2, three weeks later...

(End of this chapter)

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