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Chapter 243 Capital No. 1 Real Estate Agency

Chapter 243 Capital No. [-] Real Estate Agency
On February 2, Gao Yang held a meeting for a whole day, his mouth was dry with words, and he smoked half a pack of cigarettes.

On this day, Gao Yang gave Wu Ruohan the task of building positions in the two stocks of Jichai and Gan Changyun, and told her a price range for slowly building positions. This girl has her own way.

At the close of trading on the afternoon of February 2, Wu Ruohan bought another 2 shares in each of the two stocks.

On the morning of February 2, Gao Yang managed the market by himself, and at noon, he went back to Weber's apartment for a lunch break, and spent time with Gu Yawen.

Young, in good health, able to carry it.

Of course, just like what Gu Yawen said, Gao Yang often finds time to play with Wu Ruohan, as long as his sister-in-law doesn't go crazy.

On the afternoon of February 2, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen summoned Zhang Miao, the person in charge of Yueju Company.

When reporting work, Zhang Miao looked excited:
"We have registered all the new houses of Mr. Gu, Mr. Gao, Aunt Wu and Mr. Gu. There are a total of 2526 new houses that have been rented out. It is expected that they will be rented out within this month.

In addition, we have opened three stores now, with more than 20 people, and it is expected that there will be two to three hundred houses.

Judging from the housing sources we have, it is not an exaggeration to say that our Yueju company is the first-class real estate agency in Beijing, and it can even be called the number one.

Of course, with so many houses, our current manpower is too tight to manage them. I suggest that we need to open four to five new stores throughout the city.

Aunt Wu's more than 800 houses are relatively concentrated in the area.Mr. Gu's more than 1600 houses are relatively scattered..."

Gao Yang nodded: "Mr. Zhang can handle the matter of opening a new store yourself. Have you ever calculated how much income the company can earn if all these houses are rented out?"

Zhang Miao said: "Mr. Gao, this year, including our own expansion of housing resources, we can count as 3000 units. According to the commission for each unit, we charge tenants an average of 2000 yuan, which is 600 million yuan in commission income.

Then, Aunt Wu He and Mr. Gu’s 2526 suites are calculated based on the average rent of 2000 yuan per unit, and the annual rent is 6062 million.

Mr. Gu and Aunt Wu have the same opinion, and they will raise 2 points of management fee for the company, and this part of the income will be 120 million.

Therefore, our guaranteed income will be 720 million this year. With this foundation, we can open 10 stores in the capital and support 100 employees without any problem.

Then, we can vigorously expand new customers, establish the company's brand image and service reputation, and quickly become a first-line real estate intermediary chain brand in Beijing, which is not difficult..."

Gao Yang nodded: "Mr. Zhang, you told you that if the management and operation of Yueju Company is good, there is a chance to become bigger and stronger. However, the management must be refined. From now on, you have to plan the layout. Lay the foundation for the future.

This year, after quickly gaining a firm foothold in the capital market, next year, we can consider key regional cities across the country and gradually open branches to expand the market.

If the intermediary is regarded as a direction to become bigger and stronger, the company's internal management structure setting needs to be carefully considered now.

It cannot be that all employees go to run business, and refined management requires the division of labor and coordination of internal positions.

For example, an office needs to be set up for logistics, a dedicated department for human resources and training, warrants can be handled by a special person, the same is true for loans, and then there are finance, marketing, sales and even legal affairs, etc.

Yueju started with the rental business, and there must be a part of the real estate sales intermediary business. In the future, the scale will expand, and it can even expand the real estate marketing business. This business can be done on a large scale..."

Zhang Miao was surprised by Gao Yang's detailed introduction of the company's management and business development ideas, and hurriedly wrote it down.

Gao Yang talked about the development model of real estate intermediary management in the future. Many concepts made Zhang Miao feel very fresh and inspired.

After writing it down, Zhang Miao admired: "I didn't expect Mr. Gao to have such a deep understanding of real estate agencies. I feel like you have been an intermediary company for many years."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "I was also thinking about something, and when I said it, I hope it will be helpful for you to manage this company and make it bigger and stronger.

Yueju Company, from the very beginning, must consider formal development, earn what it should earn, earn what it can earn, and not be a black intermediary.

When entering various positions, it is necessary to check well, design a reasonable performance appraisal, reward the good and punish the bad, and it is necessary to be able to retain talents and give them a chance to succeed. "

Zhang Miaodao: "Thanks to Mr. Gao and Mr. Gu for their trust. I promise to complete the task. By the way, Aunt Wu and Mr. Gu have more than 2500 suites, which will also involve a large rental deposit, which is expected to exceed 500 million. According to my experience , the average mortgage period is expected to be about two years. How should the company manage such a large amount of funds?"

Gao Yang asked curiously: "Let's not talk about the house on my mother's side, but the company also manages the deposit for Miss Xia's house?"

Zhang Miao said: "Yes, Mr. Gu has close to 1700 houses, involving more than 1700 deposits. She can't handle it, so we let our company manage it."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Then, in the name of Yueju Company, go to the bank to open a special account to store these deposits, and the finance must be paid separately.

In addition, the company will involve tens of millions of turnover this year, and I will assign a professional to the company to be in charge of finance.

Her name is Wu Ruohan, a graduate student of the University of Finance and Economics, a certified public accountant, and she is a financial director at Yueju Company, and she is responsible for the overall supervision of these funds.

You discuss with Wu Ruohan, if necessary, each store should set up a financial manager, and it must be set up. In terms of financial management, there should be no management loopholes.

Wu Ruohan is a family with us, she is our cousin..."

Zhang Miao said happily: "Great, with such a professional accountant, I really don't have to worry about the company's financial management."

Next, Gu Yawen informed Wu Ruohan to come over and met Zhang Miao.

Regarding this new part-time position, Wu Ruohan promised to complete the task.

After communicating for more than an hour, Zhang Miao left happily, full of ambitions, and ready to do something big.

Wu Ruohan stayed behind and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, sister, don't worry, I will definitely be a good housekeeper for you."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, if your aunt and sister Xia's house are all rented out, it will involve a deposit of more than 500 million yuan. Zhang Miao said that the average deposit period is estimated to be about two years.

With such a large sum of money, you can deposit it in a special bank account in the name of Yueju Company, and at the same time, open an account with a brokerage company in the name of Yueju Company, and transfer it in if you have funds..."

Wu Ruohan said happily: "Use the deposit to invest in stocks? Great, I like it."

Gu Yawen worried: "Husband, what if you lose money by investing in stocks?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Don't worry, I don't do things that I'm not sure about. Such a large amount of money doesn't need to pay a penny of interest, so it's not in vain. If you do a good job in stocks, it's normal for you to double your income in a year." .”

Gao Yang looked at Wu Ruohan again: "Ruohan, in the future you will have two jobs, and your work may be easier on, and the focus is still on Yueju Company.

For sister Xia and your aunt's house, after the rent is received, the management fee of 2 points must be deducted and transferred to their accounts in time.

For the deposit, you need to open a special account and keep a separate account.Investing in stocks and income, we can master it ourselves. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, this kind of finance is very simple..."

(End of this chapter)

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