Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 254 Ask a Celebrity to Endorse

Chapter 254 Ask a Celebrity to Endorse (ask for a monthly ticket)
In Gao Yang's car, there are ten pieces of Moutai prepared today, and there is more than enough to drink.

The wine storage room in the basement of Xiangyi Villa has stored more than 200 pieces of Moutai.

Gao Yang is already thinking about letting Yang Yong or Wang Yun set up a wine company in Shudu and become the regional agent of Moutai.

In the future, when Jinyang's DM business project is unprofitable, Wang Yun will work full-time as a wine company.

In the future, this wine company, backed by Gao Yang's capital, may even acquire one or two second-tier liquor listed companies.

With capital and talents, there are too many opportunities to make money.

These brothers and sisters around Gao Yang can grow up together and make a fortune together.

Jin Yang is a drinker, and his drinking capacity is about the same as Gao Yang.

After the two drank half a catty of wine, Jin Yang began to hook up with Gao Yang:

"Brother, I am more confident that the project of can quickly achieve what it is now. I have stumbled a lot on the Internet. I didn't expect that today I really have the opportunity to stand still."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Old classmate, don't worry, this project has been initially verified, the idea is no problem, the funds are no problem, we old classmates and friends are all capable people.

After roughly completes its nationwide layout, I think that there should be an opportunity to apply for an overseas listing at that time.

If it is sought after by international capital, it is normal for this company to achieve a market value of 100 billion US dollars in the future. "

Jin Yang smiled heartily: "If you really achieve such an achievement, then the brothers are really thanks to you."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's all made by working together. We all have our own strengths, learn from each other's strengths, and work together to be invincible."

Jin Yang asked again: "What is the effect of our investment in stocks?"

Gao Yang called Wu Ruohan over, and said with a smile, "Ruohan, report the stocks to Mr. Jin."

Wu Ruohan said arrogantly: "President Jin, I opened an account and opened a warehouse on February 2th, and on February 25th, I bought all the company's 2 million funds, and what I bought was the Moutai you drink. It was less than 26 days before the market closed yesterday. Time, earned 400."

Jin Yang was startled, and raised his thumb: "Ruohan, amazing!"

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "My brother-in-law commanded it, our buying price was less than 28 yuan, and the closing price on Friday was just over 30 yuan.

According to my brother-in-law's plan, when Moutai's stock price rises above 40 yuan, we will temporarily withdraw to prevent a retracement.

This wave of gains, if the target is achieved, the company can make a net profit of more than 150 million. According to the current stock price trend, I feel that it will be very fast. "

Jin Yang raised his thumb again: "Excellent, so to speak, most of the company's next advertising expenses have been settled."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The problem should not be big. This year, we hope to get a big surprise in stock investment. In the second half of next year, the opportunity may be even greater. Looking at the long-term, if the stock is done well, we have hope to rely on With the rolling of the 1000 million start-up capital, it can also support this project to continue to grow bigger and stronger."

Jin Yang laughed aloud: "If this is really the case, it would be too powerful."

Gao Yang said again: "Ruohan, the company's stock investment account, every month in the future, or after each operation, you will report to Mr. Jin and Mr. Wu in time, so that they can have an idea."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "I'm in charge of finance, this is my job, and it should be."

Wu Ruohan left with a smile, and went to play around with the women.

Gao Yang and the others sat down, and then drank and ate meat with Fang Jian, He Guangwen, Chen Sen and others.

Gao Yang saw that Jin Yang kept drinking in his cup and would not refuse anyone who came, so he joked: "Jin Yang, you are a bit greedy, drinking too much will affect Yan Ran's ability to conceive a child."

Jin Yang chuckled: "Before the Spring Festival, I gave up alcohol for two or three months and rarely drank it, just to get pregnant with Yanran's health. Don't worry, Yanran has been pregnant for two months."

Gao Yang looked at Chen Sen again: "Where are you and Feng Lan, when are you going to have a child?"

Chen Sen said with a smile: "Feng Lan turns 25 this year, we have discussed it, next year."

Fang Jian also said: "Zifang and I have also discussed that we will have a child next year."

Everyone looked at He Guangwen again: "Guangwen, among us, you are the only one left unmarried."

He Guangwen laughed and said, "Zhang Xuan graduated from graduate school in May and June. We have discussed that we will hold a wedding on National Day or Spring Festival, and we will have a child next year."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "That's right. Zhang Yue and Hu Lin are also getting married this year. This year and next two years, everyone will have children, which means they will truly start a family. Once the family affairs are settled down, in the future, we can roll up our sleeves and work hard together." .”

Fang Jiandao: "I discussed with Jin Yang and the others about cooperating with female stars. Everyone thinks that Zhou Xun, who is just popular, is not bad. He is an absolute first-line star. His image, temperament, and public image are all very good.

In mid-February, some media compiled a 2 global Chinese star ranking, Zhou Xun ranked in the top five, and ranked second among female stars.

Gao Yang, what do you think? "

Gao Yang said: "Zhou Xun is very good, he has image and acting skills, I also think it is good."

Fang Jian said with a smile: "I'm afraid the price is not low to cooperate with such a star."

Gao Yang said: "We're just using her portrait rights, and at most we'll shoot another one-to-two-minute video for the elevator advertisement. Lao Fang, you and Jin Yang should work hard to talk, it shouldn't cost too much money."

Chen Sen said with a smile: "Old Gao, among the few of us, you have the best image and temperament. You are so handsome. I think you will do it yourself, and it may have a miraculous effect."

Gao Yang was a little speechless: "You bastard, we must talk to someone's agent. The chance of seeing Zhou Xun in person is very small. I don't have time to do these things. I don't have the slightest interest in star chasing."

Everyone laughed.

To be honest, Gu Yawen from Gao Yang's family is prettier than many female stars.

Gao Yang said again: "Brothers, I'm still thinking about a social networking site project. This project is very necessary. Let's find time to discuss it and try to launch it in time by the end of this year or early next year."

He Guangwen was surprised and said, "Gao Yang, do you want to be on SNS?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, there is no established SNS website in China. If this platform is successful, we can make a 51 series in the future. There is a lot of room for development."

Chen Sen asked curiously, "What is SNS?"

Fang Jiandao: "SNS, the full name is Social Networking Services, which means social networking services."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Let's not talk about this tonight, let's drink to our heart's content, have a good rest at night, and find a time tomorrow morning to discuss this matter..."

At this time, Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan and a group of female grandmas came over with drinks.

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "You guys can really drink, you've already finished two or three bottles, don't get drunk."

Chen Sen said with a smile: "Yawen, don't worry, Lao Fang and I get drunk, and Gao Yang of your family will be fine. This guy can drink very well, and Jin Yang can too."

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "Let's toast you as a group. However, it's better to drink less alcohol. It's not good to get drunk when you come out to play."

In the end, both Gao Yang and Jin Yang drank about eight taels of liquor, and they still wouldn't get drunk.

Then, around the bonfire for a while, screaming loudly, the drunkenness gradually dissipated.

After 10 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang still finished washing, and took a rest early with Gu Yawen.

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "You drank a lot tonight, is it okay?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "There is never a time when your husband can't do it. The spring breeze is so proud that the horse's hooves are eager, and life must be full of joy..."

 It's the end of the month, readers, don't hide your votes, throw a few out to support, Eggplant promises to present a logical, refreshing, realistic, and complete story for everyone.

  In the past, there were some trainees who came to write with rhythm, but suddenly disappeared collectively in the past few days, feeling as if they were organized.

  The consequence is that some readers are distracted by the rhythm, and they don't know whether they are raising the article or really leaving. These days, there has been a decline in follow-up reading.

  Eggplant still insists on coding more than ten hours a day, insists on relying on will, and finishes writing this book according to the concept.

  It's just that it's not easy to be a writer, so please support me.

  I didn’t offend you, those book lovers who swear words, I just want to support my mother and son with code words, so why bother...

(End of this chapter)

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