Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 255 Thinking About SNS Projects

Chapter 255 Thinking about SNS Projects (Seeking Tickets and Subscriptions)

On the morning of March 3, Gao Yang got up early for morning exercises as usual, Gu Yawen practiced yoga, Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue also ran with Gao Yang.

Gao Yang worked out a lot of sweat, and when he returned to the villa, Jin Yang, Fang Jian and others had just woken up.

Seeing Feng Lan, she quietly pinched Chen Sen: "Look at Brother Yang, how regular his life is."

Chen Sen said with a smile: "This guy used to work in Jinyang, and he was also very lazy. Now he is like a self-disciplined animal. I can't compare it."

Feng Lan gave a blank look: "So, among you classmates, Brother Yang is the best, and he is your leader. You should really learn from Brother Yang."

Chen Sen smiled again: "Yes, yes, we are all studying. From next week onwards, we will get up early and run every day. Can you persevere?"

Feng Lan said: "As long as you can persevere, I can definitely..."

After breakfast, Gao Yang played with his 15-month-old son Tiantian for a while, and then Gu Yawen, Wu Lan and others took Tiantian with them and went out to play with the others.

Gao Yang and a few old classmates stayed in the villa to drink tea and discuss the SNS website project proposed by Gao Yang, as agreed last night.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and opened the scene first:
"SNS website, as Lao Fang explained last night, is a social network service. In my understanding, SNS is closely related to the concept of blog (blog).

I checked the information, and the concept of blog probably first appeared in 97 or 98. A blog should actually be called a blogger, referring to a person who writes a personal weblog.

Around 99, there were already free software tools for making blog sites.

The original meaning of a blog is to record a personal web log, just like people used to keep a diary.

But in the Internet environment, this is a kind of public publication. If someone enters the site to comment, there will be an opportunity to communicate online in time, which becomes online dating.

Then, naturally, the concept of SNS was extended.

Social network, as a platform, is centered on the individual user, allowing users to produce content, such as sharing their work, life, family, hobbies, thoughts...

All joys and sorrows can be shared on the network platform, and then users follow and discuss each other, which forms another form of communication and friendship on the network.

A concept of an online community for the purpose of sharing and socializing.

According to the theory of six degrees of space, also known as the theory of six degrees of separation or small world, the interpersonal distance between each person and any stranger will not exceed 6 people.

That is to say, through acquaintances of acquaintances, we will always know more strangers. In theory, we can know anyone in the world.

In the current Internet age, this feature is even more obvious. The Internet has built a virtual online society, and communication is more convenient.

This is the background of social network needs.

We are all Internet entrepreneurs now, so we can naturally understand the essence of Internet value.

That is popularity flow.

We are now working on urban life websites like 51 Tongcheng. If we are successful, we will achieve a nationwide layout in the future, with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of user traffic.

I have described to Jin Yang that 51 Tongcheng has achieved this level, it is very simple to go overseas for listing and financing, and the company may even be easily sought after with a market value of tens of billions of dollars.

What if we successfully make an SNS platform?
Obviously, its audience is almost all netizens, and its popularity traffic can be 51 times that of, or even higher, because there must be such room for development.

Such a large popularity flow must have huge commercial value behind it, which can extend a lot of business models.

When we look at Goose Factory, it started from QQ, which is actually a SNS software.Now, if QQ wants to build an SNS website, it is also very simple. Open a webpage similar to a blog page for each user, and its SNS webpage platform will take shape immediately, and it will develop very quickly.

If we can make an SNS platform and then develop it, in the future, it is entirely possible for us to make SNS software similar to QQ.

In the PC era, it may be difficult for us to have the opportunity to surpass QQ. So, what if the future comes to the era when mobile phones can access the Internet?
Everything is unknown, the space is huge, the opportunities are boundless..."

He Guangwen said with a smile: "Gao Yang is worthy of being a media background, with a keen sense of smell and broad vision.

SNS is indeed a major trend in the development of the Internet. Overseas, there are three or four SNS platforms like MySpace, all of which are very successful, and their value is estimated to be as high as several billion dollars.

In terms of technology, the SNS platform is essentially a new generation of Internet applications developed based on individual users and using distributed technology. It is based on what Gao Yang just said, the online social needs of netizens.

As far as China is concerned, with a population of about 13 billion, last year, the number of Internet users in China reached nearly 8000 million, and more than 3000 million computers were connected to the Internet.

The development of the Internet will be very fast in China. China has the most fertile soil for SNS platforms, because the number of our netizens will inevitably become the number one in the world. "

Fang Jiandao: "Gao Yang and Guangwen's analysis and judgment on the prospect of SNS, I agree very much, the future development space of social network is indeed very large. However, we are going to do such a project, in terms of investment, it is the same as the current 51 same city. It might not even be of the same magnitude.”

Jin Yang sighed: "Yes, we just launched, and we want to do a bigger project like SNS, manpower and material resources, especially financial resources, can we afford it?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I am just a proposal, a conception. To do such a project, manpower and material resources are relatively simple.

For example, in terms of technology development, 51 Tongcheng is actually doing daily maintenance and application expansion, and the pressure is not great. Guangwen can expand its team and research and develop the SNS platform.

In terms of operation, if such a project is to be done, Jin Yang and Lao Fang can be completely separated, and each of you will lead the operation of a project.

As for financial resources, to be honest, in my eyes, it is very simple.

The concept of the SNS project, during the wedding of Lao Fang and Zhou Wenbin, I talked with CPI Group CEO Yang Limin and other senior executives. They believed in me and were interested in investing two or three million in it.

On my side, or personally, or everyone still invests in such projects with the cash flow of Sunshine Company.

In general, together with Jin Yang, Chen Sen, Yang Yong and Xiao Jin, you can also vote a little bit.

If this project is approved, we will have no problem collecting 1000 million start-up funds, and it will be very easy.

My personal opinion is that within two years, by 2005 at the latest, the first pure SNS website will inevitably appear in China.In addition, the action of the goose factory will not be too late.

Therefore, if we want to do it, we must seize the time and be the first in the industry if we want to do it.

What I proposed today is for everyone to think about it first. From the perspective of the timeline, it is best to develop it within this year, and it must be launched by the end of the year or early next year at the latest.

After solving the start-up capital of the project, you can leave the follow-up capital needs to me, just like the project, I will guarantee the capital needs step by step..."

Chen Sen said with a smile: "I believe what Lao Gao said, if he wants to do it, then I will definitely follow."

Fang Jian said: "Then let's think about it carefully. If we want to do it, we will try to officially approve the project in June and July."

Jin Yang said with a smile: "Gao Yang, you God of Wealth, if you can guarantee the financial needs, I have no objection."

Gao Yang said: "That's it. Let's take time to think and search more information. It's still the same. Guangwen and Lao Fang take time to study the SNS platforms of MySpace, and then talk to Jin Yang, the three of you will fight for the 5 Month, draft a project investment plan.

After that, we will brainstorm and discuss in depth..."

(End of this chapter)

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