Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 256 Solar Media Breakthrough

Chapter 256 The Great Breakthrough of Solar Energy Media (for Subscription)

After last week, on March 3, Moutai's stock price jumped, breaking through 12 yuan at one point and closing at 33 yuan.

After the stock market closed in the afternoon, Wu Ruohan announced the good news to Jin Yang and Wu Bo respectively.


In less than a month, the two companies made a total of more than 200 million. Jin Yang and Wu Bo were also smiling, and finally believed that Gao Yang was really good at making money by doing stocks.

Very powerful look.

A few days ago, Chen Sen pestered Gao Yang and insisted on investing in stocks. Gao Yang asked him to open an account. Chen Sen also followed Wu Ruohan to buy Moutai, and asked Wu Ruohan to help him operate.

As a result, Chen Sen and his wife invested 30 yuan and made nearly 3 yuan in three days. They were also smiling.

On March 3, Yueju Company, chaired by Zhang Miao, rented out more than 11 brand-new houses held by Wu Lan and Gu Xia through customer searches on the platform, and rented out about 51% of them.

There are more than 600 houses left in Yueju Company's houses, plus the ones that ran out by myself.

Every day, it is still renting out at a rate of close to 100 units.

Yueju Company has already received about 400 million deposits from customers, all of which were transferred by Wu Ruohan to the stock account under the company's name to build long-term positions one after another.

The house in Wu Lan's hands has been rented out over 700 units, and the rent is nearly 600 million. The rent is mainly paid every three months, and some are paid every six months.

Wu Lan pooled up some of the money in her hands, a total of more than 800 million, and handed it all over to Gao Yang, who arranged to convert it into 100 million US dollars, and transferred it to Wu Fei and his wife in the United States for building a position in US stocks.

For this matter, Gao Yang asked Wu Bo's lover Zhao Lei for help.

Zhao Lei is the financial director of a foreign trade company. The company charged a service fee of 20 soft sister coins, and the arrangement was made soon.

Within a week, the 100 million US dollars will be transferred to the accounts of Wu Fei and Chen Lan in the name of relatives' loans.

The website is still on the rise.

On March 3, the number of registered users of the website exceeded 12, and the number of registered merchants exceeded 15.

Among the renters in the capital, of course, the main body is white-collar workers, and the service reputation of the website is very good.

The listings are really great.

There are many owners of real estate in Beijing, and they have also noticed Many people inquired whether the website accepts individual owners to open stores on the platform.

After discussing with Gao Yang and others, Jin Yang decided not to open it to individual owners for the time being, and introduced them to Yueju Company if they had such needs.

Now, Zhang Miao is as busy as a spinning top. Yueju's branch has opened to the ninth branch, and there are already hundreds of owners who have come to seek cooperation.

Zhang Miao's ambitions are even bigger. It is planned to open 20 stores in the capital within this year, and the number of employees will reach about 160.

The head office of Yueju Company needs to rent an office building of over [-] square meters.

Yueju Company is expanding so fast, Gao Yang discussed with Gu Yawen to draw Zhang Yue's fiancée, Hu Lin, from the editorial center of Sunlight Company, and go to Yueju Company as the deputy director of finance.

When Yueju Company's expansion in the capital is basically over, Hu Lin will be appointed as the company's chief financial officer, and Wu Ruohan will withdraw. From now on, he will be mainly responsible for managing Yueju Company's customer deposits and investing in the stock market.

What made Jin Yang and Fang Jian happy was that less than a month after went online, two or three real estate developers had come to visit and discuss cooperation.

This means that Gao Yang's plan to quickly open up a breakthrough in the real estate industry and generate cash flow will really come true.

Jin Yang, Fang Jian, and Zhang Hua, the deputy general manager of Yuanda Company, are also rapidly promoting the outdoor advertising plan of

On March 3, the first batch of bus station advertisements, as well as road sign advertisements, have begun to appear.

The cooperation with the female star Zhou Xun has been quickly negotiated. The right to use the portrait for one year, plus shooting an elevator advertisement video within 2 minutes, the total price is 80 yuan.

It's not cheap, and it's not expensive either. After all, he is a top-notch and popular star.

Gao Yang's attention also began to turn to the big cash cow project of solar energy media.

From March 3th to 20nd, Sunshine will hold the first solar industry regional exhibition of this year in Jinling City, Jiangsu Province, East China.

For this matter, Zhou Wenbin's activity center, Liu Yue's distribution center, and He Jin's advertising department were all desperately preparing for this matter as soon as they went to work after the Spring Festival.

Now, more than 60 brand manufacturers have been confirmed to participate in the exhibition. It is estimated that the exhibition activities plus the advertising revenue of the conference catalog will exceed 800 million yuan.

In addition, even with the Spring Festival factor in February, the daily advertising revenue of the two solar energy magazines still reached 2 million. One of the major factors is that the journal "Solar Energy Industry" has been changed to a fortnightly publication since February.

The situation of the solar media project is very good this year. Gao Yang, Wu Bo and others predict that if everything goes well, the revenue scale of this project is very likely to exceed 8000 million this year, or even close to 1 million.

Among them, the advertising revenue is likely to exceed 2000 million. After 7 exhibitions are held, including the annual expo planned to be held in Quancheng, which is also the second national industry expo, the total revenue of the activities is also very likely to exceed 6000 million or even 7000 million. Ten thousand.

In 2004, the operating profit of solar media has a high probability of exceeding 5000 million, which is very scary.

Up to now, in the entire industry, there is still no second industry media. The two professional media published by Sunlight Company are still the only one, monopolizing the entire industry market.

On March 3, Lu Yonggang, general manager of Yuanda Company, who led a team to visit customers in the solar energy industry all over the country, came back.

During this trip, Lu Yonggang and his party consisted of 10 people, divided into three groups. Among them, Lu Yonggang led a group of 4 people who had been traveling intensively in Lu Province for more than a month.

On the afternoon of the 16th, after returning to the capital, Lu Yonggang immediately rushed to the office to report to Gao Yang and Gu Yawen.

As soon as he entered the room, Lu Yonggang grinned: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Gu, fortunately, our solar energy business team has been traveling for more than a month, visited the top 30 customers in the industry, and finally signed contracts with 8 customers.

Among them, 4 of the top five customers signed contracts, 7 of the top ten customers signed contracts, and only one customer ranked [-]th or [-]rd in the industry.

Among the 8 customers, the first 4 customers have signed public relations and some advertising agency business with Yuanda, and they have cooperated since the first regional exhibition of Sunshine Company.

The latter four clients signed with public relations agencies. In the second half of the year, they may sign with advertising agencies.

We predict that in the solar industry, Yuanda is expected to achieve a revenue of more than 3000 million this year.

Next year, there is a great chance to break through 5000 million. "

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen had already learned about these situations in the previous phone conversations, and now they are still very happy to hear Lu Yonggang's report in person.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Yonggang, you have really worked hard this time, but the regional exhibition is about to start, you should just take a rest for a day, and in July and August of summer, you will make up for the holidays one after another and have a good rest.

Brother Hua has already replenished the team for you in time. We have recruited 15 new employees. We have been intensively training for almost two weeks, and the recruitment work is still going on.

In general, Yuanda has made a major breakthrough in the solar energy industry this year, far exceeding expectations. Yonggang, you are the number one contributor. "

Lu Yonggang took the tea from Gu Yawen and said with a smile: "I should do it all. The company has made good performance, and all the brothers and sisters feel that no matter how hard it is, it is worth it..."

(End of this chapter)

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