Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 257 The Exhibition Makes Too Much Money

Chapter 257 The Exhibition Makes Too Much Money (Seeking a Double Monthly Ticket)
Lu Yonggang reported for ten minutes, then went back to the office to discuss work with Zhang Hua.

After joining Yuanda Company, Lu Yonggang has worked hard and his work ability has also been greatly improved.

Gao Yang looked at Gu Yawen with a smile: "You really look like my assistant."

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "I was originally."

Gao Yang pulled Gu Yawen to sit down: "My wife, Yuanda Company has made a major breakthrough in the solar energy industry. Have you ever thought about making Yuanda Company a shareholding?"

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "How to share shares?"

Gao Yang explained: “For public relations and advertising agencies, the core resource is talent, which is a relationship-based business model.

This time, Yonggang led the team and ran for more than a month, and signed 8 customers in the solar energy industry. This year, he hopes to make more than 3000 million new revenues.

This is a result that far exceeds expectations. Although it has the accumulation and foreshadowing of Sunshine Company in the past two years, it is also inseparable from the efforts of Yonggang's team.

This year, Zhang Hua is also working hard in the IT business of Yuanda Company, and has signed 4 new customers. The IT business is expected to reach 1600 million or even 1800 million.

In terms of solar energy, if it reaches more than 3000 million this year, the revenue scale of Yuanda Company is very likely to be close to 5000 million.

Among them, the advertising agency business may look like 3500 million, and the profit will be 700 million to 800 million.

If the PR agency achieves 1500 million, the profit will also look like 700 million.

This year, Yuanda's profit may be close to 1500 million.

In the next step, Yuanda will continue to dig deep into the solar energy industry. With its professional service capabilities, this business is expected to reach [-] million in three years and [-] million in five years, mainly advertising agencies.

An advertising agency with 4000 million yuan can make a profit of 5000 million to [-] million yuan a year, which is scary.

At that time, Yuanda can also expand into home appliances or other industries with the addition of IT. The revenue scale is expected to exceed 3 million yuan, and the profit will reach about 8000 million yuan.

To achieve such a step-by-step development and growth goal, the design of the company's salary system, relying solely on high salaries and benefits, is problematic.

We have to abandon Zhang Hua’s thinking when he was a joint media company. It is unreasonable for Lu Yonggang, as the company’s general manager and trader, not to hold shares in Broad Company. "

Gu Yawen understood: "I also think that some shares should be allocated to Lu Yonggang, how much do you think is appropriate to allocate to him?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Yawen, we are not sharing his shares, there is no free cake in this world.

This year, if Yuanda Company makes a profit of 1500 million, the employee dividends will be 300 million, and it seems that Yong Gang personally deserves 90.

At that time, Yuanda Company can transfer 2000% of your shares to Yonggang at a relatively low valuation, such as 10 million.

In addition, you can also calculate a 5% option for Yonggang.The company's department heads and deputy managers can also design certain options.

The role of options is mainly to participate in the annual shareholder dividends and reward key employees for their performance contributions to the company, just like the group options designed by CPI Group.

You have to be careful about retaining people, and you have to be willing to be a boss, so that the company's operation team will be stable enough to work hard together to make the cake bigger and bigger, and you, the boss, will benefit the most.

In addition, Yuanda's business scale is getting bigger and bigger, and its service capabilities and industry influence are getting stronger and stronger. There may not be no opportunities for listing in the future.

At that time, Yuanda Company may already be a company with thousands of employees, and when the time is ripe, it is necessary to promote employee stock ownership..."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Honey, you know these things better than me, just make up your mind."

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, next year, Yuanda Company is expected to make further breakthroughs. At that time, you will not be able to be a complete shopkeeper. In the second half of the year, you should apply for an MBA and learn how to be a boss."

Gu Yawen asked with a smile: "Then you will be my classmate?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I will try my best, I don't know if I will have time."

On the afternoon of March 3, Gao Yang, Gu Yawen and Wu Lan, with their son Tian Tian, ​​flew to Jinling, the ancient capital of the south of the Yangtze River, and stayed at the famous landmark Jinling Hotel in the city center.

The solar energy industry expo in East China is held not far from Jinling Wutai Gymnasium.

Zhou Wenbin led the activity execution team and has been stationed in Jinling for more than a week. Wu Bo, He Jin, Liu Yue and others rushed over this morning.

He Jin drove the landing patrol V4700, took Gao Yang's family to the hotel and settled down, and immediately led him to see the exhibition site.

When he saw Zhou Wenbin and others, Gao Yang hugged Tiantian and said with a smile, "Tiantian, let's say to uncle, 'Uncle, you have worked hard!'"

Tiantian's baby voice is childish, and the imitation is not very good, which makes everyone laugh.

Soon, Wu Lan and Gu Yawen took Tian Tian to play, and Zhou Wenbin began to pass cigarettes to everyone.

He Jin said arrogantly: "Our regional exhibition model this year was launched immediately, and we counted it again in the morning. There are 66 manufacturers participating in the East China exhibition. The overall income of this exhibition includes title sponsorship, booth rental and conferences. Advertisement is close to 1000 million, far exceeding the estimated 800 million or so.”

Wu Bo said with a smile: "After this year's round of exhibitions, if there is such an effect in East China, the income from the event will reach 7000 million, and it will definitely be no problem."

Zhou Wenbin also smiled boldly: "I really don't know if I don't do it. I was shocked when I did it. We will hold 7 exhibitions across the country this year, and the cost will be in the early 1000 million at most. It's too profitable."

Gao Yang said: "This is the benefit of enjoying an exclusive industry media platform. If this year's exhibition is successful, we will not be afraid of any capital coming in to compete with us. If there is capital coming in, we will not be able to catch up. us.

Are the customers satisfied with the organization and preparation of this exhibition in East China? "

Wu Bo smiled and said: "I'm very satisfied. The top 7 companies in the industry have already confirmed to participate in 50 exhibitions. Just like last year's exhibition, they competed fiercely with each other. After this exhibition, He Jin and I Here, we will continue to talk to customers, and strive to lock in more than [-] customers to participate in the whole process, and it is estimated that there will be no big problem.”

Gao Yang said: "This year, Wenbin's team is still under the greatest pressure. Next, from April to June, there will be exhibitions every month, and the colleagues in the event center will spend half of the time on business trips."

Zhou Wenbin smiled and said: "It's okay, everyone is very motivated, just treat it as working and traveling at the same time.

With the experience of holding these two exhibitions, the brothers and sisters have a clear mind, and our execution process has also begun to be standardized. Everyone knows what to do and where to put their energy.

Besides, who wouldn't like a job that earns money..."

(End of this chapter)

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