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Chapter 261 Worshiping the ancestors and meeting distant relatives by chance

Chapter 261 Worshiping Ancestors, Encountering Distant Relatives by Occasion
Gu Yawen discussed with Wu Lan about returning to Gaoyang's hometown during the Qingming Festival, and decided to stay in Jinyang for a few days, so Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue stayed in the capital.

In this era, Tomb-sweeping Day is not yet a statutory holiday. Wu Xiaoyue has to go home on weekends and return to school on Sundays.

Gu Yawen quickly booked air tickets for the three of them, as well as Tian Tian, ​​who was 16 months old.

On the afternoon of April 4, the three of Gao Yang flew to Jinyang with their children, and Jiang Bing drove the Pajero arranged by Wu Peng to the airport to pick them up.

In April, the lunar calendar has also entered the mid-spring season in March, which is the so-called beautiful season when the grass grows and the warblers fly and the peanut trees are mixed.

The spring scenery in Jinyang is quite different from that in the capital city, and the spring atmosphere is more abundant.

After entering the city, they picked up Gao Yang's parents, Gao Yue and Jiang Xue, and then drove into Jiang Bing's Jetta, and the two cars rushed to Renshui Township 30 kilometers away.

When they arrived in Renshui Township, Jiang Bing took Jiang Xue with him, and first went to visit the graves of Jiang's ancestors.

Gao Yue has been pregnant with her second child for almost two months, and she has taboos, so she goes back to her hometown in Shimen Village in a Pajero.

Wu Lan hasn't been to Gao Yang's hometown yet, and wants to visit it too.

Gao Yang drove back to his hometown first, then Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen carried the sacrificial items, Gao Yang carried Tiantian on his back, Gu Yawen followed, the group passed through the pine forest behind the house, and Gao Yingxue led them to visit the grave.

The tomb of the Gao family ancestor is divided into three or four places.

From the Gao family lineage in Shimen Village, the two generations Gao Yingxue and Gao Yang are all only children.

Along the way, Gao Yingxue was always talking about it.

It is said that the ancestors of the Gao family migrated from western Hunan to Shimen Village during the time when Huguang was filling the river.

The Gao family used to be a big family in Shimen Village, with a thriving population. It is said that there were hundreds of people at one time.

When he came to the grave of his grandparents whom he had never met, Gao Yang found that the grave had been renovated and a brand new tombstone was erected.

Then he asked, "Dad, did you arrange it?"

Gao Yingxue rubbed his eyes: "Yeah, I used to be poor, but now life is better, this should let the ancestors live a better life."

Li Xiuzhen said: "Your father has been looking for someone to do this after the Spring Festival. Your three aunts have all come to help."

When offering sacrifices to the ancestors, Gao Yingxue was muttering words, and Gao Yang noticed that his father was crying quietly.

Gao Yingxue should be sighing, his son is promising now, and the Gao family has finally prospered.

Tiantian said in a childish voice, "Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

Gao Yingxue said with a smile: "Every day, grandpa is telling your father's grandpa and grandma to keep our family safe."

Every day he couldn't understand, so Gao Yang taught him how to bow and kowtow.

After offering sacrifices to the three nearby tombs, the group rushed to another pine forest. The nearby mountain forest was called Gaojiashan, the ancestral house of the Gao family, the courtyard that used to be located under the hillside.

There, the first tomb of the Gao family is a large tomb, which is 300 years old. It records the history of the Gao family's migration from Xiangxi to this place.

On Gaojia Mountain, there are no less than a hundred tombs all over the mountain, in which the ancestors of the Gao family are buried forever.

When Gao Yang and his party approached Gaojia Mountain, Gao Yang noticed from a distance that there were several figures in front of the ancestor's grave.

Before he could speak, Gao Yingxue also saw it: "Gao Yang, it seems to be your uncle's family."

Gao Yang immediately remembered that this uncle, named Gao Yinghua, was the same grandfather as his father Gao Yingxue, so they were close.

It's just that Gao Yinghua's lineage moved out of Gaojiashan's ancestral land when he was young, and settled in a village in a neighboring town of Renshui Township. In fact, it is not far from Renshui Township, about 10 miles away.

Walking over, it was quickly seen that there were three adults with two children, a man and a woman.

Gao Yingxue called out from a distance: "Big brother!"

Gao Yinghua also noticed it, and came over with a smile: "It's Ying Xue and Xiuzhen, this is Gao Yang, right?"

Gao Yang immediately smiled and said: "Uncle, I am Gao Yang, this is my lover Gu Yawen, this is my son Gao Tianci, nicknamed Tiantian."

Gu Yawen immediately called uncle, and taught Tian Tian to call him uncle.

At this time, a young man came over with a two-year-old girl.

Gao Yang hurriedly greeted: "Fourth brother!"

This is Gao Yu, the youngest son of Gao Yinghua's family. He used to study high school with Gao Yang in Anhe County. He was one year older than Gao Yang, and later he was admitted to Shudu Jiaotong University.

When Gao Yu was in middle school, Ben and Gao Yang knew each other, and now they meet very warmly, teaching their daughter Gao Yan to call people.

After the introduction, Gao Yinghua called a man in his 40s and a boy in his teens over.

Gao Yinghua said: "Gao Ming, this is your uncle Gao Yingxue's family."

Gao Yang immediately remembered that this person should be the eldest of Gao Yinghua's family, he seems to be a graduate of Shuimu University in the 80s, and now he should be working in a county under the jurisdiction of Yuzhou, it seems to be a deputy county.

Gao Yang had never met this distant cousin in his previous life, but now, Gao Ming, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, had a somewhat haughty expression on his face, and it seemed a bit copious to come to greet Gao Yingxue.

Today, Gao Yang, like Gu Yawen, is wearing Enbao's sportswear, looking very ordinary.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen did not break the etiquette, they smiled and called them big brother, and taught Tiantian to call them uncle and brother.

Gao Ming's son is Gao Yuan, who is 11 years old, but he has a stinky face and doesn't care about others at all.

Gao Yang was a little speechless. This cousin seemed to have failed in being a deputy county cadre, being a man himself, and educating children...

A group of people joined together and began to sweep the graves of their ancestors.

Gao Yinghua saw that more than a dozen graves had been repaired, and guessed that Gao Yingxue had arranged them. After asking, he found out that Gao Yang's family had already moved into the city.

After sweeping the tomb, Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen warmly invited Gao Yinghua's family to visit their hometown and return after dinner.

Gao Ming was obviously displeased, Gao Yinghua said: "Gao Ming, you work in Yuzhou, it's rare to come to Gao's ancestral land, you should go to your uncle's house."

Gao Ming had no choice but to come down. Gao Yinghua knew the location of Gao Yang's hometown, so he went down the hill to take Gao Ming's car. Gao Ming drove a Toyota RAV4 with a Yuzhou license plate.

Li Xiuzhen also went to take the car, and went home early to arrange dinner.

Gao Yu was also somewhat dissatisfied with Gao Ming's attitude, instead of taking the car, he walked with Gao Yang and his party with his daughter on his back.

It's not far, just ten minutes away.

On the way, Gao Yang exchanged mobile phone numbers with Gao Yu, saying that he opened a company in the capital, so that Gao Yu must contact him when he arrives in the capital.

Gao Yu majored in civil engineering. After graduating from university, he worked in Shudu, the provincial capital.

Gao Yu smiled and asked: "Gao Yang, we haven't seen each other since we graduated from high school. What kind of company are you in the capital and how big is it?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I work as a commercial media with my friends. I have tens of millions of revenue a year. After I graduated, I worked in Jinyang for a few years. I went to Beijing in 99 and did two or three I was an IT reporter for a year, and then started a business with my friends.”

Gao Yu raised his thumb: "Amazing, promising."

When Gao Yang and his party returned home, Li Xiuzhen and her neighbor, Aunt Zhang, were busy preparing dinner. Just now, Gao Yue and Wu Lan were still digging some wild Zheergen in the nearby fields.

After arriving home, Gao Yang felt that Gao Ming's attitude was much more enthusiastic. He probably saw the luxury car worth more than 100 million yuan, and Wu Lan's aura was unusual.

Just now, Li Xiuzhen may also have talked about some family affairs with Gao Yinghua.

Gao Yang sat down and passed cigarettes to Gao Yinghua, Gao Ming and Gao Yu.

Gao Yinghua said with a smile: "Gao Yang, you are promising. Listen to your mother, you have arranged for them to live in a big villa."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Uncle, I'm working in the capital, my father and mother can't adapt to the climate in the north, my sister and brother-in-law are also doing business in Jinyang, so they will stay in Jinyang to live."

Later, Jiang Bing arrived in a Jetta with Jiang Xue.

Everyone laughed for a while, Gao Ming said curiously: "Yawen, I heard you speak with an accent from Yuzhou."

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Brother, my hometown is in Yuzhou. My father is from Yuzhou, and he is still working in Yuzhou."

Gao Yinghua said: "It happens that Gao Ming is also working in Yuzhou, so I can contact you more in the future, Yawen, which unit does your dad work in?"

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Our old Gu works in the city's public security department."

Gao Ming asked curiously, "Aunt Wu, which department of the city's public security does Uncle Gu work in?"

Wu Lan said: "He, he can be regarded as the leader now."

Gao Ming's eyes brightened suddenly: "Could it be that Uncle Gu is Director Gu?"

Wu Lan nodded: "Yes, it's him."

Gao Ming was a little excited for a moment, and he slapped his thigh: "Hey, I saw Gu Ju during a meeting in the city. I didn't expect that he was a relative."

Gao Ming instantly transformed into a warm smile, leaving Gao Yang speechless.

This cousin is so condescending, why bother.

At the dinner table, Gao Ming was also very enthusiastic, he took Gao Yang to drink, and said that brothers come and go, leaving Gao Yang speechless...

(End of this chapter)

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