Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 271 Boss Feng Wants to Invest?

Chapter 271 Boss Feng Wants to Invest?

On April 4th, Wednesday, Gao Yang received another call from Yang Limin, CEO of CPI Group, asking him where he was going to go on May Day.

Gao Yang, Gu Yawen, and Wu Lan have already discussed this matter.

Or go back to Jinyang, go to the northwest area of ​​Jinyang, Wanglang Nature Reserve near Jiuzhai, Huanglong and Jiuzhai, and drive all the way there.

At that time, you can meet the old man Gu Wenlong in Jinyang, and then bring your parents and Jiang Xue, like He Yong, Wu Peng, and Xiao Jin, can go together.

Let's all get together and have fun.

Fang Jian and Chen Sen planned to return to Jinyang on May Day, so they were naturally traveling together.

This is already a big crowd.

Hearing that Gao Yang was going back to Shuchuan, Yang Limin said: "Great, then the few of us here will go together along the way. Gao Yang, what SNS website are you talking about during the Spring Festival, do you have any plans?"

Gao Yang said: "Our side has already made a project investment plan. It has been discussed twice, but it has not yet been fully finalized."

Yang Limin said: "Then you can see if this works. You fly to Shudu first, let's meet and discuss first. After that, how about starting from Shudu and playing all the way to Jiuzhai?"

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Okay, then I'll discuss it with Fang Jian and the others. I guess I should fly to Shudu on the night of the 30th."

Yang Limin said: "This is the best way. As for the vehicle, we will arrange it here, so you don't have to worry about it."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, we will probably arrange three or four off-road vehicles."

Later, Gao Yang contacted the father-in-law, Gu Wenlong, and Gu Wenlong drove an off-road vehicle to Shudu.

Then, He Yong will arrange two off-road vehicles. When he arrives in Jinyang, Wu Peng still has an off-road vehicle, and Xiao Jin now also drives a small off-road vehicle worth more than 40 yuan.

When discussing in the office that day, He Guangwen also brought his girlfriend Zhang Xuan back to Jinyang to play, and there were even more people.

Gao Yang immediately contacted Wu Peng and Xiao Jin, and it turned out that Wang Lang only had 16 guest rooms, and could only accommodate more than 30 people, because it was a national nature reserve, not a tourist area.

After some calculations, all the reservations were made, and it was almost suitable. Wu Peng also quickly contacted to reserve rooms, including hotels in Jiuzhaigou.

The May Day holiday of Sunshine Company this year is the same as the CPI, which is 9 days.

On the side, there will naturally be some personnel on duty.

On April 4, after 30 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang and his party of more than a dozen people arrived in Shudu.The father-in-law Gu Wenlong, He Yong, Yang Limin and others drove several cars to pick him up.

Gu Wenlong arrived in Shudu after 8 o'clock in the evening. He drove his own Daqie without even the driver.

Gu Wenlong, Wu Lan, and Aunt He, the nanny, took Tian Tian to live at He Yong's house.

Gao Yang and others lived in the hotel that He Yong had booked.

After staying in the hotel, the women got together to play together, while Gao Yang, Fang Jian, He Guangwen and Chen Sen had tea with Yang Limin and other CPI executives, and chatted about their plans to invest in SNS websites.

After reading the project investment plan on Fang Jian's computer, Yang Limin and others were a little dumbfounded.

"What, start with an investment of 2000 million?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I expected about 1000 million during the Spring Festival. After we discussed in Beijing, we still think 2000 million registrations are better. This project will definitely continue to burn money."

Yu Guangming shook his head: "The few of us originally planned to pool 300 million, but it seems that we have to pool 400 million."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "You may not necessarily have to collect 400 million, the most important thing is to participate, in fact, it is also possible to collect 200 million."

Ren Jing smiled and asked: "Gao Yang, how is your solar media doing this year?"

Gao Yang said: "Mr. Ren, it's okay, it's estimated to be around 8000 to [-] million for the whole year."

Yang Limin and others stared wide-eyed: "My boy, you didn't expect that at the beginning. You lied to us. Are you really worried about CPI coming in?"

Gao Yang laughed: "This year's situation has far exceeded our expectations last year. The main reason is that we started to hold regional exhibitions this year, and the results are not bad. To be honest, we are not afraid of CPI coming in. The market is so big, and CPI coming in is also a big deal. There's no money to be made."

Feng Maonan smiled and said: "That's true, even if CPI comes in, it's impossible to do what you did."

He Yungang, the chief financial officer of CPI, also laughed: "Yes, Gao Yang trampled us to death with his foot."

CTO Gong Jian said: "I said, let's stop talking about these useless things. Is it possible for CPI to grab a bite of food from Gao Yang's plate? Let's talk about the SNS project. The 6 of us can vote as much as we dare. ?”

Yang Limin looked at Feng Maonan: "Mr. Nan, where is Mr. Feng?"

Feng Maonan shook his head: "I don't know either."

Feng Maonan looked at Gao Yang again: "Gao Yang, Mr. Feng would like to invite you to have lunch at noon tomorrow, and let me bring you a message."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Okay, I should also pay a visit to Mr. Feng, then let's set off tomorrow afternoon. As for the SNS project investment, it's not too late to discuss on the way."

Yang Limin said: "Okay, let's discuss it on the road, anyway, there is plenty of time."

Yang Limin and the others left later. Before leaving, Feng Maonan whispered: "Gao Yang, take your computer with you for lunch tomorrow."

Gao Yang nodded, and understood that Boss Feng might also know about the SNS project, and wanted to chat with Gao Yang alone.

At 5:1 am on May 11st, Gao Yang drove his father-in-law's Grand Cherokee to the office building of the CPI headquarters, and brought two bottles of good wine for Boss Feng, which were actually worthless, so let me explain.

Feng Jinsong was still smiling, and accompanied Gao Yang to find a mid-range restaurant nearby, and sat down to drink and eat.

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Mr. Feng, how is CPI's business this year?"

Feng Jinsong said: "It's not bad, maintaining the level of the same period last year. When you were here, it may be difficult to reach the peak of your business. How is your own business?"

Gao Yang also truthfully introduced the operation of Sunshine Company and this year.

Although Feng Jinsong was a little shocked, he didn't show it on his face, and asked with a smile, "I heard from Limin and the others that you plan to invest in a social networking site?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Yes, is Mr. Feng interested in this?"

Feng Jinsong smiled and said, "Tell me more about it."

Gao Yang took out the computer, opened the project investment plan, and let Feng Jinsong read it.

Feng Jinsong looked at it very seriously, and then said: "Your thinking is very clear, and you also have a strategic vision. However, starting with an investment of 2000 million yuan, and it is expected to burn money for several years, the risk is not small."

Gao Yang said: "That's right, Internet projects are like this. They are risky and costly. However, if they are successful, the benefits will be huge. Mr. Feng, is CPI interested in investing?"

Feng Jinsong shook his head: "CPI supports more than 600 people. Investment should not be too risky, but also pay attention to the current income. I personally invest 100 million for you, are you willing to accept it?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Feng for your support, and hope to have a happy cooperation in the future."

Feng Jinsong said with a smile: "I am optimistic about you. In the past few years, you contributed a lot to CPI. How do you judge the current IT media market situation? Is there any stable investment channel for CPI?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "Mr. Feng, in my personal judgment, it is good that the IT media can stabilize the current situation. CPI has also invested in subdivided IT news websites. Generally speaking, according to the existing incentive model of CPI, It can probably be maintained until 2009-2010.

After that, the paper media market may experience a rapid decline, which is hard to avoid.

Investment in the media, to be honest, that's what the paper media is all about.

I would suggest that CPI can consider investing in some real estate now. Most of the 25 branches of CPI are still rented residences.

In fact, it is entirely possible to consider buying a house, just use the balance of the branch, and mortgages are fine.

CPI's branch, the largest, actually only has about 20 employees, and it can accommodate them after buying two houses.

In the long run, real estate will increase in value.If you buy a house with all the money and make a one-time investment, then the branch can also save some operating costs in terms of rent every year..."

Boss Feng thought for a while and said with a smile, "Your idea is not bad."

Gao Yang also knows that Boss Feng actually has a lot of real estate in his hands, mainly concentrated in Shudu. He bought dozens of houses in the name of the company, and provided free accommodation for employees...

(End of this chapter)

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