Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 272 2000 million votes on SNS

Chapter 272 2000 million votes on SNS
Boss Feng is willing to invest 100 million in the SNS project, and Gao Yang still welcomes it. He is not afraid that everyone from Boss Feng to Yang Limin will come to invest.

2000 million start-up capital, to do a project that is destined to burn money, in fact, there is not much money.

In my memory, the first SNS website in China was relatively unsuccessful, and it did not develop and grow in the end.

There was a short period of popular traffic, but in the end it was lost in the realization of traffic.

Naturally, it is impossible for Gao Yang to repeat such mistakes. He has a lot of methods in his mind, not only to create a larger scale of popularity traffic, but also to eventually evolve the ability to realize the traffic.

Now Gao Yang is not afraid to show anyone this detailed project investment plan, if you invest and develop according to the plan, there is a high probability that you will fail in the end.

Will fail in profit model.

The profit model is now hidden in Gao Yang's mind, how could he tell it.

Even after the start of this project, the website has a certain amount of traffic, and then the method of making more traffic, Gao Yang will not talk about it now.

At this stage, the SNS website is indeed very important for the future, as Gao Yang told Jin Yang and Fang Jian.

Even, at this stage, it is the core of the 51 series that Gao Yang imagined.

The core is to make traffic and make a brand.

As for the funds required for investment, huh, huh...

When everyone invests the 2000 million together, Gao Yang will still snowball the temporarily unused funds into the stock market like other projects.

Then, everyone will be dumbfounded.

With the start-up capital of 2000 million, in the future, this project will not need to burn any more money.

The super bull market is about to start in more than a year.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone got together, more than 20 people, drove five off-road vehicles, and set off towards Jinyang.

He Yong and Wu Peng both have children now, and they both gave birth to sons in December last year, who are less than 12 months old now.

Both of them did not hold a full moon wine or a hundred-day banquet. They planned to have a simple gathering with relatives and friends when the child was one year old.

The child is too young to go on a long-distance self-driving trip. He Yong's wife took the child and went to Jinyang to play with Wu Peng's wife for a few days.

He Yong and Wu Peng will go out to play with Gao Yang and others for three or four days.

Arrived in Jinyang on the afternoon of May 5, everyone stayed in Jinyang for one night. There are six or seven villas in Jinyang Garden, and some of them have places to live.

However, it is impossible for Yang Limin and others to live in their home in Gaoyang, and arrange to stay in a hotel by themselves.

When Gu Wenlong arrived in Jinyang, he would naturally go to Wu's house to greet the old man and the old lady. Gao Yang and his wife, Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue would naturally have to accompany him, and they would also have dinner at Wu's house.

Yang Limin and others were taken by Fang Jian and Chen Sen to a time-honored dry pot restaurant, Hey Pi.

After dinner, Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan stayed at Wu's house with Tian Tian to play, while Gao Yang and the others went to Wu Peng's KTV. More than 30 people gathered in a luxurious private room.

Tomorrow morning, we will drive far away, and no one dares to drink too much alcohol, the main thing is to get together and have fun.

Wu Peng's KTV has already been entrusted to take care of it. The dividends of Gao Yang and Gu Yawen are usually 3 per month. The business is good during the Spring Festival, and the dividends have doubled that month.

There are quite a few KTVs in Jinyang now, just like Gao Yang expected at the beginning, Wu Peng's KTV can still make money, and it can still make money for a few years.

Of course, this small amount of money is small money for everyone.

Drinking beer in the KTV, Yang Limin asked with a smile: "Gao Yang, how is your talk with Mr. Feng?"

Gao Yang said: "Boss Feng said that he personally contributed 100 million."

Yang Limin nodded with a smile, understood, just like what they expected before, Boss Feng is not willing to use CPI funds to take risks with Gao Yang.

The party in the KTV ended at 10:8 in the evening, so I had an early rest and set off at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, with a total of eight cars.

"Ha, you have never been to Jiuzhai?"

When they set off, Gao Yang was quite surprised to hear that neither Gu Wenlong nor Wu Lan had ever been to Jiuzhaigou.

The distance from Jinyang to Jiuzhai is only 300 kilometers. Of course, the traffic conditions in this era are average. It takes about 8 hours to drive all the way.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law have never been to Jiuzhai, a paradise on earth, because they have money but no time.

Gao Yang has never been there before, because he has no time when he has money, and even less time when he has no money.

However, today's destination is to rush to Wanglang first, and spend two days playing quietly in this nature reserve.

At noon, I rushed to Guangwu, the county town farthest from Jinyang. After eating, I drove for more than an hour, and finally arrived at Wanglang.

In the Wanglang Reserve in early May, the temperature is equivalent to the winter in Jinyang City. The highest temperature during the day is less than 5 degrees, and it is even below zero at night.

The air is fresh, the environment is beautiful, super quiet and natural.

After settling down in the hotel in the reserve, everyone drove towards the lawn.

Gao Yang came here when he was a reporter for Jinyang Metropolis Daily, and so did Wu Peng and Xiao Jin.

In this natural environment with authentic taste, delicate fragrance of flowers and plants, and lush forests, Yang Limin and others are constantly admiring it, feeling more comfortable than the crowded Jiuzhaigou.

Gao Yang was also holding the camera, snapping and snapping photos for everyone.

I took a lot of close-ups for my son every day.

Tiantian looks very handsome, and his son follows his mother, and now he looks more and more like his mother Gu Yawen.

Gao Yingxue's complexion is very good now, with a ruddy complexion, and looks younger than when he lived in the countryside a few years ago.

Gu Wenlong will find topics to chat with Gao Yingxue, and Wu Lan will also find topics to chat with Li Xiuzhen.

Jiang Xue, Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue, the girls were playing together, chattering.

In Gao Yang's eyes, he is very satisfied with today's life and all of this.

In the evening, have dinner at the hotel restaurant.

The so-called hotels in the reserve are small wooden buildings, villa-like, very beautiful.

On the menu, there are more than 20 kinds of fresh wild vegetables in this season, and the price is not expensive, about 20 yuan a piece.

More than 30 people gathered around four tables and had a big meal of wild vegetables and cured meat. The cost of the meal was only more than 2000 yuan.

Everyone is full of praise, really cool.

This time, Wu Peng asked a friend to book Wang Lang's hotel. During the meal, everyone also met a person in charge of the reserve.

This protected area is donated by the World Wide Fund for Nature and has the nature of scientific research protection, because there are giant pandas in the protected area.

After Gao Yang talked with the person in charge, he decided on the spot to donate 60 yuan to the protected area in the name of Sun Media, and entrust Wu Peng and Xiao Jin to handle this matter later.

Starting next year, in the name of, we will continue to donate to the reserve.

The money is specially managed by the reserve and will be used for the construction of the reserve.

Everyone agrees with Gao Yang's decision.

After dinner, everyone went for a walk to digest food. Yang Limin, Yu Guangming and the others said: "The six of us discussed last night. We pooled up 6 million, plus Mr. Feng's 300 million, and invested a total of 100 million. I will work with you on the SNS project." .”

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Okay, no problem."

Gong Jian was most anxious: "Gao Yang, when will this project start and when will the funds be in place?"

Gao Yang said: "Then let's start the project now. The funds will be in place at the end of May or early June, and the company will be officially registered. At that time, I will mail you a shareholder agreement, and everyone will sign it."

Yang Limin asked with a smile, "Is it that simple?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's that simple. It's just an investment of 2000 million. Of course, if you have time, you can come to the capital to discuss it together. That's fine."

Yang Limin shook his head and smiled: "Then let's do this first. If we come to the capital together, we probably don't have the time to get together."

Everyone also sighed, how long has it been, and the 2000 million investment, in the eyes of Gao Yang, is nothing more than that.

Now, Gao Yang is not yet 30 years old...

(End of this chapter)

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