Chapter 273 51 Renren Network (for Subscription)
The group stayed in Wanglang for two nights. On the morning of May 5, they rushed to Jiuzhai, more than 4 kilometers away, and played with Huanglong in Jiuzhai for a day and a half. On the afternoon of May 100, they rushed back to Jinyang.

After that, Yang Limin and others returned to Shudu.

On May Day, it was Gu Yawen's 26th birthday. I returned to Jinyang today and found time in the evening. My family, Fang Jian, Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and others gathered for a meal and made up for Gu Yawen. last birthday.

On May 5, Gu Wenlong will return to Yuzhou alone.

When seeing him off, Gao Yang couldn't help asking: "Dad, on your side, do you hope to work in the capital this year?"

Gu Wenlong smiled and said: "It's not decided yet, there is hope, let's see around August..."

Gao Yang's distant cousin really visited Gu Wenlong a few days ago, and Wu Lan told Gao Yang about it.

When Weng and son-in-law met this time, Gu Wenlong didn't mention it, and Gao Yang didn't ask.

On May 5, Gao Yang and others also took off from Jinyang and returned to the capital.

On May 5th, the first day of work, Gao Yang called a meeting with the top management of Jiaoyang, and Yuanda to discuss the formal preparations for the investment in the SNS project.

For the SNS project, register a company named [51 Renren Information Technology Co., Ltd.] with a registered capital of 2000 million yuan.

Gao Yang suggested:

Scorching Sun Media invested 1000 million, Yuanda Company invested 200 million, invested 300 million, and CPI executives invested a total of 400 million, leaving 100 million for other individuals to invest.

Like He Guangwen, plus's investment, calculated, in [51 Renren] is still 3% of technology shares.

Other individuals, such as Lu Yonggang, the general manager of Yuanda Company, Zhang Miao, the general manager of Yueju Company, Zheng Weiqiang, who plans to be the general manager of a research company that will be established next year, and Wan Hong, the vice president of CPI’s Beijing branch, are still graduate students. Zhang Tao and others can use some money to invest.

On the books of 51 Tongcheng Company, there is no 300 million funds to invest in this project, and Sun Media can advance the funds first.

According to Gao Yang's plan, the number of shareholders of this project will be as many as dozens of people, among which Gao Yang and Gu Yawen will hold close to 40% of the shares.

Gao Yang is still the major shareholder personally, and will also serve as the company's legal representative and chairman.

When the company is formally established, Fang Jianhui will be the CEO, He Guangwen will be the CTO of the two companies, Chen Sen will be the CMO, Wu Ruohan will be the CFO, Lu Yanran will be the HR director...

After the founding of [51], in the initial stage, and 51 Renren will generally work concurrently in the management, and the two projects will be integrated and developed.

Even employees in various departments will have a part-time job in business.

Afterwards, consider that the two operation teams are completely independent, and only at the level of the board of directors, they jointly control the development of the two projects.

At this stage, this is also an unavoidable solution.

In about a year or so, I invested 3000 million yuan in Internet projects, established two companies, and worked on two projects, making great strides.

Team building is still a bit behind.

However, to do Internet projects, we must race against time and seize the first position in the industry.

The matter of project funding was quickly negotiated.

Lu Yonggang and Shen Xin have already obtained a marriage certificate, and they contributed 30 yuan, with Shen Xin being the shareholder.

Wan Hong, the vice president of CPI, had talked with Gao Yang about this matter, and Wan Hong also contributed 30 yuan.

In addition, Zheng Weiqiang contributed 20 yuan, Zhang Miao contributed 10 yuan, and Zhang Tao, who is still a graduate student, contributed 10 yuan together with his girlfriend.

51 Renren's investment plan was quickly finalized in this way.

After the others dispersed, Gao Yang continued to discuss with Jin Yang, He Guangwen, Chen Sen, and He Guangwen's fiancée Zhang Xuan.

Gao Yang said: "At the end of May, all the funds were in place, we registered the company, and then officially launched the investment in this project in June.

At this stage, Guangwen has to shift the focus of work, prepare a technical team, and develop the SNS website.

The technical maintenance of 51 City is led by Zhang Xuan, and the introduction of technical talents also needs to be introduced and recruited immediately.

As we have discussed several times before, 51 Renren's user development direction is mainly divided into two parts, one is college students on Xiaonei, and the other is netizens in society.

We use the relationship of classmates, colleagues, friends, etc. to connect everyone through the platform of 51 Renren to form a social platform.

Guangwen, on your side, I suggest to form a separate technical team to develop an instant messaging software.

Social networking is essentially a pan-entertainment concept, and we must make our own IM software. "

He Guangwen was shocked and said: "Gao Yang, in the field of IM, Goose Factory has already dominated the rivers and lakes, even MSN can't do it, why should we do it?"

Fang Jian was also very surprised: "The number of registered QQ users of Goose Factory broke 3 million last year, and last month it claimed to break [-] million. Just like Guangwen said, MSN didn't even start. We started from scratch. , how is it possible to get up?"

He Guangwen added: "It's really impossible to do this. Even if we have the means to attract users to register in the future, we can't do it better than Goose Factory. The cost of user migration is too high. QQ is equivalent to an online address book for users."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I didn't say that if we want to create an IM software, we have to work in a goose factory. Technically, it is very simple to develop such software, and it is just developing slowly.

And, we have real needs ourselves.

Just like CPI, the entire group has more than 600 people. CPI has also developed an IM for internal use, so that some meetings involving the company's business secrets dare to be held on the Internet.

We now have three or four hundred people in several companies, and in two or three years, there may be 2000 people, and the employees are distributed all over the country. It is necessary to hold some regular meetings on the Internet. one.

Second, to make such an IM software, we can use certain means to promote it to users on the two platforms of 51 Tongcheng and 51 Renren.

These two platforms will need to carry out a national layout in the future. If the user scale of the two platforms reaches hundreds of millions, the users of the two platforms will definitely have a considerable degree of overlap. We will provide them with a web page communication tools.

Thirdly, and most importantly, when we make such a product, we do not focus on the present, but focus on the future.

Goose Factory dominated the world in the PC era, so when the transition to the mobile era begins in the future, the accumulation on the PC side may instead become a burden for Goose Factory.

We are now working on IM software, slowly accumulating users and brand image, and then prepare early in the mobile era and make a sudden effort. Perhaps, by then, we will hope to become a goose factory in the mobile era..."

He Guangwen and Fang Jian looked at Gao Yang together: "My good fellow, have you thought so far?"

(End of this chapter)

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