Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 274 IM software needs to be done

Chapter 274 IM software must also be done (seeking tickets)
Everyone was shocked when Gao Yang suddenly proposed such a long-term plan as IM software.

Jin Yang said: "Gao Yang, your strategic thinking is logically reasonable. However, how long will it take for the mobile Internet era we imagined to come?"

He Guangwen said: "Judging from the current development route of mobile communication technology, no matter how fast the development is, it may take six to seven years."

Fang Jian nodded: "After six or seven years, the transition from 2G to 3G should be similar."

Gao Yang said: "I also agree, if it is faster, it may take five or six years."

Jin Yang said: "Okay, then we will take an intermediate value, 6 years. In 2010, the era of mobile Internet access will usher.

Then, we have to develop a PC-side IM software slowly for 6 years, or burn money for 6 years.

In terms of cost, is it a bit scary? "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I said that I will solve and guarantee the funds for project operation. What we are discussing now is directional and a long-term strategic issue.

I hope that everyone will first reach a consensus on the strategic direction, and then promote it step by step and set it as a phased goal.

In the past, when we were doing business at CPI, almost everyone thought it was impossible when we first set the goal, but in the end it was achieved, because business is made by people, and they are constantly trying.

Moreover, the Internet industry is also a river and lake. If we want to make a 51 series, we must make friends in the circle, cooperate with each other, and unite vertically and horizontally.

Dominating the rivers and lakes is hated by others. In the future, if we really match up with Goose Factory, we will definitely need allies.

In short, my opinion is to try first, do it, and then take a step at a time.

Planning the company's strategic development is like playing chess. You must see the long-term and live in the present, but you must see the future and see the future.

Otherwise, the probability of losing in the end is very high.

The product of IM should be developed and produced first, at least it can be used within our company.

Just because we were a few years late and failed to catch up with the first wave of Internet investment, we caught up with the second wave. Facing giants like Goose Factory, we have to go on the track of social platforms, and we can only go from all directions. Try to accumulate brand and popularity.

At the core, when we develop the Internet, we create a brand, which is 51 brands. "

Fang Jian smiled and said: "Okay, according to Gao Yang's idea, I also think we can try to develop an IM software for our internal use, and then promote it to users on the 51 platform. In terms of operation, it will not cost much for the time being. "

Chen Sen said with a smile: "Then do it according to Lao Gao's idea. Goose Factory has created a well-known QQ, the image is a penguin, but it looks very cute. Let's do IM, what kind of image should we design?"

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and thought about it: "How about we create an image of a national treasure, and it's like a cub?"

Fang Jian laughed: "This is good, it's really good, the baby panda's appearance is no worse than that of a penguin."

Gao Yang said: "From the perspective of image communication, the recognition of giant pandas is still very high, and it is also global.

On our side, we are preparing to donate 60 yuan to the Wanglang Nature Reserve in the name of Sunshine Company to protect the living environment of giant pandas and related scientific research.

In the next step, for example, next year, we can make this type of donation through 51 Company, and then work together with relevant domestic protected areas and institutions, as well as the media, to often disseminate information in this regard.

After the 51 Renren platform is developed, it is not only for individual users, but also relevant organizations can come in and register.

There are many ideas like this, and we can combine these disseminations with the promotion of IM software.

The overall idea is to base ourselves on the present and face the future. "

Jin Yang smiled and said, "Just do what you want, this IM software, what shall we name it?"

He Guangwen scratched his head, and suddenly said, "How about calling it 51talk?"

He Guangwen further explained: "The word talk has meanings such as talking, discussing, negotiating, etc. It has 4 letters, and it is also very simple and easy to remember."

Jin Yang's eyes brightened: "Yes, 51talk is easy to remember, and the expression is quite accurate."

Gao Yang naturally agrees very much, talk, as far as I remember, it seems that Google has also made an IM software, it is called this name, but it seems that it has never entered the Chinese market.

From the point of view of name transmission, it is indeed very suitable.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Okay, let's make it like this. The plan of 51 has started to be promoted according to the plan. Now in May, try to look like September, and it will go online no later than October.

Next, we will divide the work according to our respective divisions. I will handle matters such as capital and company registration. Everyone will do their own work, especially Guangwen's side, which will have to work hard for a while.

Technology development is first, and the demand for technical manpower should be reported to Yanran for arrangement as soon as possible. Now it happens to be the graduation season of college students, and there is still time in terms of time. "

He Guangwen nodded: "Okay, I will report the human resources plan to Yanran tomorrow, and Zhang Xuan and I will go through our personal relationship to see if we can find some capable classmates to come over and do it together.

In September and October, it is also suitable for 51 people to go online. The development and initial promotion of this project are over, and I can rest assured to prepare for the Spring Festival wedding. "

Gao Yang and the others laughed and said, "That's right, we are all waiting to drink your wedding wine..."

After the meeting, Gao Yang returned to the office. Shao Hanyun, the assistant who took the minutes of the meeting just now, said, "Mr. Gao, the company is going to recruit people again soon. I have some classmates and friends, can you introduce them?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yes, as long as you are willing to do things and make progress, you can do it."

Shao Hanyun said happily: "Mr. Gao, I will definitely recommend motivated and excellent ones."

At this time, Gu Yawen came in and asked: "51 Renren, have you decided to do it?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, even if it's started today, Guangwen will start arranging the introduction and recruitment of technical personnel immediately."

Gu Yawen asked again: "How many people will there be after this project is fully launched?"

Gao Yang said: "Dozens of people are sure. If it develops smoothly, it may expand to about 200 people in about a year."

Gu Yawen said: "Then the company doesn't have enough offices now, do you want my mother to buy another office building?"

Gao Yang asked: "Is there any transfer of office buildings in Weber Building?"

Gu Yawen said: "I haven't noticed it recently."

Shao Hanyun immediately said: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Gu, I'll go and have a look now..."

Shao Hanyun then went downstairs to inquire. Gao Yang called and called Wu Ruohan and Tong Hua to inquire about the funds on the books of Jiaoyang Company.

Tong Huahui reported: "By the end of May, if the payment goes well, it should look like 2000 million."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, at the end of that month, a special fund of 1300 million will be withdrawn. After the office location is confirmed here, 51 Renren will be registered immediately."

More than half an hour later, Shao Hanyun came back to report that there was no office transfer in Weber Building for the time being. On the 14th floor of Block B, there was a 1200-square-meter office building listed for lease. It had been more than two months and it hadn't been rented out yet.

The house type is the same as the company's office on the 9th floor.

Gao Yang ordered: "Ruohan, in the afternoon you and Hanyun can go to the owner and talk to the owner. If the price is right, you can consider renting it."

In the afternoon, Wu Ruohan took Shao Hanyun to find the owner. After talking for a long time, he only talked about the daily rent of 2.5 yuan per square meter and the monthly rent of 9 yuan.

This is because the area is too large, and the 14th floor makes people feel a little unlucky.

Gao Yang felt that the monthly rent of 1200 yuan for a 9-square-meter office building was not bad. Compared with the 8th and 9th floors, the daily rent per square meter was 5 cents less.

According to Gao Yang's instruction, Wu Ruohan and Wu Ruohan went to talk again, and finally the owner agreed that the rent would be counted from June, which was equivalent to exempting 6 days' rent.

However, the contract is signed for three years.

Gao Yang was naturally willing to agree to such a condition.

Two years later, the 51 series will definitely be basically formed, and it can be changed into a group. At that time, the company's funds can definitely buy an office building directly, or build an office building by itself.

Moreover, in 2008, the property market in Beijing will experience a sharp drop...

(End of this chapter)

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