Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 275 Waving Money?who do you look down on

Chapter 275 Waving Money?Who do you look down on (4 more)
Days passed day by day.

What Gao Yang is more concerned about recently is the new department established by after the May Day holiday. The research department is composed of Long Ping, who came over from another job, with 4 familiar hands, and two newly recruited college students.

Gao Yang requested that Longping should produce the analysis report on the property market and rental housing market in the first half of the year in Beijing in early July, requesting the investigation samples, data and corresponding conclusions, striving to be true and able to stand the test.

Long Ping and others have never done a research report on the real estate industry, and they still have a lot to learn.

The analysis report requested by Gao Yang was very detailed.

There must be an overview of the property market in the first half of the year, macro dynamics, relevant urban planning, land market conditions, residential market conditions, commercial real estate conditions, rental market conditions, and so on.

Long Ping was required to establish a report analysis template, and then gradually establish relevant analysis indexes.

Five months later, starting from November, the monthly report of the previous month will be released every month, the quarterly report will be issued every quarter, and there will be semi-annual reports and annual reports.

For some data that cannot be obtained through market research, Gao Yang asked Long Ping to find a reporter from the relevant media to cooperate, and let the other party go to the management department and organization to obtain the required data in a timely manner.

Gao Yang's positioning for Longping is to lead a team to report on the real estate market.

And it has been agreed that Zheng Weiqiang, who will jump over after the Spring Festival, will form another team next year to develop the solar energy industry.

From the second half of next year at the latest, the research department will become independent and establish a research company.

On May 5th, the SNS R&D team formed by He Guangwen for [20 Renren] was complete, with a total of 51 people, 15 of whom were newly recruited fresh graduates.

In this day and age, it is actually quite extravagant for such a technical team to develop a website project.

When many website projects were founded, they actually had two or three million funds and seven or eight guns. The main investors and bosses were often programmers.

There is no such thing as Gao Yang's team. When it comes up, the start-up capital is 2000 million, and it works in a high-end office building. The company has just dozens of people when it is established.

Even when the project was founded at the beginning of the year, the start-up capital of 1000 million and [-] to [-] employees were quite extravagant.

Today's Internet entrepreneurship is not as easy as it was before 2000. There is a lot of money to burn and capital to invest.

On May 5, Gao Yang went on a business trip again, this time to Chang'an in the northwest, not far from the capital, and the flight time was a little over one and a half hours.

On May 5nd and 22rd, it's time to hold the solar industry exhibition in the Northwest District again.

In the morning, Wu Bo, He Jin and other large troops had rushed over.

Naturally, Gao Yang went with Gu Yawen, Wu Lan, and his son Tian Tian.

Wu Lan's task is to travel and play with the children.

For the two-day exhibition in Northwest China, the total income from activities and journals is just close to 900 million, which is also expected.

Gao Yang's family, as well as Shen Xin, stayed in Chang'an for one more day, just to travel.

This time, Zhou Wenbin, the host, was also with him, as well as Tong Hua.

A few people drove Lu Xun V4700 and visited several scenic spots in Chang'an for a day.

On the morning of May 5, Gao Yang and his party flew back to the capital.

Zhou Wenbin took a male colleague from the activity department with him, and the two drove back to the capital. They had to drive for more than ten hours along the way, and they could only arrive at night.

After returning to Beijing, Gu Yawen and Wu Lan took their children home, while Gao Yang went to the office.

As soon as Gao Yang sat down in the office, Jin Yang and Fang Jian came in with a smile.

Jin Yang smiled and said, "Gao Yang, guess what happened to us yesterday?"

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "What kind of happy event makes you happy like this?"

Fang Jian smiled again: "Yesterday Baidu Company approached us and said they wanted to acquire"

"Hey, B from BAT, he has such a good appetite." Gao Yang was a little surprised.

Jin Yang was startled: "What is B in BAT?"

"Oh, I made a mistake, I meant Baidu."

Gao Yang smiled, in this day and age, there is no such thing as BAT, and the A of BAT is not considered powerful.

Gao Yang asked again with a smile: "Who came from Baidu, and how much is the price?"

Jin Yang said: "The one who came was an operations director, surnamed Wang Mingxiao. I didn't see you, so I didn't discuss any quotations. I just said that Baidu was interested in and wanted to acquire it. On your side, would you like to meet? "

Gao Yang thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Then let's meet."

Jin Yang asked curiously, "If Baidu's bid is good, do we really want to sell it?"

Gao Yang just smiled: "Old classmate, sell now, unless we are crazy, or Baidu is crazy, and give us [-] million US dollars."

Jin Yang and Fang Jian shook their heads and understood.

Jin Yang took out a business card, called Baidu's director surnamed Wang, and made an appointment to meet at the office of 3 Tongcheng at 51:[-] in the afternoon.

At noon, Gao Yang went back to Weber's apartment, slept until 3 pm, and then walked slowly to the office.

Although 51 Tongcheng has only been online for three months, it's not surprising that Baidu is suddenly attracted to it.

Because of the success of the marketing promotion and the battle with SO Fang, now has more than 40 registered users, including [-] to [-] users outside the capital.

The community forum of is now a well-known forum in China.

Back at the office, Gao Yang checked on the Internet, and found that Baidu was not listed yet, and rubbed his head thinking for a while, before he remembered that Baidu seemed to be listed on the US stock market next year.

The current Baidu is actually a small-scale Internet company, but it is relatively large in China. According to public information, the valuation is about one billion US dollars.

Behind it, it is mainly supported by American venture capital capital.

At 3:51 in the afternoon, Gao Yang met the visitor together with Jin Yang and Fang Jian in the small conference room of [-] Tongcheng.

Baidu's operation director, Wang Xiao, looks about 30 years old, is medium to tall, and wears a pair of glasses.

After exchanging business cards with Gao Yang, Wang Xiao directly explained his intentions.

Gao Yang pretended to be curious and asked: "President Wang, has only been established for more than three months, why is Baidu interested?"

Wang Xiao responded with a smile: "We have noticed that the concept, development model, and development speed of 51 Tongcheng are very good and have a good development prospect. With Baidu's status in the Chinese Internet field, everyone will work together. 51 The same city can develop better and faster.”

Gao Yang thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Mr. Wang, is Baidu preparing for an overseas listing?"

Wang Xiao was taken aback, and said with a smile, "We have plans to go public overseas."

Gao Yang understands that Baidu wants to accept and package it properly. Before it goes public next year, it may increase Baidu's valuation level a bit.

Gao Yang asked again: "Thanks to Internet giants like Baidu, I don't know what valuation Mr. Wang gave"

Wang Xiao looked confident: "After careful and professional evaluation, we can give a valuation of 200 million US dollars."

200 million US dollars, according to the current exchange rate, is equivalent to more than 1650 million soft sister coins.

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Wang, the valuation of 200 million US dollars is too low."

Wang Xiao was taken aback, then smiled again: "How about this, Mr. Gao, in order to show our sincerity, the valuation can be increased by another 25%, which is 250 million US dollars."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, do we all look like two hundred and five?"

Wang Xiao looked surprised and felt offended.

Gao Yang smiled again: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, just kidding, thanks to Baidu, let me tell you the truth, is the first Internet project we founded, and the current development is also good. We have no intention of transferring it. .”

Wang Xiao understood, and said again: "Mr. Gao, Baidu doesn't have to buy it wholly. We can also consider injecting capital in the form of a holding, such as holding 60%, or at least 51%."

Gao Yang said: "Mr. Wang, thank you, but we do not intend to transfer the controlling stake, nor do we intend to introduce new shareholders to inject capital. We have more than a dozen shareholders, which is enough. In the future, if there is an opportunity, can cooperate with Bai cooperation in other areas."

After understanding Gao Yang's attitude, Wang Xiao knew that there was nothing he could do, so after chatting for a few words, he left.

After Wang Xiao left, Jin Yang said with a smile: "Gao Yang, seeing Baidu's attitude, he might be willing to give 300 million US dollars, almost 2500 million soft sister coins."

Gao Yang was delighted: "Old classmate, he came here waving banknotes and looked down on us. But, are we the ones who lack this money?"

Fang Jian laughed: "Hey, the posture just now is really tall, a bit like a person from a big city, looking like a mountain valley."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "So, no matter what 300 million or 500 million US dollars are given, it's all small money.

According to our plan, the project of will be completed step by step, and it can also be listed overseas. Once listed, it will be worth billions of dollars, and it will definitely be no problem. wants to raise funds, which is also PE financing before listing, not the one just now, who feels like he has an angel-like face, waving banknotes in his hand, and coming on the clouds.

Who is this looking down on..."

(End of this chapter)

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