Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 277 Do you want to be a financial platform?

Chapter 277 Do you want to be a financial platform?
The three people in Gaoyang, in 8 accounts, paid more than 29.80 million yuan at 3000 yuan. After the market opened, they were still smashed immediately, and the stock price was hit to 29.70 yuan.

While operating, Gao Yang said: "Organizations sell very aggressively, don't worry about it, you have to act fast, and you can take as much as you have!"

As a result, at 9:34, in 4 minutes, everything was done.

In 4 minutes, the trading volume of this stock exceeded 9 lots, the turnover rate exceeded 35%, and the turnover exceeded 2.7 million.

Super turnover rate.

In the 8 accounts operated by Gao Yang, all the bullets have been fired, and a total of nearly 1.2 million funds have been bet.

Then, start summarizing the results.

For all accounts, the highest average opening price did not exceed 30.60 yuan.

For Chen Sen's account and's account, because of the small amount of funds, Gao Yang buried the whole position of the 29.80 yuan purchase order from the very beginning, and all transactions were completed in an instant.

At this time, Su Ning's stock price had stabilized at just over 31 yuan.

A few days ago, under the guidance of Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan, Gu Yawen tried to make several transactions with tens of thousands of funds.

Today, within three to four minutes, I bought nearly 4 million stocks. I was both excited and nervous.

When President Wu Ruohan said that the total of 8 accounts today had bought a little over 380 million shares. In addition to the new allotment, he held a total of 400 million shares of this stock, which accounted for 16% of the float.

Gu Yawen was stunned, it was too scary.

Gu Yawen worried: "We have invested so much money in one stock, what if we get caught?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Don't worry, we have studied this company before, and its prospectus shows that the company is developing rapidly and its operating profit is also very good.

At present, the domestic economic growth situation is also very good, the income of ordinary people continues to increase, and the consumption of home appliances continues to upgrade. In the next few years, the development prospects of this company are very good.

Moreover, this is the first authentic home appliance chain store in the A-share market, and institutional funds will be optimistic about it.

You see, it’s only been a few minutes now, the turnover rate has already exceeded 40%, and the stock price is still going up..."

Afterwards, Gao Yang stopped looking at stocks, lit a cigarette, and started browsing stock forums on financial websites.

In this era, there are not many financial websites, and the more well-known ones include Financial World, Ideal, and Stock God Road.

Things like Dongcaiguba and Taoxian have not yet come out.

Gao Yang immediately thought that the 51 series could be another stock investment forum, so let's call it [51 shares].

Gao Yang followed suit and laughed, [51 shares], it can completely imitate Dongcai's development model.

In 2006, the super bull market is coming. Such a financial website is bound to become a blockbuster and rise rapidly.

The model of financial websites plus investment forums, with the help of this round of bull market, can quickly become popular.

Moreover, it may also become the so-called hot capital exchange base camp.

At that time, let Wu Ruohan pretend to be a master and predict some bullish stocks.

This project can be listed, and in the future, it will also have a market value of 3000 billion or [-] billion.

The more he thinks like this, the more Gao Yang thinks this idea is great.

Super great!
The advantage of the reborn is to follow the path of others, leaving others nowhere to go.

Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen stayed in front of the computer, watching Su Ning's intraday trend, excited and nervous.

To be honest, Wu Ruohan was also very puzzled by the fact that Gao Yang put all his 1.2 million funds into new shares in such a desperate manner.

However, Gao Yang is just like a stock god. He is very accurate in seeing the general trend of A shares and the trend of individual stocks.

Just as Gao Yang once predicted, A-shares have now completely entered a bear market. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has fallen from a position close to 3 points to 1800 points in the first three months.

Wu Ruohan has been studying the wave theory, and then compared the relationship between volume and price that Gao Yang said, and became more and more convinced that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is likely to break through the 1300-point line where the previous three absolute counterattacks began.

Then, in a pessimistic situation, it will slide all the way to the 1000-point line.

On Gao Yang's side, he didn't look at stocks at all. He checked the information on the Internet for a while, and then went upstairs.

First go to 51 Renren Company to see the progress of website development preparations, and then ask assistant Shao Hanyun to call Wu Bo, Jin Yang, Fang Jian and others to talk about the idea of ​​building a financial website plus a stock investment forum.

Although these people are used to Gao Yang's way of thinking, they are still very surprised.

The 51 Renren project has just been established, and the website will not be launched until September or even October. Gao Yang wants to start a new project.

The idea of ​​burning money is too crazy, addictive.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Just now, I checked some information on the Internet. In 1999, the total bank savings of urban and rural residents in our country was close to 6 trillion. In 2000, it reached nearly 6.5 trillion, and last year it reached 10.36 trillion.

Among them, the structure of deposits, nearly 7% are time deposits.

From the point of view of the resident savings rate, it was a bit lower in 2000, at just over 35%, and in 2003 it was already at 45%.

Chinese people like to save money and are prepared for danger in times of peace, but the growth rate of total residents' savings can also directly reflect the growth level of people's income and wealth accumulation over the years.

This is very obviously related to the growth of economic scale and the speed of development.

Ordinary people have too much money in their hands and have no investment direction. After all, there is a scale of 10 trillion yuan now, so a lot of money is stored in the bank.

Moreover, the savings rate of Chinese residents is the highest in the world.

Residential savings on the order of 10 trillion, the savings growth rate in the past few years is horrific, at about 15%, and it will double in about five years to reach 5 trillion.

In the next few years, so much money will always require some financial management and investment channels. The biggest possibility is actually the two major markets of the property market and the stock market. There is no other market that can accommodate such a large investment and financial management demand.

If housing prices rise continuously, there will inevitably be a phenomenon of private funds robbing and speculating in real estate.

If there is a bull market in the stock market, the truth is actually the same.

The real estate market and the stock market are similar to a huge pool of funds, and only these two markets can accommodate massive investment and financial management needs.

We now have, and we have entered the real estate market.

A financial network platform is also needed to cut into financial investment fields such as stocks, funds, and insurance.

The financial network platform is also a media development platform with very promising prospects. We can design it into two parts.

One is a website focusing on financial information, and the other is a financial investment community based on SNS..."

Gao Yang's analysis made Wu Bo, Jin Yang, Fang Jian and others keep nodding their heads, which was very convincing.

Jin Yang smiled and said: "Gao Yang, from what you said, such a financial platform does have great potential. However, our 51 people are not online yet."

Gao Yang responded with a smile: "I just thought of this, and then everyone discuss it, have a concept in mind, think about it.

It is definitely impossible to launch this project this year, but if 51 Renren goes online and develops smoothly, we can consider investing in this financial platform next year.

Next year, we have funds and a talented team, so we can naturally do it. "

Wu Bo and the others all had smiles on their faces.

Shao Hanyun was recording the discussion, his eyes full of admiration.

It turns out that the media can understand it this way. I am so lucky to be the assistant of Boss Gao.

You must work hard, this position is not worth money.

(End of this chapter)

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