Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 278 Earn 1 in one day, no dragon and tiger list

Chapter 278
After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang woke up from his lunch break and went to the office,
Wu Ruohan happily reported: "Brother-in-law, together with the allotment of new shares, we made an overall profit of more than 1100 million today."

Gao Yang glanced at it. Su Ning's closing price was 32.71 yuan, an increase of more than doubled, and the highest intraday price rose to 33 yuan.

In fact, it has been running at a high level throughout the day, and the average transaction price is 31.27 yuan.

The turnover rate reached a terrifying 85%, and the transaction amount was nearly 6.7 million. The 8 accounts operated by the three of Gao Yang contributed nearly 18% of the transaction volume.

Gu Yawen worried: "Husband, will this stock be smashed down tomorrow?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "How could it be? A shares are traded in T+1 mode, which is equivalent to 85% of the chips changing hands today."

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, brother-in-law's judgment can't be wrong. The price we bought today is likely to be a long-term low point. I have carefully studied the prospectus of this company, and the probability of being favored by funds is very high."

Gu Yawen shook her head, expressing that she did not understand these things.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yawen, don't worry about stocks in the future. Ruohan is more professional now. Next year, I will consider setting up an investment department, let Ruohan be in charge, and assign her two or three people."

Gao Yang waited in the office until 4:[-], but he didn't see any information about the dragon and tiger list on the Internet.

Going to the official website of the exchange to check, it turns out that there is no system for public disclosure of transaction information at all, and the so-called dragon and tiger list has not yet been born.

Otherwise, the sales department of Zhongxin Securities will be on fire tonight.

In this era, there is no concept of hot money, and the dealers are almost dead.

Those hot money tycoons in the future arena haven't made their appearance yet, and they don't even have an online platform for discussion and exchange.

Gao Yang thought, without the Dragon and Tiger List, it would be a good thing for him to use his bonuses to sweep stocks like this.

Huang Yufei has been the manager of Zhongxin Securities Zizhu Sales Department for almost 3 years, and today is the most exciting day for her.

A group of related accounts of Gao Yang, the boss of Sunshine Company, contributed nearly 100 million transaction commissions to the sales department today.

The current amount of funds in this group of accounts is close to [-] million.

Every account has been making money and has never lost money.

People's predictions about the general market trend, as well as individual stocks, and operations are too high, and they are miraculous.

Gao Yang arranged nearly 1.2 million funds today, and Huang Yufei was extremely shocked when he suddenly took over a new stock with all his positions.

Huang Yufei has been working in this industry for almost 7 years, and she has never seen such a trader.

At the beginning, when the company helped Wu Ruohan arrange these accounts to participate in Su Ning's offline allotment, Huang Yufei thought that it was just that they wanted to make a profit.

Unexpectedly, all the remaining funds in the account today were bet on this new stock.

Now it is a bear market with a rather bleak market. In a bear market, there may be good opportunities for new stocks, but this arrangement of hundreds of millions of funds to sweep goods makes Huang Yufei's eyes almost drop to the ground.

Puzzled, after the market closed in the afternoon, Huang Yufei hesitated for a long time, but boldly called Wu Ruohan, very sincerely, she wanted to make an appointment for a dinner, and she hoped to invite her to Gaoyang.

After Wu Ruohan reported the matter to Gao Yang, Gao Yang thought about it and decided to have this meal.

Now, the amount of funds invested in stocks is large, and there will be terrible returns in the future, so it is time to associate with people from brokerage institutions.

At almost 6 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan went to a dinner appointment for Huang Yufei, Huang Yufei was alone.

The dinner will be arranged in a hotel with western food.

Huang Yufei is 30 years old, a beautiful Jiangnan girl originally from Zhejiang Province. After chatting, she found out that she and Wu Ruohan are still schoolmates.

Huang Yufei is an undergraduate graduate of the Finance Department of the University of Finance and Economics in 96, and now has an on-the-job postgraduate degree in securities and futures.

This conversation made Huang Yufei feel a lot closer to Wu Ruohan, a school girl.

Huang Yufei boldly said: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Wu, your level of stock trading is too high, I have never seen it before."

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister Yufei, you can call me Ruohan. I'm very average in stocks. It's Mr. Gao who is great, and he is the one who guides me."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I have to correct one of your remarks. Stocks are not for making, but for investing. We look at the stock market and pick stocks with an investment attitude."

Huang Yufei became bolder, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Gao, you have arranged a large amount of funds to participate in Su Ning's offline new development, and today you are receiving the goods with full warehouse funds. Are you very optimistic about the prospects of this company?"

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and looked at Huang Yufei with a smile:
"Manager Huang, as I said just now, we invest in stocks.

As you already know, we have invested heavily in the stock of Su Ning, and we hope that these accounts, as well as our personal information, will not be leaked by your company.

Our accounts are all opened in your sales department. I hope that Manager Huang himself will not disclose this information to his friends. "

Huang Yufei hurriedly said: "Mr. Gao, please rest assured. Protecting the relevant information of customers from being leaked is not only the company's confidentiality system, but also our professional ethics. We also hope that we can cooperate with Mr. Gao for a long time, and it is impossible to make harmful client business."

Huang Yufei also understood that Gao Yang was warning her, firstly, don't leak information, let alone spread it, call for friends, follow to build the mouse warehouse.

However, Huang Yufei also decided that she entrusted a close friend to help open the account. In the next two days, she will operate immediately. All the hundreds of thousands of stocks in the position will be cleared, and then the entire position will be bought into Su Ning's ticket.

When did Gao Yang's accounts start to withdraw from this stock, and he followed suit.

Huang Yufei believes that following such a master, she will definitely make money, maybe even a lot of money.

Afterwards, Huang Yufei made a toast to Gao Yang and said with a smile, "Mr. Gao, the fast trading channel for your accounts is free for half a year. I will help you apply for an extension before it expires."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Then thank you, Manager Huang, for your support. However, we will not trade frequently, and the contribution to Manager Huang's performance may be limited."

Huang Yufei smiled and said, "It's good enough, serving you well is what I should do."

Gao Yang asked again: "Manager Huang, can your transaction commission be lowered? Now, although the stamp duty has been reduced to [-], the brokerage commission is still as high as [-]. Yes, for operating large funds, the transaction cost is still very scary.”

Huang Yufei said: "Mr. Gao, don't worry, I will try my best to fight for it, and see if the company can reduce it to [-] for you. As for the stamp duty, it is collected by the state."

Gao Yang said: "I started investing in stocks at the end of 99. I remember that the stamp duty at that time was four thousand four. When I came in to invest in stocks in 03, it seemed to be reduced to two thousand two. I don't know when it came down."

Huang Yufei thought about it: "It should be mid-November 01. At that time, after the index rose to 11 points in the first half of the year, it fell sharply. The stamp duty was directly reduced by half, and then the stock market immediately rebounded."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Now, the stock market is even more bearish, the market is sluggish, and transactions are light. Maybe it will fall to a certain level, and the stamp duty will be lowered again."

Huang Yufei said: "It's really possible. However, lowering the stamp duty can only stimulate the stock market for a short time and cannot change the market trend. This has always been the law..."

The meal lasted about an hour, and the conversation was all about the stock market.

Before parting, Huang Yufei promised that she would file a report with the company as soon as possible, and try to apply to reduce the transaction commissions of Gao Yang's accounts to the rate of one thousand five.

On the way home, Wu Ruohan said, "Brother-in-law, I doubt that this senior will buy stocks with us."

Gao Yang said: "It's normal. She is the manager. She has the authority to see our account transactions. Tonight, she should understand that it's okay for her to invest a little money with us. I don't care, but I can't go Spread, otherwise, we will withdraw and transfer funds to other brokers..."

(End of this chapter)

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