Chapter 279 Promoting with All Staff (Part 4 Ask for Tickets)
July 7, Thursday, is also the second trading day of Su Ning's listing.

In the morning, Wu Ruohan approached Gao Yang and asked for instructions: "Brother-in-law, new stocks like Su Ning have a very high turnover rate on the first day of listing, and there may be relatively large intraday fluctuations later on. Can I do T?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "If you want to practice, you can do T in a small position, but be careful not to lose money by stealing chickens."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, I will be careful."

Gao Yang said: "Then you can use a few accounts with less funds to practice. For accounts with large funds, there is no need to do T frequently. Otherwise, the transaction volume is too large, and institutions may be targeted."

Wu Ruohan said: "I will pay attention, just make a small fund account."

Gao Yang's personal account has always been operated by herself. Wu Ruohan wants to do T training, so the other accounts are naturally handed over to her.

After the market closed that afternoon, Wu Ruohan came to report:
"Brother-in-law, Su Ning's trend today is not good. The turnover rate was so high yesterday. I thought there was hope for a limit-up, but I didn't expect it to only reach 8 points at the highest.

I succeeded in making T, and it came out at a price of about 1 yuan. "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "One yuan is about three points, and every time you enter and exit, the transaction fee is two points.

As I said, this company has a good development prospect, and it is likely to be favored by institutions. Now that it has just been listed, institutions also need to accumulate funds through a period of time to reduce the cost of holding positions.

If you want to do T, you have to pay close attention to the movement of funds in the market. If you do it the wrong way, you will lose money. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, I will pay attention to the intraday trend of the stock. I set the K-line observation interval of 1 minute, 5 minutes to half an hour, combined with the time-sharing chart, and the relationship between volume and price, I can still feel it." The approximate capital movement in the market."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, you can handle it yourself, be careful not to be thrown out of the car."

Gao Yang still admires Wu Ruohan's pan-sensitivity, and he must be far behind.

Some people just have trading talent.

The time has come to the first ten days of September, and in more than a month, Gao Yang's 9th birthday has also passed a month.

The school started, and Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen brought Jiang Xue back to Jinyang.

During this period, the trend of Su Ning's new stock was actually very unusual. It didn't set a daily limit. The stock price rose to close to 40 yuan, and now it has returned to the 35 yuan line. After more than two weeks of platform consolidation.

However, Wu Ruohan reduced the holding costs of the four accounts of Chen Sen, Yueju Company,, and Gu Yawen by about 20 points by doing T.

Especially in Chen Sen's account, the amount of funds is relatively small. At the beginning, Su Ning bought only 1.65 shares with a full position. Wu Ruohan sold T with a full position, but made 2.11 shares. The profit on this stock was close to + 50%.

The interval increase is about 18%.

On September 9, Su Ning's turnover rate was as low as 7%, and the intraday fluctuations were also very small, so Wu Ruohan gave up doing T and held all positions.

On September 9, Gao Yang, Gu Yawen, and Wu Lan returned to Yuzhou with their children.

The old man, Gu Wenlong, has good news about his job transfer. He will be transferred to the Ministry to be in charge of a bureau-level department like Economic Investigation, which can be regarded as a transfer at the same level.

The advantage is that, working in the capital, you can live with your family.Moreover, after Gu Wenlong's household registration was moved to the capital, Wu Xiaoyue's household registration could be moved along with her, just in time for next year's college entrance examination.

With Wu Xiaoyue's grades, taking the college entrance examination in Beijing, Mizuki and Beijing University must have taken the exam casually, and there is absolutely no problem.

This time, Gao Yang accompanied Wu Lan and Gu Yawen back to Yuzhou to deal with the affairs of Gu Yawen's family. The nanny will go to the capital together. Wu Lan intends to dispose of this villa in Yuzhou.

On September 9, Gu Wenlong will report to Beijing for work.

Speaking of which, Mr. Wu asked his old comrade-in-arms for help in this matter, so that Gu Wenlong could reunite with his family and live together.

On September 9th, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen rushed to Shudu again, mainly looking for boss Feng from CPI to discuss helping [], which is about to launch a public beta, to do some promotion.

Boss Feng and CPI's Yang Limin and other high-level executives invested more than 51 million in 400 people, all of whom are shareholders.

On the afternoon of the 15th, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen rushed to Shudu, went straight to the CPI headquarters, and then discussed with Boss Feng and others about the promotion of 51 Renren after its launch.

Gao Yang introduced the development and preparation of 51 Renren, focusing on the promotion and user development plan after the launch:

"51 Renren plans to launch the public beta at 10:12 on October 9th, and before that, on September 23rd, which is the day of the autumnal equinox, an internal beta will be arranged.

First of all, our 5 companies in Beijing, with a total of more than 360 employees, will arrange collective registration, develop relationships with family members, relatives, friends, and classmates, and invite them to participate in the internal test.

CPI has more than 600 employees. We also suggest that CPI arrange for employees to collectively register at 9 on September 23. At the same time, we should also develop and invite acquaintances such as relatives, friends and classmates to participate in the internal test of the website.

In addition, we will also invite some friends from customers and media to participate in the internal test.

For example, in the [-] million company I am familiar with, the boss will arrange thousands of employees to help and participate in the internal test.

In addition, through the company's employees and other relationships, we contacted and invited thousands of college students to register through the school intranet and participate in the internal test.

We have already negotiated cooperation with several colleges and universities in Beijing on the school intranet.

During the internal testing phase, the overall goal is to organize 1 people to register and participate.

On October 10, the publicity and promotion of the website after the public beta test was also divided into two directions, college students and netizens in the society.

By placing advertisements and doing some marketing activities, mainly in the capital, we will develop in these two directions to attract users to register.

After the launch of the public beta, will also promote 60 Renren for more than 51 registered users.

CPI's print media and news website, we also hope to cooperate with the promotion simultaneously.

By the end of this year, or before the Spring Festival, we hope to rapidly develop to around one million users.

With this user base, the popularity flow of this project will develop very quickly..."

Feng Jinsong asked: "Do you have a detailed promotion plan?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, a detailed implementation plan has been made, and I will ask Fang Jian to send it to CPI immediately."

Feng Jinsong said: "Okay, then let Fang Jian send it to the CEO. CPI will fully cooperate with the publicity and promotion of 51 people. Limin, after you receive the implementation plan, arrange it. Among all CPI employees, there must be a hard line." Require."

Yang Limin smiled and said: "Okay, this is also a project that everyone invests in together, so this arrangement is very necessary."

This matter was quickly settled. In addition to Feng Jinsong, 8 senior executives of CPI Group invested in 51 Renren. The development of the project is naturally a common cause for everyone.

Feng Jinsong asked with a smile: "Gao Yang, you held a solar energy exhibition in Northeast China in August. How was the effect?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's not bad, the total income is close to 800 million. On the 17th of this month, the last regional exhibition will be held in Jiangcheng, the Central China exhibition. Then in October, the second national exhibition will be held in Quancheng, Lu Province, and it will end gone."

Yang Limin said: "Northeast has made nearly 800 million, so you can make 8000 to [-] million this year just for the exhibition."

Gao Yang said: "It's about the same. After the national exhibition is over, if it is also successful, it is estimated that it will reach 8000 million."

Yu Guangming said enviously, "Gao Yang, you really dug a big gold mine."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, this kind of gold mine is also temporary, and the Internet is the future. If 51 Everyone goes online and develops smoothly, it will be in the first half of next year, and no later than the third quarter. We plan to do another one." Financial and economic platforms, when the time comes, if you are interested, you can invest some money together."

It took Gao Yang another ten minutes to introduce the initial concept of the [51 Finance and Economics] platform project, as well as the investment logic and prospects.

Feng Jinsong said: "How much do you expect to invest in this project?"

Gao Yangdao: "It's just a project idea, and there is no specific project investment plan. My personal preliminary plan is to start with an investment of 3000 million or even 4000 million, pursue development speed, and quickly surpass the current several financial network platforms. Attract professionals to join.”

Feng Jinsong said with a smile: "I think the concept of this financial platform is very good, and it is easier to see clearly than social platforms. How about this, wait for your project investment plan to come out, CPI, the board of directors discuss it, you can consider investing 1000 Wan looks like."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mr. Feng, this arrangement is very good. CPI has a lot of talents. If the project of 51 Finance and Economics is successfully implemented, then we will be completely a family. In the future, if the IT paper media starts to decline, 51 Finance and Economics and 51 Renren will , and even, can accept and settle the employees of CPI.”

Yang Limin quite agrees: "Yes, CPI has been established for 12 years, and it also needs to transform and plan a new future for more than 600 employees. The arrangement of Mr. Feng can't be better."

Feng Jinsong nodded and smiled: "Yes, CPI really needs to transform, and I'm getting old now. If the paper media of CPI reaches the day when it can't continue, the future will be the era of you young people. I will retire and support you behind the scenes. You have become bigger and stronger."

Gao Yang said sincerely: "Thank you Mr. Feng for your support. Mr. Feng led everyone to start a business for more than ten years, and solved the employment problem for more than 600 people, and the income is very good. The future 51 Group will continue the hard work of CPI colleagues. Spirit, let’s join hands all the way and keep going..."

Feng Jinsong smiled and said: "Gao Yang, with your ability, I believe that day will come. When you were in CPI, CPI also set the most brilliant record in operating performance. Over the years, CPI has produced many capable people , Now that the Internet is developing rapidly, the thinking and concept of CPI people also need to be changed.”

In the previous life, Gao Yang still had a good impression of Boss Feng. I remember that when he resigned in 2010, Boss Feng had a meal alone with Gao Yang. At that time, Boss Feng was also quite helpless. The IT media had a big downturn, so he said to Gao Yang, "" Now CPI is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river..."

Gao Yang never forgot this sentence, and felt Boss Feng's sincerity at that time.

Now, Gao Yang's impression of Boss Feng is naturally much better.

Because Gao Yang himself had been the boss for two or three years, he could understand what Boss Feng was feeling at that time.

Another reason why Gao Yang arranged for the 51 series to cooperate with CPI is that CPI really has a lot of talents.

These talents are just what the 51 Department needs for its development in the Internet industry.

People who hold the concept of eating alone will never be able to make it big...

(End of this chapter)

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