Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 287 51 people, 1 blockbuster

Chapter 287 51 people, a blockbuster

"Brother-in-law, am I really not attractive in front of you?"

"Ruohan, you are very attractive, but you are poisonous..."

During the half day at the hot spring resort, Wu Ruohan reverted to his old ways, rolling around in various ways, and even changed into a bikini swimsuit while soaking in the hot springs.

It's a pity that Gao Yang doesn't like her.

On October 10, the three of them returned to the capital. After returning home, Wu Ruohan checked stocks online for the first time.

Then he rushed into the study and yelled: "Brother-in-law, Su Ning had a daily limit yesterday. The daily limit was heavy, and the stock price was 44 yuan. The daily limit was tightly sealed."

Gao Yang turned on the computer and looked at it, and said with a smile: "That's right, the daily limit is also normal, and institutions are taking advantage of this opportunity to increase the cost of opening positions for retail investors."

Wu Ruohan said: "All accounts added up, I made nearly 1800 million on this ticket yesterday, brother-in-law, you have to reward me."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Okay, what do you want?"

Wu Ruohan looked back at the door: "Let me kiss you, okay?"

Gao Yang's face darkened: "Come on, are you crazy again?"

Wu Ruohan pouted: "Brother-in-law, you are too timid, it's boring..."

Gao Yang naturally doesn't like his sister-in-law.

At 10:11 am on October 9, finally held a press conference.

The press conference was held at the Shangri-La Hotel. Yuanda Company contacted more than 60 media to attend, and arranged for 10 media to do an one-hour exclusive interview at the press conference.

Gao Yang, Jin Yang, Fang Jian, He Guangwen, Chen Sen, Zhang Xuan, and of course the newcomer Zhang Xiaolong all attended the press conference.

The press conference will be held for one hour. First, we will talk about the development of and the acquisition of Foxmail with a huge sum of 4000 million yuan.

Then, Fang Jian took the stage again and announced an explosive news:

51 Renren, the first pure social networking platform in China, will officially launch its public beta at 10 am on October 12.

Fang Jian will serve as the CEO of the company, He Guangwen will serve as the CTO, and Zhang Xiaolong, who is very concerned by the media, will serve as the deputy technical director of the two projects of and 51 Renren.

After that, He Guangwen gave a PPT presentation on 51 Renren's project positioning, application features, internal testing, future development expectations, etc.

At this time, some media reporters who didn't know the inside story realized why there was another full-page advertisement in the three major newspapers in Beijing today that seemed to solve the mystery.

The content of the advertisement is very simple, two lines:

I wanted again……

At the press conference, some media reporters turned on their laptops and started coding on the spot.

Just now, when Fang Jian was giving a speech on the stage, Yuanda Company arranged to distribute the press release materials of the 51 Renren online public beta to each reporter.

At 10:40, the interview began. Gao Yang, Jin Yang, Fang Jian, He Guangwen and Zhang Xiaolong were interviewed.

Zhang Xiaolong is the well-known figure most concerned by the media and answers the most questions.

Zhang Xiaolong also expressed his attitude:

"My friends from the media, personally, I am very optimistic about the development prospects of these two projects of 51 Company.

Before, we worked as Foxmail’s technical team in Boda, and I added 23 people. This time, 21 of us chose to join 51 Company. The whole team is as optimistic about the future of 51 Company as I am.

As Mr. Gao explained just now, the two projects of 51 Tongcheng and 51 Renren are two independently operated companies, but there are many overlaps at the investor level.

The operation and management of these two projects will also be integrated to a certain extent.

I very much agree with 51 Company's project investment direction in the web2.0 era. To be honest, has been established for less than a year, and it has been very successful in terms of operation level and influence in the industry.

Next,, which will launch the public beta tomorrow, will surely achieve rapid success.

We are very optimistic about the development prospects of purely social networking sites in the web2.0 era, and the internal testing situation demonstrated by Mr. He just now must have made everyone feel that has its own characteristics, and the application is very interesting. The online social needs of many netizens.

In the Internet age, every netizen may need one or more circles of friends, and this is where the charm of 51 Renren lies..."

It was almost 12 noon when the interview ended.

At this time, the detailed information about's acquisition of Foxmail, the upcoming public beta launch of 51 Renren, and Zhang Xiaolong's situation have become hot news on the Internet.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, several reporters who participated in the interview also rushed out the interview manuscript. After it was posted on the Internet, it was reprinted by many news websites.

On October 10th, the three major urban newspapers with a total circulation of nearly 12 million copies in Beijing, like yesterday, had a full-page advertisement on the back cover of 200.

In the ad, there is a beautiful young girl. She is the 17-year-old actress Liu Yifei who starred in "Dragon Babu" Wang Yuyan last year and this year she starred in "Sword and Fairy" Zhao Linger. Her popularity has skyrocketed.

The content of the ad is:
" What an amazing website!
51 Renren: A more amazing website!
Want to be my friend?
Go to 51 to register, come @account "刘敬菲"..."

This is the subject of the ad in large font.

Then, in normal small fonts, there are information about 51 Renren's online public beta, introduction of website application features, registration method and other information.

Today,, which has 51 million hits per day, also has a pop-up advertisement for the first time, which is also similar to the content of the advertisement.

Another five well-known websites also appeared this pop-up advertisement.

Today, similar content appears in elevator video advertisements, bus platform advertisements, bus body advertisements, and large outdoor advertisements in Beijing.

51 Renren signed a two-year image endorsement contract with Liu Yifei, totaling 600 million.

At the beginning, when Gao Yang brought up this matter, Jin Yang, Fang Jian and others thought that Gao Yang was crazy.

Such a crazy waste of money.

51 Everyone launched the public beta, including the 300 million endorsement fee paid by Liu Yifei for a year, from now until the Spring Festival, Gao Yang has budgeted 500 million in advertising expenses.

The start-up capital of the entire project was only 2000 million, and when many websites were founded, the start-up capital was only 300 million or [-] million.

After Gao Yangwei launched the public beta, it took almost three months, including Liu Yifei's endorsement fee, with a budget of 500 million.

The 500 million was arranged through Sunshine Company's bank loan, which was regarded as the money borrowed by 51 Renren Company.

Because of the 51 million start-up capital of 2000 people, 1500 million was thrown into the stock market by Gao Yang.

Of course, as of yesterday, October 10th, I also made a profit. Su Ning, who had a full position in the new stock, and Wu Ruohan did T for several times, and has already earned more than 11 million.

However, Gao Yang did not arrange to withdraw the funds, but chose to borrow money through Sunlight Company, and then 51 Renren Company borrowed money.

As a result, 51 Renren launched the public beta at 12:6 noon, opened user registration, and got off work at [-]:[-] pm.

Registered users exceeded 10.

Liu Yifei's personal account has more than [-] fans following her.

In 6 hours, a new website just launched has more than 10 registered users, can you believe it?

But now, Fang Jian, Jin Yang, He Guangwen and others all believed it, and Zhang Xiaolong also felt a little incredible.

Everyone realized that although Gao Yang arranged for 51 Renren to promote online, it was crazy to burn money, plus the effect of yesterday's press conference.

According to today's posture, registered users may break one million in a week.

51 really became a blockbuster...

(End of this chapter)

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