Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 288 The revenue is about to exceed [-] million

Chapter 288 The revenue is about to exceed [-] million (please order a ticket)
On the afternoon of October 10, Gao Yang drove to Quancheng, Lu Province.

Sitting in the car were Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan and Shao Hanyun.

Tomorrow, the 2004 Solar Energy National Industry Expo will open, and 3% of the participating channel merchants invited are from the North China region, and the other 7% are from other regions.

Wu Lan came to Quancheng last year, but she has no interest in coming this year, so she stays at home with her every day, and Gu Wenlong will also rest at home on weekends.

In the past few days, 51 has become a phenomenon-level Internet entrepreneurial project. At 12:72 noon today, just 100 hours before the public beta launch, the number of registered users exceeded [-] million.

Girl star Liu Yifei has more than 6 fans and thousands of comments every day.

The account registered by Liu Yifei is classified as [Literature and Art Circle].

The home page of 51 is quite simple, that is, large and small, each circle, each color, the size and thickness of the circle, also represents the attention of each circle.

In three days, more than [-] entertainment stars and entertainers registered with their real names in the art circle.

Some artists were previously contacted and recommended by Yuanda Company to register, and some artists thought that 51 Renren was very interesting and registered by themselves.

On the homepage of, there is also a fixed circle, which displays the number of registered website users, which is automatically updated every two hours.

Entering each circle, the number of registered users in this circle will be displayed.

Each user can naturally select all circles to follow.

Then, each user has a homepage similar to a blog space, and can upload text and pictures by himself. The website has an auxiliary typesetting function, and there are more than ten layout styles to choose from.

At the bottom of each post, there is an icon similar to a thumbs-up, allowing others to like it, and likes can be counted.

Users go to other users' homepages to browse, and after choosing to follow, they can leave comments on the page, and they can also use the @ function to remind their friends to watch.

In the past two days, the most discussed topic among 51 Renren users is that this website is very interesting, fresh and interesting.

In other online forums, there are also many discussions about 51

Some programmers believe that 51 is an ideal SNS website design model, with many functional applications, it is really super creative.

From Beijing to Quancheng, the entire expressway takes more than 4 hours to drive. In some areas, the distance is tens of kilometers, and it is almost a straight road.

Driving on such a road makes it easy to get sleepy, so Gao Yang often chats with the three girls.

Wu Ruohan said proudly: "Brother-in-law, I made T Su Ning around 11 yuan on the 47th. Yesterday and today, I picked them all up at 41.3 yuan. I made a difference of almost 5.5 yuan. Unfortunately, this ticket plate is too small. I only traded 1200 hands, and made about 66."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "T made a profit of 66 yuan in a week, which is pretty good. Don't be too greedy when you are in stocks. Ruohan, how is the general trend of the stock market these days?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Yesterday fell sharply, and this morning it almost fell below 1300 points. Brother-in-law, you are really sure. A-shares are now in a bear market with continuous negative declines and intermittent sharp drops. The line at 1300 points may not form a long-term bottom. up.

The rebound is getting weaker and weaker, and the rebound time is getting shorter and shorter. The annual line has become an insurmountable mountain, and the half-year line is likely to form a long-term suppression.

In mid-September, the semi-annual line crossed the annual line, and then there was a wave of rebound immediately, and the transaction volume also increased. As a result, when it touched the annual line, it began to turn around and go down again.

Next, if the 1300 point cannot be sustained, and the trading volume cannot rise, it is really possible to fall to around 1000 points..."

Gao Yang said: "It's very possible, you can just operate according to our plan. You don't need to stare at it every day, you should rest and rest."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "It's okay, I like to watch the market, and I like to ponder the fluctuations of the market."

Gao Yang didn't know that if Wu Ruohan didn't stare at the stocks and indulge in them, he wouldn't know how to live every day.

Shao Hanyun has now become a very qualified assistant. He understands what to do, when to speak, and when not to speak.

Today, as an assistant to the chairman, Shao Hanyun's salary has risen to 9000 yuan, and with subsidies, his monthly income exceeds [-] yuan.

The more he learned about Gao Yang and the company, the more he admired Shao Hanyun. During these five months, Shao Hanyun felt that he had learned too much.

At 10 am on October 16, the second National Solar Energy Industry Expo opened. The agenda of the event was similar to last year, but the scale was larger. Nearly 9 brand manufacturers participated in the exhibition.

Gao Yang made a speech again, reviewed the regional exhibitions held this year, expressed his gratitude to the cooperative manufacturers and channel merchants, and analyzed the development of this industry from the perspective of the media, as well as the outlook for 2005.

Preliminary incomplete statistics show that in the solar water heater market, the sales scale increased by about 2004% in 40, and the entire industry has made a lot of profits. The exhibitions held by Sunshine Company and industry partners all over the country have also played a big role in the industry. impetus.

From the perspective of the media, Gao Yang will naturally praise himself.

Most of the manufacturers and channel merchants agree with this point of view, and the exhibition activities held by media platforms have indeed formed an obvious publicity effect across the country.

More than 20 people visited the exhibition, and the media from all over the world also reported on the exhibition, and the effect of communication came out.

Last night, Sunlight Company hosted a banquet at the hotel for 30 customer representatives and business representatives from some channels. Many people were full of praise for Sunlight Company. Everyone has indeed made money this year, and it’s not a lot.

On the afternoon of October 10, the exhibition closed, and the number of visitors this year was about 18% more than last year. Everyone was happy.

At 3:3 p.m., the exhibition hall began to be dismantled. In the evening, all the personnel from the company’s business trip gathered to celebrate. They will play together in Quancheng tomorrow. They will leave for the capital after [-] p.m., and the employees of the regional companies will fly back.

For this event, more than 110 people from the more than 90 employees of Sunshine Company distributed across the country came.

This year's national exhibition, the total revenue of the event was more than 2600 million, which was nearly 400 million higher than last year.

Including the previous 6 regional exhibitions, the total revenue of the exhibition is close to 8600 million.

In 2004, the total revenue of the solar media project exceeded [-] million.

Because as of the end of September, the advertising revenue of the two magazines, excluding exhibition journals, has already reached more than 9 million. In the fourth quarter, it is estimated that there will be about 1650 million in advertising revenue.

The annual revenue will be close to 1.1 million.

Everyone was excited and proud of it, and admired Gao Yang to the point of throwing their heads down.

Sunshine Company dominates the world in the media industry.The solar energy DM publication published in Inner Mongolia this year is estimated to have a monthly income of less than 20, making it difficult to survive.

Customers don't buy it at all, and only rely on a few small brands that want to be in the Inner Mongolia market to support them.

Looking at the employees of the company, from top to bottom, they were elated, and many of them were drunk, and Gu Yawen was also happy and emotional.

Gao Yang told her that the company's revenue next year is likely to exceed 1.5 million, but he will not set such a target for the company.

In 2005, Gao Yang will set a revenue target of 1.2 million for the team led by Wu Bo and Zhou Wenbin, so as not to scare everyone.

In 2005, the research company, in this industry, was likely to make a performance of about 600 million...

(End of this chapter)

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