Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 296 Holding Android

Chapter 296 Holding android (for subscription)

Going back to Xiangyi Villa in the evening, Gao Yang invited Lu Tao and his wife to have dinner at home.

After dinner, Gao Yang drank tea with Lu Tao and his wife again.

Lu Tao began to question again: "Gao Yang, have you really made more than ten times the stock?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, since the end of 1999, I have been investing in A shares. After earning more than ten times, the market was not good, and I withdrew for more than a year, and invested again in the second half of last year.

Because the funds to increase positions one after another are relatively large, in general, the profit has been several times. "

Lu Tao asked again: "How do you invest in US stocks, and what kind of companies do you mainly invest in?"

Gao Yang said: "I invested in US stocks through my elder brother and sister-in-law, and I mainly chose technology-related companies, especially Internet-related excellent companies.

The Internet is developing very fast, even faster in the United States, and is also very popular with capital. Excellent small companies have the hope of developing into large companies, and large companies have the hope of developing into larger companies.

The Internet is changing life and changing the world. This is my investment logic. "

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Brother Tao, Gao Yang has a very good talent in investment. In the past few years, A shares have been in a bear market, and the stocks invested by Gao Yang have made money, and they have never lost money on any stock. money."

Lu Tao laughed and said, "I see, Gao Yang, are you absolutely sure about investing in US stocks?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Brother Tao, of course I'm not absolutely sure, I just follow the trend of technological development, dig out outstanding listed companies among them, and find the right time to invest in them.

It can only be said that the pursuit of a relatively high probability of success.

Going back to the matter of investing in android companies, for example, Andy Rubin needs funds to maintain the team for R&D. For example, if he needs 500 million US dollars to invest, then I will invest 2000 million for him at one time, but the condition is that I want to control the company. The CFO will be dispatched by me.

Of the 2000 million US dollars, 500 million will be used to maintain the company's R&D and normal operation, and the remaining 1500 million will be arranged to invest in US stocks in the name of the android company.

If this fund can generate continuous profits in the US stock market, then there is actually no need to invest in android companies in the future.

When the profit is huge, the development of android is successful, and there are funds to promote, build an ecology, and even acquire some small companies that you need.

In general, this is how I think about it, invest in it as much as possible at one time, and then use the investment in the financial market to make profits, and roll out the funds that the company will need in the future..."

Lu Tao was surprised: "Andy Rubin might not agree with your idea."

Gao Yang said: "I can sign a VAM agreement with him. If the funds injected into the company are used for investment, and I make a loss, then I will pay for it. If I make money, such as doubled, then he has to transfer the money." Give me some equity."

Lu Tao asked again: "Gao Yang, if everything goes according to your wishes for this investment, who do you send to be the CFO of this company?"

Gao Yang said: "I plan to invite my sister-in-law, who is Wu Fei's lover Chen Lan, to be the CFO. My sister-in-law works in an investment bank on Wall Street. Her task is to manage and monitor the funds and expenses of android companies, and then to be in charge of investment. This year After the Spring Festival, she has already started to help us invest in US stocks, and the overall income is good.”

Lu Tao pondered for a while, then smiled: "If you plan to invest 2000 million US dollars, then I will invest 1000 million US dollars, basically according to this ratio, try it out, if this company can really have a smartphone operating system in the future If it’s built, it’s worth the investment.”

Lu Tao felt that Gao Yang had thought through all aspects of the investment arrangement, and it was not bad to invest a sum of money and try it out.

On the morning of October 10, Andy Rubin was invited to the Weber Building to continue the negotiation.

After a few pleasantries, Gao Yang said directly: "Mr. Rubin, can your company accept the cooperation model we discussed yesterday?"

Andy Rubin said: "Mr. Gao, I can agree with other matters. I hold 80% of Android's shares, and I can represent the company. But, must Mr. Gao hold Android?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, this is a prerequisite for our investment, the specific reason I have explained yesterday, we do not seek absolute control of this company, what we seek is cooperation.

After the agreement is reached, the company's R&D and operation management will still be dominated by your current team, and we will not interfere with specific businesses. We can clearly write these commitments in the capital injection agreement. "

Andy Rubin said: "In terms of the company's equity, what percentage does Mr. Gao want to own?"

Gao Yang said: "This investment is jointly invested by Mr. Lu Tao and I. The investment ratio between us is 2:1. Mr. Lu Tao and I will sign a concerted action agreement. We need to account for 60% of the shares of the Android company."

"60% equity?" Andy Rubin asked in surprise, "Mr. Gao, you are asking too much."

Gao Yang said: "The specific reason, I have already explained yesterday, Mr. Lu Tao and I injected funds through capital increase and share expansion to ensure that the android company can normally promote the research and development work.

Moreover, we hope that there are corresponding clauses in the agreement. In the future, if someone in Mr. Rubin's team wants to transfer the equity, then Mr. Lu Tao and I have the right of first refusal.

Another point is that we value Mr. Rubin's rich industry experience and team leadership before considering investing in android. In the future, if Mr. Rubin suddenly chooses to withdraw from this company, we have the right to consider divesting. "

The two competed for a long time around these details, and finally Andy Rubin agreed that Gao Yang and Lu Tao would take 60% of the shares.

Then, there is the issue of the valuation of the android company. In fact, there is no good way to value it. It is an entrepreneurial technical team. Andy Rubin is naturally a lion, and quoted a sky-high price of 5000 million US dollars for the overall valuation.

Gao Yang was amused, and talked for a while. Finally, he calculated the overall valuation of the Android company, including all intellectual property rights, to be 3000 million US dollars.

At $3000 million, Andy Rubin didn't budge.

Andy Rubin is very confident, he thinks android company is really worth so much money.

Gao Yang asked: "Mr. Rubin, if the funds are sufficient, how long will it take for you to develop an open source operating system like Android to maturity?"

Andy Rubin said: "If the funds are sufficient, I can form a research and development team of 50 to 60 people, and within two years, I can make a releaseable version."

Gao Yang asked again: "How much money do you need for a year to maintain such a R&D team?"

Andy Rubin said: "Comprehensive calculation of labor costs and other costs, it will cost about 400 million US dollars a year."

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Mr. Rubin, we will inject 3000 million US dollars into the android company at one time, on the condition that we own 60% of the company's shares, and we will also send a CFO as an investment director.

After this capital injection, 500 million US dollars will be left on the company's books, and the other 2500 million US dollars will be arranged by the CFO to invest in the financial market, and the investment income will naturally belong to the company..."

What is this operation?
Andy Rubin was stunned: "Mr. Gao wants to limit the company's normal expenses? Use the company's funds to invest in the financial market, what should I do if I lose money?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Rubin, I have no intention of limiting the expenses required for the normal operation of the company, and I will definitely promise to guarantee them in place.

As for investing in the financial market, if there is a loss, I will personally contribute to make up for it. In this regard, we can sign a supplementary agreement, or even a gambling agreement.

Before, I have promised that we are in the form of cooperation, aiming at a common goal, creating an open source platform that can be accepted by the market and strive to become the mainstream. The two parties are long-term cooperation, and Mr. Lu Tao and I will guarantee the development of the company the funds required.

Let Mr. Rubin organize R&D personnel with full energy to develop a mature smartphone operating platform as soon as possible.

In a word, we hope to cooperate sincerely, and each use its own resources and capabilities to form a joint force to make such a company bigger and stronger. "

Andy Rubin thought it was amazing, he had never seen someone like Gao Yang, he operated in a psychedelic way, and he was full of confidence.

In the end, Andy Rubin agreed. His purpose was to find financing to continue the android project. Now someone is willing to spend 3000 million yuan to invest. Although there are a series of restrictions, there is no dissatisfaction.

After the two parties reached an agreement, Gao Yang asked Jin Yang and He Shan to draft the text of the agreement. Jin Yang holds a master's degree in international justice.

On November 11, the text of the agreement came out, which was divided into English and Chinese versions. After Gao Yang and Andy Rubin read it, Andy Rubin sent the text of the agreement back to the United States through the Internet for the company team to discuss and hire professionals to review.

Wu Fei also asked Chen Lan to find a law firm and go to California to do due diligence on the Android company.

On December 12th, such a rather peculiar capital injection agreement was finally approved by both parties and could be signed.

Gao Yang, Lu Tao and Andy Rubin formally signed the contract in Beijing, and then Wu Fei and Andy Rubin brought the text of the agreement back to the United States, and it will come into effect after other shareholders of the android company sign it.

After that, Gao Yang and Lu Tao will each send a copy of the agreement text back.

On Lu Tao's side, he will soon prepare 1000 million U.S. dollars, which will be transferred to the Android company's account within 10 days. At that time, Chen Lan will serve as the CFO and Chief Investment Officer of the Android company, and take over the company's financial management and investment business.

For Chen Lan's matter, Gao Yang also opened a chat meeting room online with Wu Fei and Chen Lan, and discussed it for two or three days.

At this stage, Chen Lan and Wu Fei can still live in New York. Chen Lan only needs to go to California once a month. He communicates with Andy Rubin through the Internet and telephone every day. The company also has accounting staff.

For Gao Yang's side, he will use his mother-in-law's real estate as collateral to raise 2000 million US dollars within one month at the latest, and then transfer it to the account of the Android company, which will be managed and operated by Chen Lan.

After the funds are in place, the android company will open a US stock account and withdraw 2500 million US dollars, and Chen Lan will be responsible for investing in the US stocks set by Gao Yang.

Gao Yang also agreed with Andy Rubin that Android will build a research and development center in China in the future to serve the Chinese market.

After Andy Rubin returns to the United States this time, he will expand the scale of the R&D team and recruit about 3% Chinese engineers. In the future, these engineers will be used as a team to build the Huaxia R&D Center in Beijing.

On December 12th, it was snowing heavily, and it really snowed heavily in the capital.

In the afternoon, Andy Rubin and Wu Fei were finally able to return to the United States after staying in Beijing for 10 days.

Andy Rubin raised a huge sum of 3000 million U.S. dollars during this trip, so he was naturally satisfied. After returning, he was ready to do a big job.

Both Wu Fei and Chen Lan accepted the entrustment to represent Gao Yang and Lu Tao as directors of the android company.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen sent Andy Rubin and Wu Fei to the airport.

Before leaving, Andy Rubin held Gao Yang's hand tightly: "Lucas, you are a real visionary. I hope we can cooperate happily. I sincerely invite you to visit the United States when you have time."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "When I have time, I will take a trip to the United States. Andy, let us go forward with all our strength according to the plan. One day, I hope to see android grow into a respectable big company, and you are the one who makes A man of the world's attention."

Today, Gao Yang also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got the android done quickly. Next, how this company develops depends on people and God.

Gao Yang believes that Android will still defeat all kinds of opponents and dominate the future smart phone market as it remembers...

(End of this chapter)

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