Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 297 Someone Comes Waving Money Again

Chapter 297 Someone Comes Waving Money Again

Time flies by quickly. It is the end of the year and my son is two years old every day.

On December 12st, the day of the winter solstice, Wu Lan's mortgage was completed. Because of the investment agreement, it could be exchanged into US dollars through formal bank channels, and then transferred to the account of the Android company.

After signing the capital injection agreement, it was sent by express from the United States. Gao Yang has already got it for two or three days, and locked it in the safe.

The closed development of 51talk, code-named [talk plan], has been in Xiangyi Villa for a month and a half.

On December 12th, Friday night, Gao Yang's family celebrated Tian Tian's second birthday. Fang Jian and Chen Sen also came to Gao Yang's house to play.

Talking about the two months since 51 Renren was launched, everyone was also very moved. At the beginning, they never thought that 51 Renren had developed more than 800 million users in such a short period of time.

Moreover, the number of new registered users per day is still around 10.

Celebrities like Liu Yifei have already had millions of fans.

There is also an ordinary registered user with more than 10 fans. He is an enthusiast of photography equipment and is very professional.

Some advertising companies have already approached us, hoping to cooperate with 51

However, according to the plan, Fang Jian declined. In 2005, 51 Renren would only consider advertising after the number of registered users reached tens of millions, and the requirements would be stricter so as not to damage the user experience.

For example, pop-up advertisements are absolutely not accepted.

Now, the number of registered users in has exceeded 500 million, of which about 200 million users are outside the capital.

Foxmail, in the process of diverting users to 51 Tongcheng and 51 Renren, has also gained an explosion of new users, and now the number of users has exceeded 700 million.

What is more miserable is the big A-shares. After the Shanghai index fell below 1300 points, it was already close to the low point of 9 points set in mid-September, and there was no decent rebound.

However, there was no loss in the accounts of Gao Yang and the company.

Wu Ruohan reduced his position, or did T, and made money.

For example, in Chen Sen's account, Wu Ruohan raised the full position from the original 50 to 108 million. In the past two days, Su Ning has also fully placed the position.

Chen Sen's full holding of Su Ning has changed from the initial 1.65 shares to 2.4 shares.During the same period, Su Ning’s range increase was less than +50%.

On the evening of December 12th, Chen Sen and Feng Lan were overjoyed when they heard the news.

After Fang Jian and He Zifang heard this, they were quite moved, and they planned to take out 100 million stocks and ask Wu Ruohan to do it for them.

Gao Yang teased his son: "Tiantian is two years old, do you want to go to kindergarten?"

Cute every day: "Dad, I want to go to kindergarten, and I want to play with the children."

Wu Lan smiled and said, "It's too young to go to kindergarten at the age of two."

Gu Wenlong said: "You can go to the small class to play. After the Spring Festival, you will be two years old and two months old every day. There is a kindergarten in our department. You can go to the small class for one semester. In September, you can study the small class every day." gone."

Gu Yawen asked: "Dad, where is your kindergarten?"

Gu Wenlong said: "In Muxidi, across the river from Public Security University."

Wu Lan said: "It's still a bit far away, why don't we buy a house in Muxidi?"

Gu Wenlong said: "It's not necessary, the Ministry has a dormitory complex over there, I can just change the dormitory there."

Listening to Gao Yang's family discussing their child's going to kindergarten, Fang Jian and Chen Sen were a little envious.

Chen Sendao: "Xiaolan and Zifang are both pregnant. In the future, it will still be a hassle for our children to go to kindergarten."

Gao Yang said: "No trouble, when your children can go to kindergarten, our company may also build an office building. At that time, we can apply for a private kindergarten. Or you can let your children go to a good private kindergarten. It's not that I can't remember.

Chen Sen, your eldest is about to go to primary school, and it's time for you to bring your mother and children to the capital. "

Chen Sendao: "Feng Lan's due date is August next year. When the time comes, I will pick them up. My mother-in-law plans to retire next year, so she will come over as well."

Fang Jian asked curiously: "Gao Yang, if our company builds its own office building, when do you plan to build it and in which area?"

Gao Yangdao: "Consider the area around the North Fourth Ring Road, or the Shangdi Development Zone. The land will be purchased in 2007 and construction will begin."

Chen Sen asked curiously, "How much will it cost?"

"Maybe a billion or so." Gao Yang looked at Fang Jian and Chen Sen's shocked eyes, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, there will be money by then. I'm still thinking, when the time comes, I will find a real estate developer to cooperate with. Near the office building, another staff dormitory community will be built.”

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother Jian, Brother Sen, don't worry, if my brother-in-law says he has money, he will definitely have money."

Fang Jian and others all laughed, Wu Ruohan talked about Gao Yang like a fan girl.However, now, there are quite a few such fans in the company.

2004 has passed, after the New Year’s Day holiday, on January 1, the first day after the stock market opened after the holiday, the Shanghai stock index gapped and fell, and there were big funds in a straight line at the opening. The stock market closed that day, and the stock index officially fell below 4 points. hit a new low.

On this day, the senior executives of Goose Factory in the special zone were meeting to review the decision-making efficiency of the investment department.

Two websites, 51 Tongcheng and 51 Renren, have also officially entered the field of vision of Goose Factory.

In the end, the senior management of Goose Factory believed that the response was too slow last year, and it should not have missed the acquisition of Foxmail., especially 51 Renren, is developing too fast. It seems unrealistic to expect them to be unable to withstand the financial situation. Goose Factory may even consider buying these two websites, together with Foxmail.

At this meeting, Boss Pony sighed: "I remember it was in the second half of 2000. We internally discussed the severe situation of the Internet's cold winter. I once asked everyone to seriously think about a media comment titled "Death of .com" .

Now, more than 4 years have passed, and the reporter who wrote this article at the beginning has made excellent Internet projects such as and 51 Renren, which shows that Mr. Gao has a deep understanding of the trend of the Internet industry.

Goose Factory has been listed for financing for more than half a year, and has sufficient cash. Now that there is such a valuable Internet start-up project, it is time to consider negotiating with the other party and try to acquire it..."

However, on January 1th, Goose Factory did not immediately contact 4 Company and Gao Yang.

However, Fang Jian received a call from Baidu Company. As for Baidu, he hoped to discuss cooperation with Gao Yang and Fang Jian. This time, besides the operation director Wang Xiao, and Baidu's core founder, Boss Li, who were going to come to the door.

When Fang Jian reported the news to Gao Yang, Gao Yang said with a smile: "Hey, Baidu is going to come to the door again with money, and it's Boss Li himself."

Fang Jian asked with a smile, "Then would you like to talk to someone?"

Gao Yang thought for a while, and said with a smile: "It's okay to meet him, after all, it's Boss Li, so you can't neglect him."

Fang Jian asked again: "Then when is our appointment?"

Gao Yang said: "Just tomorrow."

Fang Jian smiled and went back to call Wang Xiao back...

(End of this chapter)

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