Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 298 Top Club?Who do you look down on?

Chapter 298 Top Club?Who do you look down on?

Later, Gao Yang received a call. He saw that it was Yuan Ye, the editor-in-chief of Weiji Magazine, an old friend he had known since he was a reporter at CPI a few years ago.

Yuan Ye called Mr. Gao as soon as he opened his mouth, and Gao Yang said a little annoyed: "Yuan Ye, we have been friends for many years, why are you so polite, call me by my name!"

Yuan Ye smiled and said: "Okay, Gao Yang, that's what happened, Fang Siwen, the new deputy editor-in-chief of Yiwang, asked me for your mobile phone number, and then asked me to help him pass a message, Boss Ding of Yiwang , would like to ask you out for dinner.

You don’t know Fang Siwen, this is a talented student who graduated from Peking University. He first worked as a reporter and editor in Nanzhou, and then worked as a reporter for "21st Century". He also participated in the founding of Dongzao, and then went to Nandu.

I have known him for more than two years, he has just joined Yiwang and is responsible for the content..."

Fang Siwen?
Hehe, Gao Yang naturally didn't know him yet, but the "abbot" who founded the ball in his memory was like a thunderbolt.

Boss Ding from Yiwang, and Boss Li from Baidu, these two are real bigwigs in the industry.

It seems that the taste of 51 people is too fragrant.

When Gao Yang recalled, Yuan Ye said: "How about it, Boss Ding's dinner, would you like to go?"

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "I don't know Boss Ding yet, and Boss Ding doesn't know me either. He wants to make an appointment for dinner. Why did he make such a detour and come to me through Fang Siwen?"

Yuan Ye said: "I guess, Boss Ding thinks that you are from the media, and Fang Siwen is also from the media, so it is easy to find topics. In addition, Fang Siwen also invited me to accompany me. I have never met Boss Ding. I want to meet you." a bit."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Okay, it's okay to have a meal and make friends. Please tell me that I will invite you to arrange this meal tomorrow night."

Yuan Ye said: "Okay, then I'll ask Fang Siwen and get back to you."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang asked Shao Hanyun to call Fang Jian.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Old Fang, Boss Ding of Yiwang, through Fang Siwen, who was born in a newspaper and just joined Yiwang as the deputy editor-in-chief, came to me through Yuan Ye and said he wanted to make an appointment for a dinner."

Fang Jian smiled and said, "Good guy, the two big bosses came to you within a day, probably because they fell in love with 51 people."

Gao Yang said: "The probability is very high. I have already told Yuan Ye that we will invite you for this meal. On your side, talk to Mr. Wang from Baidu. Tomorrow night, invite him to have a meal with Boss Li." , we please."

Fang Jian was surprised: "You want Boss Li and Boss Ding to sit at the same dinner table?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, that's what it means."

Fang Jian said, "Then what if Boss Li doesn't want to?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Don't tell them yet, I didn't say anything about Boss Ding's side. Don't worry, I believe that these two have been working on the Internet for so many years, and it is impossible for them to have no friendship in private. I just want to give him It’s fun to share a surprise together, right?”

Fang Jian shook his head happily: "You bastard, what if you offend someone?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't offend anyone. Tomorrow night, you, Jin Yang, Guangwen, and Zhang Xiaolong will all go to our side."

Fang Jian laughed: "Okay, this might be really interesting."

Fang Jian knew that it was impossible for Gao Yang to agree to transfer 51 Tongcheng or 51 Renren, but he didn't know what Gao Yang wanted to play now.

After Fang Jian left, Gao Yang told Shao Hanyun, "Hanyun, you should check immediately to find out which top clubs there are in the capital, they are the ones that run memberships and are more business-oriented."

Shao Hanyun immediately searched the Internet, and later, printed out a document.

After looking carefully for a while, Gao Yang selected [Jingcheng Club], which is located near the embassy area and in the CBD area. The founder is Zhongxin Group.

This club, known as the No. 500 club in Beijing, is characterized by the fact that most of its members come from the presidents of Fortune [-] companies, as well as some ambassadors.

The cost is not high, the company membership is 12 yuan, and then there is a membership fee of 1.5 yuan a year.

Gao Yang said: "Let's just pick the Capital Club. You can contact and consult immediately. First, register in the name of 51 People's Company. It will be done tomorrow. Tomorrow night, we will treat guests there for dinner."

Shao Hanyun immediately went back to the outside room. In his office, he consulted the club's contact number he found on the Internet about how to join the club.

After thinking about it, the operator on the other side said: "I'm sorry, Ms. Shao, your company does not meet the membership standards of the Capital Club."

Shao Hanyun immediately became anxious: "Our 51 is now a very popular Internet company in the country. Why doesn't it meet your membership criteria?"

The other party replied: "I'm really sorry, your company really doesn't meet the standards of the Capital Club."

The other party immediately hung up the phone, and Shao Hanyun almost burst into tears.

In Gao Yang's eyes, applying for a club membership is obviously a very simple matter.

It's too embarrassing to leave this matter to yourself, but you can't handle it well.

Shao Hanyun got up and wanted to report to Gao Yang, but on second thought, he should go to Wu Ruohan first to see if she had any ideas.

At this time, Wu Ruohan was joking in Gu Yawen's office.

Shao Hanyun cried, "Sister Yawen, Sister Ruohan, I'm so useless, Mr. Gao asked me to contact a member of a club, and I'm going to treat guests there tomorrow night. Unexpectedly, this club said, we The company is not qualified enough. What should I do?"

Wu Ruohan raised her eyebrows: "Why is the club so stupid? My brother-in-law's membership is to give them face."

Shao Hanyun said: "Sister Ruohan, this club is called the Capital Club. It is run by Zhongxin Group. I checked it online. It is known as the No. [-] club in Beijing. Its characteristics are..."

After Shao Hanyun introduced the situation, Wu Ruohan scolded: "What's the phone number of the first club of shit, I'll make a call first, and then I'll talk about it after swearing."

"Ruohan, don't make trouble!"

After stopping it, Gu Yawen thought about it: "Well, I'll ask my dad."

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, I called my uncle and said, it's really annoying."

After finishing speaking, Wu Ruohan dialed Gu Wenlong's phone number: "Uncle, someone bullied us. Our company wants to set up a club membership, and my brother-in-law wants to treat guests to dinner at that club tomorrow night. As a result, Han Yun called to consult just now. To say that our 51 Renren company is not qualified enough is to look down on someone, it's so annoying..."

On the other end of the phone, Gu Wenlong said: "Well, let me ask someone to help you, what's the name of that club?"

Wu Ruohan said: "It's called Capital Club, it's located near the CBD, and it's said to be run by Zhongxin Group."

In less than 10 minutes, Shao Hanyun's cell phone rang.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Shao from 51 Renren?"

"Yes, I am, may I ask you?"

"Miss Shao, I'm He Cheng, the customer service director of the Capital Club, the city of the Great Wall. I'm really sorry just now. Our customer service staff's service attitude is very bad. I misunderstood the club's membership process. She just graduated from university this year. Newcomer, please forgive Miss Shao and your company."

"Mr. He, so all 51 of us can apply for membership?"

"Yes, it can be done, it must be done. Miss Shao, where is your company's office, we provide door-to-door service, and we will do it right away..."

After more than 40 minutes, a man about 35 years old rushed to the Weber Building, and when he saw Shao Hanyun and Wu Ruohan, he apologized again and again.

Then he asked again: "Miss Shao, Miss Wu, may I meet the person in charge of your company to express my apologies?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Okay, please."

Gao Yang saw He Cheng brought by Shao Hanyun and Wu Ruohan, and after He Cheng introduced himself and apologized again and again, Gao Yang was also at a loss.

He Chengdao: "Mr. Gao, our service is not good this time. I'm really sorry. This matter is our club's fault. 51 People's Company handles membership. We decided to waive the membership fee and exempt one-year membership. fee to express our sincere apologies."

Gao Yang didn't know what happened, but he just said: "Mr. He, there's no need for free or something. After we register as a member, we will arrange a banquet at your club tomorrow night. You just need to provide good service."

He Cheng insisted on doing it for free, Gao Yang was a little unhappy and said: "Mr. He, if there is any misunderstanding, there is no need for free or anything. We can do whatever we want. Our company is not short of this little money."

He Chengdao: "Mr. Gao, I'm really sorry. We didn't do a good job in the service. We should really apologize. How about a 8% discount?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "Then thank you Mr. He."

He Cheng piled a smile on his face: "Mr. Gao is polite, then we will handle it for your company right away."

He Cheng followed Shao Yuhan to the office of 51 Renren to handle membership matters.

"Bah, what a dog's eyes look down on people!"

Wu Ruohan cursed, and then explained what was going on. At this time, Gu Yawen also came in.

Gao Yang finally understood what was going on, unexpectedly, he disturbed the old man.

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, this person offered to free it just now, so we should let him free it."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Ruohan, there's no need. Don't mention that our company is not short of this little money. If it's really free, it will be a bit bullying."

Wu Ruohan said: "It's their club that is the first to bully others."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Ruohan, don't make trouble, this kind of thing is normal, this club should have relevant internal regulations for membership. Your brother-in-law's arrangement is right, let's not be unreasonable ..."

(End of this chapter)

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