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Chapter 304 "Kung Fu Panda"

Chapter 304 "Kung Fu Panda"

On February 2th, the 4th of the twelfth lunar month, it is the beginning of spring.

The weather in Beijing is still relatively cold. The highest temperature during the day is about 1 degree, and the lowest temperature at night is about minus 6 degrees.

5 companies, including more than 100 employees of Yueju Company, a total of more than 450 people held the annual meeting.

Only a dozen regional company executives came to the meeting from regional companies from all over the country.

There are more than 40 ordinary employees in the regional company, and they could only arrange a small annual meeting in the local area.

On the evening of February 2, I arrived at the largest hot spring resort in Xiaotangshan.

Covering an area of ​​more than 2000 mu, there are more than 3000 hotel rooms.

At this year's annual meeting, none of the employees brought their family members, and neither did Gao Yang bring Wu Lan and Tian Tian with them.

At 2 o'clock in the morning on February 4th, a two-hour meeting was held first, and the general managers of each company made a summary report.

That is to say, we will focus on the development achievements and shortcomings in 2004, as well as the outlook for 2005.

The conference ended after an hour, and at 10:[-], each company separated again to hold their own annual meeting, summarizing and commending things.

Gao Yang attended the annual meeting of Sunshine Company. Sunshine Company has more than 60 employees in Beijing, and there are more than 50 employees in regional companies.

This year, Sunshine Company's project dividends are as high as 1000 million, of which the company's general manager Wu Bo's dividends are 180 million.

Wu Bo was supposed to pay 200 million yuan in dividends. Wu Bo is a shareholder, and he wanted to participate in shareholder dividends, so he proposed a dividend of 180 million yuan, and the remaining 20 yuan was used to commend outstanding ordinary employees.

Zhou Wenbin, Sun Chengyi, and He Jin also cut some project dividends, because there are shareholders dividends.

Four people cut down 50 yuan and used it to reward 25 outstanding ordinary employees in the headquarters and local companies.

Adding the company's budget of 50, the total is 100 million.

The per capita is 4 yuan, which is a big reward in addition to year-end dividends.

Gao Yang is the big boss, and he has to consider the year-end dividends of the company's employees to have a certain balance. Wu Bo, Zhou Wenbin and others also think the same way, because everyone is a shareholder.

Like Fang Jian, if he is not in Sunshine this year, he will not participate in project dividends, but only participate in shareholder dividends.

This year's shareholder dividends are as high as 3000 million, and Gao Yang alone will pay dividends of more than 1400 million.

Gao Yang only allocated 1400 million, and let go of more than 20 to increase the year-end dividends of post-departure personnel.

The annual meeting lasted for half a day, eating and drinking at noon, and having fun in hot springs in the afternoon.

Zhang Xiaolong accompanied Gaoyang to soak in the hot springs, and also reported on the internal testing of 51talk.


The graphic image of 51talk is designed as a cute cartoon giant panda image, which is roughly equivalent to an 8-month-old giant panda.

In order to design this image, Gao Yang came up with a lot of ideas, communicated with the illustrator for several days, and finally came up with a cartoon image similar to "Kung Fu Panda".

Upright pandas, with various costumes and anthropomorphic expressions, are mainly used for 51talk expressions, as well as a cute baby development game for talk babies.

This game, Gao Yang directly called it "Kung Fu Panda", through feeding and feeding, learning martial arts, various genres, and then developing step by step to become a master.

This game is naturally still under development. The person who took over this project is a programmer friend of Zhang Xiaolong. He is a game maker himself. His name is Wu Xi. He started his own company and has developed two or three popular games. game.

Gao Yang discussed the idea of ​​"Kung Fu Panda" with Wu Xi for two or three days, and then Wu Xi agreed to develop this game next.

After the game is developed, the copyright belongs to 51 Renren.

Wu Xi will organize a team to develop in Xiangyi Villa for three or four months.

This time, 51 people paid 100 million for the foundry development of the game.

Gao Yang originally wanted Zhang Xiaolong to persuade Wu Xi to sell his company to 51 Renren, and then join in as the director of 51 Renren's game department.

Wu Xi hasn't agreed yet, and plans to earn the 100 million first, and then wait and see the effect.

Gao Yang didn't ask Zhang Xiaolong to force him to persuade him. After Wu Xi developed "Kung Fu Panda", Gao Yang would tell him the idea of ​​another game. At that time, Wu Xi would most likely choose to join.

Fun web games will be a big booster for 51 Renren to gain popularity and traffic. Gao Yang has his own plan, but he hasn't told anyone yet.

Let's take a look at Wu Xi's team first, and let's talk about the level of game making.

In the evening, Zhang Tao, who had been working part-time in the editorial center of Sunlight Company, found Gao Yang.

Zhang Tao said: "Gao Yang, after the Spring Festival, we are going to open a sub-station in the Special Economic Zone. I heard that there is no suitable candidate yet. Why don't I go."

Gao Yang said: "You only graduated from graduate school in May or June?"

Zhang Tao said: "It's okay, my dissertation has already been rushed out. The supervisor read it and said that there is no problem. I just need to take time to prepare for my defense."

Gao Yang asked again: "Aren't you planning to go back to your hometown to be a civil servant?"

Zhang Tao said with a smile: "I have discussed it with my family. I won't go back. Gu Li doesn't want to go to Harbin either. She wants to stay."

Gao Yang asked again: "Are you going to get married this year?"

Zhang Tao nodded: "Yes, I plan to get married during the National Day holiday."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "In the past few years, you took the postgraduate entrance examination and studied for three years, Gu Li will be 26 soon, and you should start a family.

How about this, Zhang Tao, let Gu Li accompany you to the special zone, I can't let you two separate places.

Now, there is indeed no suitable candidate for the 51 city special zone station. I am very grateful that you are willing to go. Originally, I wanted to go back to my hometown during the Spring Festival and ask Boss Feng to borrow someone.

When the special zone is established, if you like it, you can stay in the special zone and settle down. If you don’t like the life there, you can go back to the headquarters in Beijing, or the branches in various regions across the country. You can choose by yourself. "

Zhang Tao said with a smile: "Gao Yang, don't be so polite. Now the company is in the initial stage of expansion. When it comes to hiring people, I haven't put in much effort in the past few years. It's you who have been helping me. Now, I should also contribute to the company." it's time.

As for living in the Special Economic Zone, if I can get used to it and feel good, I can also settle down there.

In the future, when my dad retires, maybe my mom and I will live in the south. "

Gao Yang asked again: "If you don't go back to Harbin to work, the family won't blame you?"

Zhang Tao said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have already communicated, I really won't."

Gao Yang is also completely relieved, just like this, if you give a peach and return a favor, the heads of the 51 city magic city and the special zone company have now been implemented.

Both Zhang Tao and Chen Sen are capable people, and when employing people, they also took the initiative to stand up and shoulder important responsibilities.

On February 2, after the father-in-law, Gu Wenlong, started to take the Spring Festival vacation, Gao Yang's family boarded an Air Canada plane and flew back to Jinyang.

Today is the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after getting off the plane, Wu Ruohan flicked her mobile phone with joy on her face: "Brother-in-law, sister, the dividend from Haidilao has arrived in the account."

Gao Yang turned on his cell phone, and sure enough, a bank text message came.

Haidilao has already opened a store in Shanghai this year, and opened two more.This year's Spring Festival, the company took out 5000 million dividends for shareholders, and Gao Yang distributed 1000 million dividends.

This year, without mentioning other income, such as the money earned in the stock market, Gao Yang's dividends have reached 2400 million.

Gu Yawen also earned more than 1000 million from Yuanda Company and Yueju Company, which was the money she got.

The remaining funds of the two companies, in addition to working capital, will naturally be withdrawn and put into the company's stock account to increase positions as planned.

(End of this chapter)

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