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Chapter 305 Sister-in-law's Showdown

Chapter 305 Sister-in-law's Showdown
Gao Yuesheng's second baby is almost 3 months old. Little Jiang Bo is a sweet baby with cute big eyes.

In the evening, Yang Yong, Chen Sen, Xiao Jin, Fang Jian, Wen Yi, and Wu Peng, all with their wives and children, gathered at Gao Yang's house for dinner.

He Guangwen returned to his hometown with his fiancée, who was going to hold a wedding in Jinyang on the second day of the first lunar month.

After dinner, everyone gathered together to report on the business performance of each company last year.

Jiajiahui Supermarket has 6 stores in Jinyang, with a turnover of nearly 1300 million.Opened two stores in Shudu and opened the first store in Jingyang, with a turnover of more than 1200 million.

In 2004, the total turnover of the supermarket was just over 2500 million yuan, with a profit of 600 million yuan, and 400 million yuan in dividends. After the Spring Festival, they will continue to open stores.

DM business situation, in 2004, the revenue reached more than 550 million, and the profit exceeded 300 million, and then invested 300 million in the wine company.

The wine company has made more than 360 million performance, and the profit is close to 100 million.

This year, the DM business and the wine company will not distribute dividends to shareholders.

Not long after going to work after the Spring Festival, Xiao Jin was going to his hometown Renshui Township in Gaoyang to take up his post. He was not the head of the village as he said before, but the top leader and secretary.

Wu Peng, continue to be the leader in Anhe Town.

In 2005, according to the plan discussed by Yang Yong and Jiang Bing, Jiajiahui Supermarket would open three stores in the provincial capital and two stores in Jingyang, with a turnover of more than 4000 million and a profit of around 1000 million.

With this scale foundation, the turnover of Jiajiahui Supermarket will soon reach hundreds of millions.

After a few more years of stable development, when the scale is large and the performance is steadily increasing, it can be planned to go public.

Before going to bed at night, Gao Yingxue told Gao Yang: "Before the beginning of spring, I went back to my hometown to visit the grave with your mother, and your uncle and Gao Ming also went to our house. Your uncle said that during the Spring Festival and Gaoyang will come to Jinyang..."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Dad, come as soon as you come, just treat him well when the time comes, don't mention other things."

Wu Ruohan wanted to stay in Jinyang Garden, but was driven away by Gao Yang.

Back in Jinyang, don't go home immediately, visit your parents and the old man and old lady, what do you think.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen wanted to give Wu Ruohan a bonus of 100 million this year, but Wu Ruohan didn't want it.

Wu Ruohan's salary and year-end bonus in the company, as well as dividends for Sunlight's shareholders, also had an income of 100 million last year.

After 9 o'clock in the evening, Wu Ruohan drove home and pulled Wu Xiaoyue back together.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, at noon, Gao Yang's family will go to Wu's house for a reunion dinner as usual.

Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue went home, met their family members, and were about to take a bath and rest. They were called by their mother Wen Yuqin to talk behind closed doors.

Wen Yuqin said: "Ruohan, your Aunt Wang has a nephew who is 28 years old and also works in the capital..."

Wu Ruohan interrupted: "Mom, what the hell is Aunt Wang, Aunt Zhang, don't arrange these things for me."

Wen Yuqin sighed: "Ruohan, then tell mom, what are you thinking about this day, and when will you wait before you want to talk about someone?"

Wu Ruohan was silent, Wen Yuqin was a little anxious: "Ruohan, what are you thinking, can't you tell mom?"

Wu Ruohan suddenly sighed: "Okay, Mom, let me tell you, I like my brother-in-law, and I won't accept anyone except him!"

Wen Yuqin was taken aback: "Ruohan, what did you say?"

Wu Ruohan looked at his mother with extremely firm eyes: "Mom, I like my brother-in-law, other men can't make me fall in love."

Wen Yuqin's mind went blank like five thunderclaps.

After a while, he tremblingly said: "Ruohan, are you crazy? Are you dating Gao Yang?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head bitterly, "No, brother-in-law doesn't want to."

Wen Yuqin breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "Ruohan, we can't do this, you can't destroy Yawen's family, right?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Mom, I never thought of destroying my sister's family. My sister also knows about this matter, and she doesn't object."

"Ruohan, Yawen, how could it be..."

Wen Yuqin was even more confused: "Who else knows about this, does your aunt know?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "Auntie doesn't know, Mom, I've told you everything you want to know. I'm tired and want to rest..."

Wu Ruohan went to take a shower, and suddenly, tears rolled out along with the bath water.

Wen Yuqin sat in the room blankly by herself, and after a long time, she murmured:
"What kind of evil is this..."

At this moment, Wen Yuqin really wanted to call Wu Lan, but finally gave up.

Tomorrow's New Year's Eve, the Chinese New Year, the whole family should be happy.

After the new year, I must find a way to reverse my daughter's absurd feelings.

Wen Yuqin understood her daughter's character very well. Once this girl's mind was determined, eight horses would not be able to pull her back.

On February 2th, New Year's Eve, morning exercise, after breakfast, Gao Yang took out his mobile phone, edited text messages, and sent text messages to relatives and friends in the address book one by one to celebrate the New Year.

This year's New Year's greeting text message, also added Zhang Xiaolong, Ding Lei and Li Yan and others.

Seeing Gao Yang's busy work, Gu Yawen asked with a smile: "Do you want me to help?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "It's okay, it will be fine soon."

Gu Yawen said again: "Actually, you can make up a few short messages and send them in groups."

Gao Yang said: "There are group posts, but for some friends, you should post individually, otherwise it will appear insincere."

Gu Yawen smiled sweetly. After she got married, she devoted herself to taking care of her family. She didn't have many friends and classmates in daily contact, and she had already finished sending out New Year's greeting messages.

After 10 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang's family and Wu Peng rushed to Wu's house together.

Wu Peng's son, Wu Ning, is in his early one year old and is starting to toddle.

When I came to Wu's house, neither Wu Yun nor Wu Fei returned to Jinyang this year. On the eve of the Spring Festival next year, the old man will be 80 years old. When that time comes to celebrate his birthday, both Wu Fei and Wu Fei will come back.

"Grandma, grandpa!"

As soon as he entered the house, Tian Tian, ​​who was over two years old, jumped over to call for someone.

The old man and the old lady hugged Tian Tian and kissed each other, very happy.

Gu Wenlong's parents had passed away one after another before Gao Yang knew Gu Yawen.

Gu Wenlong is the fifth eldest brother and sister in the family, and the eldest is almost 70 years old.

When he started learning to speak every day, Wu Lan taught him to call him grandma and grandpa. If he added a foreign word, it would be too awkward for a child who is learning to speak.

After seeing the old man, he naturally had to report on his work performance.

When the old man and the old lady heard that Gao Yang and Gu Yawen had established 5 companies with more than 500 employees, the revenue last year had reached almost 1.8 million and the profit was tens of millions, the old man also appreciated it.

Wu Peng's performance in Anhe Town last year was also very good. The growth rate of the total industrial and agricultural production value exceeded 17%, ranking first in more than 20 towns in the county.

Of course, Anhe Town is a county seat, so it also has obvious location advantages.

Today at the reunion dinner at Wu's house, Gao Yang discovered that his second aunt Wen Yuqin was always watching him consciously or unconsciously, it was so strange...

(End of this chapter)

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