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Chapter 306 Sister-in-law's Secret and Sadness

Chapter 306 Sister-in-law's Secret and Sadness

Gao Yang's family went back to Jinyang Garden to prepare their own New Year's Eve dinner.

Regardless of dissuasion, Wu Ruohan went to Gao Yang's house, had the New Year's Eve dinner, and set off a few fireworks every day before being driven back to Wu's house by Gao Yang.

On the afternoon of New Year's Eve, Gao Yang received a call from his distant cousin Gao Ming, saying that he would come to Jinyang to visit Gao Yingxue during the Spring Festival.

Gao Yang fought haha, saying that a classmate was going to get married on the second day of the first lunar month, so he waited at home on the third day of the first lunar month.

It's really not wise for Gao Ming to use Gao Yang's relationship to achieve promotion or something.

On the first day of the first lunar month, the whole family went out to play, and accompanied the old man and the old lady to the Fairy Lake Scenic Area about ten kilometers east of the city.

Fairy Lake is a medium-sized reservoir with an area of ​​about 1000 mu. Temple fairs and garden activities will also be held this year.

It has been several days since the beginning of spring, the sun is shining brightly, and the breath of early spring is coming.

Wu Peng chartered a cruise ship, and the whole family sat on it, rippling in the lake and mountains for nearly two hours.

After getting off the boat, Wen Yuqin finally couldn't bear it any longer, walked aside with Wu Lan on her arm, and whispered, "Wu Lan, do you know why Ruohan has been reluctant to talk about her boyfriend?"

Wu Lan shook her head: "Second sister-in-law, I've asked Ruohan many times. She said that she didn't meet a suitable one and she didn't want to talk about it. She also said that she was busy with work and studies."

Wen Yuqin gave a long sigh: "Oh, I just asked if Ruohan came home the night before yesterday. She said...she said she fell in love with Gao Yang."


Wu Lan was stunned: "How could such a thing happen, is this girl just joking?"

Wen Yuqin shook her head: "It doesn't sound like a joke. Ruohan said that no one can tempt her except Gao Yang. Moreover, Ruohan also said that Yawen knew about this and didn't even object to it. It's just that Gao Yang ignored her..."

Wu Lan was dumbfounded: "How is it possible, this is too absurd!"

Wen Yuqin smiled wryly: "Yeah, it's ridiculous, Wu Lan, you also know Ruohan's temperament, when she gets stubborn, no one can do anything to her, what do you think I should do?"

Wu Lan thought for a while and asked, "Second sister-in-law, you haven't told the second brother and parents about this, have you?"

Wen Yuqin said: "No, how dare I tell them, Dad is so old, he still doesn't get mad."

Wu Lan thought about it again: "Well, let me ask Yawen first. In the afternoon, we will chat with the two sisters, and we will persuade Ruohan together. This girl is really crazy..."

Wen Yuqin nodded and said, "That's the only way to go, let's see if I can persuade her to change her mind."

The two went back again, watching Gao Yang laughing, letting Tian Tian ride on her shoulders to pick a big leaf from the branch of a jujube tree, Wu Lan began to seriously think about what clues Wu Ruohan had when she was at home in the past two years .

Wu Lan finally came to her senses, Wu Ruohan had changed a lot in the past two years, she often had a cute and virtuous appearance, and most of the time, she was very close to Gao Yang.

I didn't expect that there was such a thought behind it.

Falling in love with her sister-in-law, Gao Yang has been sticking to the bottom line. Wu Lan is still very satisfied with this son-in-law.

But now, Wu Lan was a little worried about her daughter again.

This son-in-law is so good, it seems to be troublesome.

If Gao Yang doesn't accept Wu Ruohan's trick, will he provoke other girls or be provoked by other girls in the future?
Wu Lan suddenly worried that Gu Yawen would feel safe living with Gao Yang in the future, and would there be problems in their relationship?

Now, the young couple is quite affectionate and well-behaved every day.

At noon, the family went back to the city and had dinner in the hotel.

As the top leader in the city, Wu Ruohan's father was still on the frontline in the morning of the New Year's Eve to offer condolences. This afternoon, he had another work schedule.

After eating, I sent the old man and the old lady home to rest, and were coaxed to take a nap every day.

Then, Wu Lan brought Gu Yawen over and asked, "Yawen, is it true that Ruohan likes Gao Yang?"

Gu Yawen was surprised and said: "Mom, how do you know?"

Wu Lan said angrily: "Ruohan told your aunt the night before yesterday, why did you tell me this kind of thing?"

Gu Yawen said: "How can I tell you about this kind of thing?"

Wu Lan asked again: "What about Gao Yang, what's his attitude?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "He, either hide or ignore him."

Wu Lan said: "You go and call Ruohan, let's find a place, and your aunt, have a good talk with Ruohan and persuade her."

Gu Yawen said: "Mom, I have persuaded him many times, it's useless, Ruohan is too crazy about Gao Yang."

Wu Lan glared: "If you are told to go, go, tell Gao Yang to take Tian Tian with him."

Later, Gu Yawen found Wu Ruohan, and then, the two mother and daughter drove to the hotel and asked for a private room.

With a calm face, Wu Ruohan took the initiative to make tea.

After sitting down, Wu Lan looked serious: "Ruohan, do you really like your brother-in-law?"

Wu Ruohan nodded: "I'm sorry, aunt, I fell in love with my brother-in-law."

Wu Lan was a little speechless: "Ruohan, you know he is your brother-in-law, why do you still like him? How long have you liked him?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Auntie, I know I'm wrong, but I can't help it. I just like him. After my sister and brother-in-law got married, I felt that I liked him a little bit.

Later, my sister gave birth to Tiantian. Not long after, I was convinced that I fell in love with my brother-in-law, and I told my sister. "

"Ruohan, you are so absurd, you know?" Wu Lan said, "We are a family, why would you want to interfere with your sister and their relationship, you have been close to Yawen since you were young, just like your own sisters. "

Wen Yuqin said: "Ruohan, your aunt is right to criticize. Fortunately, there is nothing between you and Gao Yang. You are such a big girl, and your graduate student is about to graduate soon. Consider personal feelings and be rational. Now look back. If there is not enough time, you will embarrass everyone, yourself, and your sister and Gao Yang will be even more embarrassing."

"Mom, aunt, I thought about turning back, but I can't, I really can't..."

Wu Ruohan burst into tears suddenly, Gu Yawen's face was complicated, and Wen Yuqin was both angry and helpless.

Wu Ruohan suddenly held back tears, raised her head and said:

"Do you know what life I'm living in right now?

I'm depressed!

In severe cases, I can only sleep for an hour or two a night, and sometimes I can't sleep all night.

For more than a year, I often only slept for three or four hours, and then took a rest at noon.

I've been on meds, I've been seeing a psychiatrist, and in severe cases, I've been to the doctor every week.

Now, I also have to see a psychiatrist once a month. I can only tell the doctor what I think.

I have thought of many ways, and I want to turn around.

I desperately read, studied, and delved into the work my brother-in-law arranged for me.

But, I really have no choice, I can't get out, I even considered becoming a monk, very seriously.

I can't persuade myself, and you can't even persuade me. The image of my brother-in-law has been engraved in my heart and cannot be erased.

I can't like other men anymore, I can't do it, other men look at me, as long as they have that kind of meaning, I feel disgusted.

Without a brother-in-law, I would rather be single for the rest of my life, oh..."

Wu Ruohan's almost hysterical words left Wen Yuqin and Wu Lan stunned.

Gu Yawen never expected that Wu Ruohan would live such a life after living in Weber's apartment.

Gu Yawen hugged Wu Ruohan and shed tears: "Silly girl, you are already in this state, why didn't you tell your sister?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, I don't want to embarrass you."

Gu Yawen said seriously: "Ruohan, you know, sister won't make things difficult..."

(End of this chapter)

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