Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 312 Gao Yang Divorced?

Chapter 312 Gao Yang Divorced? (ask for tickets)
Monday, February 2st, the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, all employees of the company officially went to work.

Wu Ruohan started to watch the stocks on the computer in the morning, and Gu Yawen was also sitting in her office at work.

Gao Yang called Shao Hanyun to his office, and threw her some ID photos:

"Hanyun, you go and do something for me, you must keep it secret..."

After hearing the work arranged by Gao Yang, Shao Hanyun was dumbfounded.

Gao Yang asked her to secretly help with a fake divorce certificate with Gu Yawen, and it had to be a high imitation that couldn't tell the real from the fake.

In fact, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen even prepared a [divorce agreement], which stated that the property under the names of both parties does not involve division, and the son will be raised by Gu Yawen every day, and Gao Yang will bear the maintenance fee of 2 yuan per month , that is, his current monthly after-tax salary income.

This salary card has always been taken care of by Gu Yawen.

Then, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen also went out together, and pretended to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. After the two came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Gu Yawen smiled and said: "From now on, you will be my 'ex-husband', when will you accompany Ruohan?" Go on vacation?"

Gao Yang said: "It will take a while."

Gu Yawen said: "You can think about it now."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Okay, then I'll let Shao Hanyun arrange it as soon as possible. After this vacation, this year, there are many things to be busy."

The two got into the car, Gu Yawen suddenly embraced Gao Yang and kissed passionately. After a long time, she suddenly said: "In the future, will you really not want me?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Then I regret it, we won't do this fake divorce."

Gu Yawen quickly shook her head: "No, I might be a little emotional. When you go on vacation with Ruohan, you can treat her better, okay?"

Gao Yang scratched the bridge of Gu Yawen's nose: "I will try my best, female Bodhisattva..."

Gao Yang started the car, while Gu Yawen took out her mobile phone and called her parents and Wen Yuqin, saying that she had already filed a divorce certificate with Gao Yang.

Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan just said oh, while Wen Yuqin was on the phone, thanking them again and again.

After Gao Yang returned to the office, his assistant Shao Hanyun reported that someone had already obtained the certificate. Gao Yang asked her to call Wu Ruohan, and then asked Wu Ruohan to bolt the door, and then took out the "divorce certificate" and handed it over: "Ruohan, now, you Are you satisfied?"

Wu Ruohan's eyes got wet: "Thank you brother-in-law!"

Gao Yang stared at her for a while: "Ruohan, in two days, I will take a long vacation and take you out to have fun for a while."

Wu Ruohan immediately beamed with joy: "Okay, is it just the two of us?"

"Yuan will go together", Gao Yang changed the subject, "how is the stock market today?"

Wu Ruohan said: "The market is rebounding and is approaching the half-year line. However, Su Ning is still working on the platform, with little fluctuation and small trading volume."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, you can watch the operation yourself, go and accompany your sister."

"Well, I started to reduce my position in other stocks today, Su Ning didn't move, I went to accompany my sister..."

At this time, Gu Yawen was locked in the office alone, frowning.

Wu Ruohan came over and found that the office was locked, so she quickly knocked on the door: "Sister, it's me!"

Gu Yawen changed her smiling face and opened the door to welcome Wu Ruohan into the room.

As soon as Wu Ruohan entered the room, she threw herself into Gu Yawen's arms, tears rolling down her face: "Sister, thank you, thank you so much..."

Gu Yawen closed the door again, and wiped Wu Ruohan's tears: "Ruohan, since we have made up our minds, in the future, you must be more mature in life, and you can no longer be arrogant.

In addition, you must take good care of your body and strive for an early recovery.

Gao Yang has to be busy with his work, you have to learn to take care of his life, don't get petty with him, okay? "

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, I will, you can rest assured, brother-in-law let me accompany you."

Gu Yawen said: "Okay, then let's go shopping and decorate your new home..."

On February 2, after work, Gao Yang called Wu Ruohan:
"Ruohan, we will go back to Jinyang tomorrow. I have to explain to my parents about my divorce from your sister. After we have settled these matters, we will go to the south to see the sea and take a long vacation.

More importantly, your condition should be well adjusted and recovered as soon as possible.

You have chosen this kind of life, in the future, don't think about it anymore, okay? "

Wu Ruohan said: "From now on, I will listen to you, as well as my sister."

Gao Yang went to tell Gu Yawen again that he wanted to go back to Jinyang with Wu Ruohan tomorrow to explain this matter to his parents.

Gu Yawen said: "Then I'll go back too, tomorrow is the Lantern Festival."

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, you don't have to face these things."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll go home and explain, maybe it's more appropriate."

On the afternoon of February 2, when Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan, and Gu Yawen returned to Jinyang, they told their parents and sister Gao Yue that Gao Yang and Gu Yawen had divorced at their home in Xishan Garden.

Gao Yingxue, Li Xiuzhen and Gao Yue were all shocked.

I haven't seen you for a few days, and suddenly said divorced, acting in a movie?

Wu Ruohan suddenly knelt down in front of Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen: "Uncle, Auntie, this matter is my fault..."

Wu Ruohan's reaction completely ruined the script that Gao Yang and Gu Yawen had discussed before, and there was no need to talk about emotional disagreement.

Gao Yang sighed, and pulled Wu Ruohan up: "Ruohan, why are you..."

Gao Yang also knew that Wu Ruohan's condition was still there, and he could easily lose control of his emotions.

Wu Ruohan said: "I'm sorry, I don't want to hide it from my uncles, aunts, and sisters. I've already sorry for you and my sister. I don't want to lie to them, I really don't want to..."

Gu Yawen had no choice but to stand up and explain everything patiently. Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen didn't understand what depression was, but they understood that Wu Ruohan fell in love with her son desperately, and was so depressed that she wanted to jump off the building.

Gao Yue probably understood: "Gao Yang, Ruohan, are you and Ruohan going to have a wedding?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "It's too early to talk about these things, but Ruohan's family has already arranged to buy a house in the capital."

Gao Yue looked at Gu Yawen again: "Yawen, I've really wronged you, it's just like this, have been wronged too."

Wu Ruohan quickly shook her head: "Sister, I'm not wronged, this is what I want, and I'm satisfied. Originally, I only wanted to be his girlfriend. I'm sorry for this matter."

Gao Yue said: "Ruohan, don't say such things in the future, you all live a good life, including Yawen, you all have to be good."

Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen were speechless, and a little dumbfounded.

That night, they went to Wu's house again to celebrate the Lantern Festival. In Wu Guanghua's study, Gao Yang's parents met with Wu Ruohan's parents, but the atmosphere was a little awkward.

In the end, it was agreed to keep this matter from the old man and the old lady for the time being.

When I can no longer hide it later, I will try to explain it.

Today is the Lantern Festival, and Wu Peng and his wife are back.

In the evening, Gu Yawen and Wu Lan stayed at Wu's house with Tian Tian, ​​including Wu Xiaoyue.

(End of this chapter)

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