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Chapter 313 Watching the Sea, Treating Princess Disease

Chapter 313 Watching the Sea, Treating Princess Disease
On February 2th, Gao Yang was about to return to the capital. Gu Yawen decided to stay in Jinyang and accompany Wu Lan and Tian Tian back to Beijing.

Gao Yang discussed with Gu Yawen: "After I return to the capital, I will make arrangements for the company, and then I will take Ruohan to the southern seaside for a vacation, about half a month. Before that, I will go to the doctor who sees her in the capital. "

Gu Yawen nodded: "Okay, then you can have fun with her. I will help you keep an eye on the company's affairs. If there is anything in the company, just get in touch through Connotation."

Gao Yang said again: "As for the remittance of 100 million US dollars to Big Brother and the others, you can find Sister Lei and ask her to help make arrangements. In addition, during this period of time, I will prepare a list for you and send it to you for the key tasks in the company. to your mailbox."

Gao Yang hugged Gu Yawen tightly in his arms: "Yawen, during the time I went to the south, I just took some time to think about the company's next development. I plan to take a while to resolve the matter on Ruohan's side. , After that, we will never be separated again, and we will grow old together."

Gu Yawen said softly: "We have brought you a burden, so you can rest assured and go on vacation with peace of mind. You don't need to worry about family matters. I will arrange and decorate Ruohan's house."

On the afternoon of the 24th, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan returned to Beijing, accompanied by Wu Xiaoyue.

In the evening, Gao Yang took Wu Ruohan to the new dormitory of the father-in-law Gu Wenlong in Muxidi, an old house with four bedrooms and three halls.

Wu Xiaoyue's school is about to start, this Spring Festival, Wu Xiaoyue only played for three or four days, and then reviewed every day, preparing for the college entrance examination in June.

Gao Yang told Gu Wenlong that he was going to take Wu Ruohan to the south for vacation, and said: "Dad, before Yawen and Mom come back, I will arrange colleagues from the company to help with picking up Xiaoyue to school."

Gu Wenlong shook his head: "No need, I will arrange people to go."

As soon as he got to work on the 25th, Gao Yang called Wu Bo, Jin Yang, Fang Jian, He Guangwen, Lu Yonggang, Zhang Miao and other core executives of the company to announce one thing:

"Everyone, I divorced Yawen for some reason, and now, I'm going to travel to the South for a vacation for about half a month.

Everyone must not spread this matter. The work of each company this year will proceed according to the original plan.During my vacation, Yawen will temporarily preside over some work for me, non-important affairs, you and Yawen collectively negotiate and arrange.

If you need to contact me for anything, just ask Shao Hanyun..."

There was such a sudden change in Gao Yang's family affairs, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and it was inconvenient to ask.

After the meeting, Gao Yang left He Guangwen, Zhang Xuan and Zhang Xiaolong behind:

"Guangwen, you and Zhang Xuan are newly married, you should have had a few more days of rest, now hurry up and introduce technical talents, Brother Long will also help, introduce more friends to come in.

Please discuss the project of foxmail and arrange a suitable person to take charge of this project.

Brother Long, do his best on 51talk, and also keep an eye on the development of "Kung Fu Panda" on Wu Xi's side..."

After talking with the three technical directors for half an hour, He Guangwen stayed behind and passed a cigarette to Gao Yang: "You and Yawen..."

Gao Yang waved his hand: "Guangwen, don't ask me about my personal matters. Next, you should keep an eye on the development of's establishment of sub-stations in Shanghai and the special zone. As for yourself, hurry up and create people." , if Zhang Xuan is pregnant, let her rest when it's time to rest, and arrange someone to come on top, and you should discuss work matters with Brother Long."

He Guangwen smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can spend your vacation well."

Later, Jin Yang, Fang Jian, Zhou Wenbin and Chen Sen came in again and asked about Gu Yawen together.

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Stop gossiping about my family's private affairs, don't talk about them, and think more about work matters."

Afterwards, Gao Yang approached Zheng Weiqiang and Long Ping, arranged for a registered research company 51 Research, and researched the company's key development directions for this year.

In addition, Chen Sen, Zhang Tao, and Zhang Miao went to Shanghai and the Special Economic Zone to set up project branches and other affairs.

After finishing these things, he accompanied Wu Ruohan again, and first went to Wanliuhua Mansion to settle the balance of the house purchase, and prepared to apply for the real estate certificate and other materials.

In the afternoon, I went to Peking University Sixth Hospital where Wu Ruohan saw a doctor, found her attending doctor, and asked about Wu Ruohan's previous treatment and how to continue treatment and recuperation.

Gao Yang checked Wu Ruohan's case file, and it was exactly as Wu Ruohan said, she had been depressed for more than a year, and it had reached a very serious level, and she had to see a psychiatrist once a week.

The doctor also very much agrees with Gao Yang accompanying Wu Ruohan on vacation.

After finishing these tasks, Gao Yang asked Shao Hanyun to book a sea view hotel in Lucheng, Qiongdao.

Gao Yang himself lit a cigarette in the office, sorted out the recent key tasks of each company, sorted them out, and sent an email to Gu Yawen, listing the key points that need attention.

On February 2, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan, with their assistant Shao Hanyun, flew to Lucheng, Qiongdao, and stayed at the famous Seaview International Hotel in Yalong Bay, a five-star tourist hotel.

The peak tourist season of the Spring Festival has just passed, and the hotel price is not expensive, because Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan booked an executive deluxe sea view double room for 15 days, and it was only 880 yuan per day.

Shao Hanyun's standard room costs 580 yuan a day.

After checking in at the hotel, it was already noon.

After lunch break, Gao Yang and Shao Hanyun went swimming in the sea. Wu Ruohan had her period and could only stay on the shore.

The daytime temperature in Lucheng has reached 27 degrees, which is similar to the feeling of early summer in Jinyang.

The hotel has its own beach, blue sky and white clouds, the silver beach is picturesque, and the scenery is beautiful.

After swimming, the three of them lay on beach chairs with umbrellas over their heads.

Shao Hanyun, who was wearing a bathing suit, had an exquisite figure and a beautiful appearance. Gao Yang glanced over and asked with a smile: "Hanyun, you have been working in the company for almost a year, why haven't you brought a boyfriend?"

Shao Hanyun smiled shyly: "Mr. Gao, I don't have a boyfriend yet."

Wu Ruohan said: "Hanyun had a boyfriend in Guangyuan, and they broke up within a few days, and met a guy who was on a few boats."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Xuan, there are quite a few handsome single men in our company. You are so beautiful, I guess there will be many people who admire you. In the future, keep your eyes open and choose one carefully. In my opinion, as long as it is that kind of job Those with relatively strong abilities and the ability to bear hardships and work hard will have a bright future in 51 Company.”

Shao Hanyun smiled shyly again: "Thank you Mr. Gao for your concern, I will choose one who works hard and is a down-to-earth person."

Gao Yang said again: "You are no longer a new employee in our company, what do you think about your future career plan?"

Shao Hanyun was surprised and said: "Mr. Gao, you don't want me to be your assistant?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "No, but you can't be an assistant all the time, right? From the perspective of the workplace, you also need to develop."

Shao Hanyun said: "Mr. Gao, I follow you, and I feel that I have learned a lot. I am still young, and I want to be an assistant for another two or three years, is that okay?"

Gao Yang asked again: "Then what direction do you want to develop after you finish working as an assistant?"

Shao Hanyun thought about it seriously: "If possible, in the future, I would like to go to the project company, start from the front line, and strive to grow."

Gao Yang nodded: "Yuan, your work ability is good, and your emotional intelligence is also good. We will soon establish the 51 Group, and the company will formulate relevant systems for employee learning and training. I suggest that you apply for an MBA and broaden your horizons." Vision, the company will need a lot of talents in the future, if you work hard enough and have a strong learning ability, in the future, there will be opportunities to stand alone."

Shao Hanyun nodded quickly: "Mr. Gao, I will work hard and not let you down."

At dusk, Wu Ruohan walked on the beach with Gao Yang on her arm, the sky was full of colorful clouds, Wu Ruohan praised: "Brother-in-law, look at the sunset, it's so beautiful!"

Gao Yang said: "It's very beautiful, have you been to Lucheng before?"

Wu Ruohan said: "I used to come here with my sister. At that time, we didn't even know you. Now, it's great to have you to accompany me to enjoy the beautiful sea view."

(End of this chapter)

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