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Chapter 314 Planning 51 Fortune Net

Chapter 314 Planning 51 Fortune Net

Wu Ruohan has been in poor health for the past two days and cannot go into the water. Apart from walking and chatting with her, Gao Yang stays in the hotel room most of the time, drafting the project investment plan for 51

The main thing is to write an outline draft. After the vacation is over and they return to the capital, they will formally discuss the specific investment plan.

This project, of course, is to enhance the function of the SNS community on the basis of copying homework.

The object of copying homework is mainly Dongfang Wealth in memory, as well as the paddle tennis net.

Now, Dongfang Fortune Network has not yet been established, and the 51 series can be the first.

Relying on the big bull market starting next year, through the investment forum model of the stock bar, the user scale will be rapidly developed.

After that, invest in a fund website, and then acquire a small brokerage firm. This project can develop and be listed on the A-share market within a few years.

With the support of the large platform of the 51 series, the scale of the 51 Wealth Network in Gao Yang's mind can be made much larger than the Dongfang Wealth in memory.

The media direction of finance and economics has a very large room for development, and it is easier to realize the realization of traffic flow.

When Gao Yang was doing these things, Wu Ruohan would serve tea and water, remembering what Gu Yawen said, to take good care of Gao Yang's life.

Both sisters know that Gao Yang is a restless person, and his mind is full of ambitious careers.

Shao Hanyun is a very smart girl, although she didn't understand why Gao Yang faked a divorce with Gu Yawen, and quickly got along with her sister-in-law, Shao Hanyun would never inquire, even if she used to have a relationship with Wu Ruohan like a best friend.

Shao Hanyun had already observed that Wu Ruohan liked her brother-in-law very much.

It took Gao Yang three days to draft a basic framework plan for 51, and then passed it on to Gu Yawen. After she returned to Beijing, she organized Jin Yang, Fang Jian and others to discuss and prepare a project investment plan.

On March 3, Wu Ruohan was finally able to go to sea one day after her menstrual period ended.

Being able to watch the sea and play with the man she loves makes Wu Ruohan feel extremely comfortable in all the pores of her body.

Wu Ruohan lived in the same room with Gao Yang, and wanted to go further, but was rejected by Gao Yang,
Gao Yang explained: "Ruohan, the doctor told me that the most important thing for you now is to take care of your body."

Wu Ruohan said: "But, I think I'm fine now, I can sleep until dawn."

Gao Yang said: "Be obedient, you start tomorrow, you exercise with me every day, and your work and rest should be regular. This time when you come to Lucheng, your task is to recuperate. Let's go to the sixth hospital for another test , as long as the doctor says you're fine, then it's fine."

"Well, then I'll listen to you..."

After writing the project plan for 51 Fortune, Gao Yang also took time off and asked Wu Ruohan to run and exercise with him in the morning and evening. As a result, Shao Hanyun also joined, and the three of them exercised together, played in the sea, went shopping in the city, and ate seafood. , enjoying the leisure time.

Then, I also look at the stock market every day, Wu Ruohan likes to use small positions to do T, Gao Yang doesn't care about her.

In the past few days, no one has contacted Gao Yang, except for Ding Lei who made a phone call to make a dinner appointment, and when he heard that Gao Yang was on vacation, he made an appointment when he returned to Beijing.

On March 3th, the 8th day of vacation in Lucheng.

After the market closed in the afternoon, the Shanghai stock index rose by nearly 2 points and stood at 1300 points again.

Su Ning, who has been in a heavy position for more than 7 months, has risen by nearly 5 points, and the closing price is close to 54 yuan, setting a new high.

Wu Ruohan said happily: "A few days ago, I made a T for 4 yuan. I succeeded and made more than 40. Brother Sen's account has reached 120 million."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "When we go back, let him and his wife treat us."

Wu Ruohan said: "The market has rebounded in the past few days, and it has reached 1300 points again. It has crossed the half-year line. Will it turn around and go down again?"

Gao Yang said: "The probability is very high. Haven't you analyzed it before? Before the market reverses, the half-year line may form an important trend suppression line."

Wu Ruohan said: "Okay, then I will start to reduce my position again tomorrow, and this time I will be smashed down again, will I go all the way to around 1000 points?"

Gao Yang said: "The possibility is relatively high. Of course, a small rebound in the middle is also ruled out. Ruohan, remember, if the market hits around 1000 points, then we will start building positions across the board until the bullets are finished. Full position to buy.

During this period of time, you study new investment targets, and I will also study them. We will discuss them later. "

Wu Ruohan said again: "If the market is really smashed to around 1000 points, what should we do with Su Ning's ticket?"

Gao Yangdao: "Su Ning has been trending all the way, and today it has reached a new high. The characteristics of the institutional market are relatively obvious. We will hold it until the annual report is released. If the annual report performance is good, it is very likely to pull another wave. Then, we can consider it. Lighten up.

Su Ning's annual report market has caused a wave of speculation. If the market is still falling, then it may also pull back. When the pullback is basically in place, we will pick it up again.

This kind of rare bull stock in a bear market, if the annual report performance is good, and the callback is made, the probability of continuing to rise in the future is relatively high. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, I agree with you. Under the current market conditions, Su Ning is already very good, but the increase has not doubled. If the annual report performance is good, it should still increase."

Gao Yang pulled Wu Ruohan to sit on the sofa: "Ruohan, you will graduate soon, in the future, there are two directions, one is financial management, the other is investment, both are more suitable for you, which one do you like? "

Wu Ruohan thought for a while: "Well, in comparison, I still like investing."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then you can concentrate on investing. We have set up an investment department within the company to manage these current stock accounts.

You will be the supervisor, and two or three helpers will be recruited for you, mainly to manage the company's investment accounts.Our family's personal account should be managed by ourselves and not leaked out.

In addition, I may discuss with Baidu and Yiwang in the future to set up an industrial equity investment fund, or I may hand it over to you to manage it, because our company will be the major shareholder of this fund.

If you want to invest, you have to study professionally. You must study systematically in finance and investment. Perhaps, you can consider finding some mentor at your University of Finance and Economics. Let’s spend some money, and you can spare time to follow and learn . "

Wu Ruohan said: "It shouldn't be necessary. I'll study on my own. My postgraduate major is financial engineering."

Gao Yang was surprised and said, "Aren't you an accounting major? Why did you get recommended for a financial engineering major? What direction does this major study?"

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "That's right. I recommended a graduate student in accounting, but I learned quickly. Then I started to learn how to make stocks from you. The University of Finance and Economics has a graduate program in financial engineering. The schooling period is only one year, and the instructor introduced me to I study this major because I am good at mathematics.

This major is applied-oriented, and students study the stock market, investment portfolio, futures options, asset pricing, financial risk management, etc. There is no need for a thesis defense.

It happened that I was doing stocks at the same time, and I learned faster, and my instructor praised me. "

Gao Yang was shocked: "Wow, it turns out that Ruohan is a real scholar!"

Wu Ruohan said arrogantly: "Yes, my thesis defense is in the direction of accounting, and I'm ready."

Gao Yang smiled: "Very good, so Ruohan is a big baby. How about this, in the future, you should keep in touch with your sister-in-law, she is a professional on Wall Street after all, you should learn more about the trading rules of US stocks, derivative trading varieties, and There are market characteristics or something.

In a few years, if we have the opportunity, we may go to the US stock market to play a big ticket. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Okay, brother-in-law, I will learn whatever you want me to learn."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ruohan, we are still young, investing together is actually very complicated, and you can't be proud.

To invest, you need to study the transaction, but also the industry, the core value of listed companies, and various valuation models.

Now, the scale of funds in our hands is still small. If the funds exceed one billion, or even several billion, then the transaction model will be completely different, and the counterparty will also be large funds.

Therefore, investment should pursue long-term compound interest growth on the basis of seeking stability. If you blindly seek short-term profits and encounter unpredictable emergencies, you may stumble. "

Wu Ruohan nodded: "Well, I understand."

Gao Yang laughed again: "Actually, you have done a good job, but you can't be proud."

Wu Ruohan's trading sense is actually very good. In the big bull market in 2006, Gao Yang wanted to arrange a new account for her, deposit 100 million in it, and try short-term trading to see what she can do in a big bull market... …

(End of this chapter)

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