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Chapter 315 Gao Yang's Showdown Method

Chapter 315 Gao Yang's Showdown Method (4 more requests for votes)
On March 3, I went to Lucheng for a two-week vacation.

Since coming to Lucheng, Wu Ruohan's sleep has suddenly improved, and she no longer needs to use medicine to fall asleep.

Wu Ruohan insisted on running or swimming with Gao Yang every day to exercise, and like a couple of lovers, they walked arm in arm on the beach.

However, Gao Yang avoids such intimate contact as kissing for various reasons, even though he lives in the same room at night, he sleeps in separate beds.

Gao Yang's main excuse was that the doctor said that Wu Ruohan needed to take care of his body.

At dusk, the two were sitting on the silver beach, Gao Yang decided to try a showdown.

"Ruohan, do you know when I fell in love with your sister?"

Wu Ruohan asked curiously, "Brother-in-law, when is it?"

Gao Yang took a cigarette and lit it: "Actually, when I found out that your sister was interested in me, I also liked her. However, at that time, it was more of an appreciation, not the kind of liking that I thought would last forever."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said: "I know, you hesitated at that time because you guessed that my sister's family background is very good and she is under a lot of pressure."

Gao Yang said: "That's right, there is this reason, because our families are from two different classes.

My living environment when I was a child was completely different from yours. I didn't even go to kindergarten.

When I was young, I was very thin and my family was very poor. I could only eat meat once in half a month or even a month. Every time I ate meat, it felt like Chinese New Year..."

Wu Ruohan quietly listened to Gao Yang talk about what he had experienced from childhood to adulthood, and Gao Yang completely opened his heart to her.

"Ruohan, I completely fell in love with your sister, the kind with all my heart. It was that New Year's Eve, when she drove to find me in spite of everything, and wanted to spend the New Year with me.

When I found her that night, I was very moved, and I knew that it was impossible for me to leave her in my life.

She was terrified and threw herself into my arms and wept. I told her that in this life, I would never let her cry for me again.

Ruohan, before meeting your sister, I have been working hard, just want to earn more money, so that our family can get rid of poverty as soon as possible, so that my parents will not be so tired.

I used to be depressed, very depressed, very lonely and helpless, unable to sleep for ten and a half months, and had a splitting headache.

I had a long dream. I dreamed that my dad died of cancer when he was only in his 60s.

I also dreamed that when I was middle-aged, because of career failure, my hair was half gray when I was only in my 40s, and my wife and children were separated.

In order to support my 4-year-old child and my 70-year-old mother, I worked hard for more than ten hours a day, desperately writing manuscripts, and wanted to earn some living expenses.

At that time, my investment failed, I was unemployed again, I was heavily in debt, and my whole body was about to collapse, but I had to persevere, grit my teeth and persevere, because I had the responsibility of supporting my family..."

Wu Ruohan said curiously: "Brother-in-law, this is just a dream, you are so capable, even without the support of my sister and aunt, you will definitely be very successful."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, if a person has no self-discipline, has no bottom line in life, and is very casual, then no matter how capable he is, he may suddenly encounter failure.

Today, what I want to tell you is that with your sister, I can no longer pretend to be another woman in my heart. Your sister is really good to me, and I also really love her. I can't do anything to be sorry for her.

Your sister gave me a happy family, and she supported me wholeheartedly, not letting me worry about family affairs, so that I can go all out to do a good job in my career.

Ruohan, if you can stand in my position, do you think I can do something that betrays her feelings?
Ruohan, I sincerely hope that you can understand that my brother-in-law is a man with a bottom line, and I will never leave your sister until we grow old. "

Wu Ruohan was startled: "Brother-in-law, you mean, you can't possibly like me?"

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, brother-in-law likes you too, it's the kind of love a brother-in-law likes a sister-in-law, it's the kind of affection between family members.

Brother-in-law is very grateful for your appreciation of me. Brother-in-law can still treat you as a lifelong friend. In the future, if you have any concerns and are willing to tell brother-in-law, you can tell me.

It's just that my brother-in-law doesn't want to have the kind of intimacy between a man and a woman with you, even less. If my brother-in-law doesn't even have this bottom line, no matter how successful I am in my future career, my brother-in-law will fail as a human being.

You really don't need to use the love between men and women on your brother-in-law. This is really wrong and will cause trouble for everyone, including yourself.

A good man is not just a brother-in-law. Ruohan, each of us can't just live for ourselves. We also have family members, including parents and elders, and children and descendants.

A person's life is only a few decades, and personal feelings are only a part of life, not the whole.

Your family background is good since you were young, you can grow up carefree, you have not experienced the days of struggling to survive, and you can even ignore your personal feelings.

I told you before that you are called princess disease, you feel that you can do whatever you want, completely disregarding other people's feelings.

Ruohan, we can't behave like this, if you keep insisting on being like this, brother-in-law will be very disappointed in you.

Today, my brother-in-law also told you the truth, my divorce with your sister was fake, I just found someone outside to get a fake divorce certificate.

It is indeed your freedom that you like me, but the freedom of each of us cannot affect the lives of others.

My brother-in-law doesn't want you to become a very selfish person because of your personal feelings, especially because your sister has always been so kind to you.

Do you really hope that your sister will cry silently because of your matter, and then helplessly break up her family?

Ruohan, you like brother-in-law, appreciate brother-in-law, and brother-in-law has always admired you.

It's just, do we have to get along with an abnormal relationship between men and women..."

Wu Ruohan looked at the afterglow of the setting sun and was silent for a long time, tears started to flow from the corners of his eyes.

"Brother-in-law, I know that I shouldn't have feelings for you, but I just can't control myself. In the past ten days, you have watched the sea with me and been happy with me. I am also really happy, just like a dream.

Can't you stay with me for a while, even if it's just three months, two months, or one month..."

Gao Yang shook his head: "Sorry, Ruohan, I can't do this, we are a family."

Wu Ruohan looked at Gao Yang for a while: "Brother-in-law, if I want to kiss, I can just kiss, is that okay?"

Gao Yang looked at her: "And then?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Then, I will try my best to adjust myself, just like my brother-in-law said, to be a family member and friend for the rest of my life."

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Ruohan, I was smoking just now..."

Wu Ruohan suddenly threw herself into Gao Yang's arms, kissed him on the lips, bit him again, and then parted: "Brother-in-law, I've been in love before, and I'm satisfied..."

Wu Ruohan was finally willing to let go of her emotional obsession, and begged to share a bed with Gao Yang at night, and Gao Yang agreed.

Wu Ruohan tossed around late at night, Gao Yang kept guarding the bottom line, Wu Ruohan finally fell asleep, nothing happened all night.

On the morning of March 3, Gao Yang asked Shao Hanyun to book a flight ticket back to Beijing, and it was time to go back...

(End of this chapter)

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