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Chapter 322 Stock Funds Exceeded 3 Million

Chapter 322 Stock Funds Exceeded 3 Million
On April 4, Gao Yang accompanied Wu Ruohan to Beijing University Sixth Hospital for a test. The results showed that Wu Ruohan's depression had basically recovered.

Then I did a comprehensive physical examination again, and my body is also very healthy.

Back then, starting from the half-month vacation in Qiongdao Lucheng, Wu Ruohan hardly had insomnia anymore.

She has also been exercising with Gao Yang every day, morning and night, without interruption.

Wu Ruohan's whole person has returned to the previous happy and quirky personality.

Of course, Wu Ruohan's whole personality has changed a lot now.

This May Day, Wu Xiaoyue has to review and prepare for the college entrance examination, and only has two days off.

The final plan discussed was that Wu Lan, Gu Wenlong, and Wu Ruohan, with Tiantian and two nannies at home, flew directly from the capital to Qiongdao Lucheng, Wen Yuqin was in Jinyang, accompanied by Gao Yang's parents, and Jiang Xuezhi Feilucheng, let's go to the sea together.

Gao Yang's parents have never been to the seaside, nor have they been there every day.

Gu Yawen and Gao Yang stayed in the capital to rest.

On the morning of May Day, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen drove to the airport and sent Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong to the airport. On the way back to the city, Gao Yang bought a birthday cake.

Today is Gu Yawen's 27th birthday.

In the evening, in the big villa of Wanliuhua Mansion, Gu Yawen celebrated her birthday happily, blowing out candles and making wishes.

After dinner, the three of them strolled along the diversion canal outside the community towards the Summer Palace.

Gu Yawen held Gao Yang's arm, and the three talked and laughed all the way.

After returning home, Gao Yang read for a while in the study the recent work briefings of various companies collected by Shao Hanyun yesterday.

Then stretch out, run for half an hour in the community, go home and take a shower, and open the bedroom door:
"Yawen, your birthday present has arrived..."

During the May [-]st Golden Week, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen, like newlyweds after a long separation, get tired of being together.

Wu Xiaoyue was sent back to school early in the morning on May 5, one month before the college entrance examination.

Wu Xiaoyue's grades are very stable, she has always been in the top three in her grade, when she performed well, she was ranked first in the exam, and when she performed poorly, she was also ranked third.

With a Beijing hukou, as long as she performs normally, Wu Xiaoyue has no problem getting into Peking University. Even if she is studying in Jinyang, she still has the hope of being admitted to Peking University.

Wu Xiaoyue is still very serious, hoping that she can get the best grades in the exam.

To send Wu Xiaoyue back to school, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen simply went to visit the Old Summer Palace to experience the ruins burned by the great powers more than 100 years ago.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, imagining the magnificent royal garden, and seeing the lupus in front of him, took a deep breath, and stamped out the cigarette butt.

Gu Yawen asked with a smile: "You and Ruohan are doing stocks, have you made any money recently?"

Gao Yang nodded: "I made it. We made about 1.5 million from one stock, the company and our personal account, and the profits were basically withdrawn."

Gu Yawen was surprised and said: "Wow, I have made so much money."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I'll go home later, I'll open the account, you can find out after looking at it."

Back home, Gao Yang opened the accounts one by one, and let Gu Yawen see:

"Chen Sen's account has all stocks cleared, and there are more than 158 million funds. In terms of profit ratio, his account is the highest, and it has more than tripled in 9 months on Su Ning's ticket.

This is your account, which has a total of more than 2300 million. After I bought these 56.35 shares of Shanghai Heavy Machinery with 300 million funds, I have been holding them and made a profit of nearly 250 million.This time, your account earned 1000 million when Su Ning was the most, and then halved the position, and more than 900 million funds came out, leaving 14 shares of Su Ning.

Mom's account has more than 5400 million, and it looks like he made 2600 million on Su Ning's stock, and now more than 2300 million has been deducted.

Then look at the company account.

51 Tongcheng’s 400 million funds were fully stored in Su Ning, which turned into a little more than 1000 million. Now the funds have been reduced by 500 million. Last year, there was a profit of 220 million, which has been transferred back to the company’s finances.

The margin account of Yueju Company has a principal of about 630 million, and now it has a total of more than 1700 million. On Su Ning's ticket, he earned more than 800 million.

In the account of 51 Renren, with a principal of 1500 million, it has achieved more than 3600 million on Su Ning, and now it has deducted more than 1800 million.

The account with the most is Sunny Company. When buying Su Ning with a full position, there were a total of 4600 million funds, and it reached 1.06 million, making a profit of 6000 million. This time, 5000 million funds were obtained from the short position

The total amount of funds in these seven accounts is now close to 2.5 million yuan, and on Su Ning's ticket, they have earned about 1.2 million yuan..."

"9 months, earned 1.2 million!"

Gu Yawen was very shocked, looked at Gao Yang again, and asked with a smile: "Honey, how much money did you earn?"

"Come and see..."

Gao Yang smiled and opened the account under his own name.

Position: Shanghai Heavy Machinery 4940 lots (market value: 4851080 yuan)
Su Ning Electric 3900 hands (26032500 yuan)
Total market value: 3088.35 million yuan
Cash: 3735.14 million yuan
Principal: 1900 million yuan
Total capital: 6823.50 million yuan
Profit: 259.13% (4923.50 million yuan)
Gao Yang explained: "On Su Ning's ticket, I probably made more than 2700 million yuan and lost nearly half of my position.

In addition, all the Jichai that I had been holding before was cleared a few days ago. After holding it for more than a year, I made less than 600 million yuan, which probably doubled. "

Gu Yawen exclaimed: "Your account has more than 6800 million. How much money have you made in these years? The principal should not be 1900 million?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "If you start to do stocks in 99, the principal invested in this account is about 1000 million.

It has been almost six years, and the increase has been less than 7 times. In fact, the rate of return is not high.

However, since June 2001, the stock market has been in a bear market trend as a whole, and it is quite satisfactory to have a rate of return close to 6 times. "

This May Day, the two of Gao Yang are spending time in the capital every day, going to places they have never been to, old alleys and so on.

When I go home at night, I just get tired of being together, and after a few days, the world of pure two.

During this holiday, Wu Ruohan also received a task, which was to tell several elders about the fake divorce between Gao Yang and Gu Ya.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen asked Wu Ruohan to decide on this matter.

The holidays are over in no time.

On the afternoon of May 5, Wu Lan, Gu Wenlong and others returned to Beijing. Gao Yang drove two cars to meet the airport. Wu Lan said that they would go to Wanliu Hua Mansion to live at night.

This time, Gu Wenlong took Gaoyang's 1D Mark II digital SLR and took many photos.

Gao Yang exported it, and everyone looked it up on the computer one by one. The group had a great time at the beach.

Mom Li Xiuzhen put on her swimsuit and went into the water to play, Gao Yang looked very happy.

This should be Li Xiuzhen's first time wearing a swimsuit.

Judging from the photos, Wen Yuqin and Wu Lan also had a good time together, and even took a lot of group photos with Li Xiuzhen and Gao Yingxue.

Wu Lan called Gu Yawen and Gao Yang to the study together, and then looked at them with strange expressions on Gu Wenlong's face.

Wu Lan asked: "Why did you lie to us with a fake divorce, and other elders in the family?"

 My background data shows that the collection has already exceeded 5000, and the work information on the PC and APP has always been collected at [-], amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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