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Chapter 323 This game is amazing

Chapter 323 This Game Is Amazing

Facing the mother-in-law's question, Gao Yang said: "Mom, we did this to try to solve Ruohan's condition.

Let's create an atmosphere of public divorce first, so that you all believe it, and Ruohan also believes it.

Then, I took Ruohan to go to the sea for a vacation, and asked her to follow my wishes and insist on exercising every day, giving her a kind of anticipation in her heart, to take good care of her body first, and completely solve the problem of depressive sleep disorders.

Afterwards, before the end of the vacation, I felt that Ruohan was recovering well and her sleep had improved significantly, and then I talked to her again to reverse her paranoid emotions.

I told Ruohan that I can't have a relationship with her, and I can't like her, but from the perspective of a brother-in-law, I can be a close friend with her, and if she has anything on her mind, she can tell me.

Although this method made Ruohan very sad at the time, it also made her truly rational and willing to continue to adjust her state.

After returning to the capital, I continued to ask her to exercise with me every day, and also arranged for her to focus on work.

After another month of this, I took Ruohan to the hospital for a test, and the doctor said that her depression has basically recovered, her physical condition is good, her mental state, and her psychological construction are all normal..."

Wu Lan said: "Gao Yang, when we were playing in Lucheng this time, Ruohan talked about your fake divorce, and said that her depression has recovered, and we also feel that she is much more mature than before. Your second aunt is very happy, please. Let me tell you, if there is a suitable young man, introduce one to Ruohan."

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "Mom, please tell Second Aunt that if Ruohan is talking about his partner, don't be in a hurry, don't rush her, let her handle it by herself."

Gu Yawen also said: "Mom, Ruohan is only 24 years old and has just recovered. Auntie really doesn't need to worry. Let Ruohan decide these things by himself."

Wu Lan thought about it: "Okay, I will persuade your aunt,"

During this trip to Lucheng, Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong were very happy to know that their daughter and son-in-law had staged a fake divorce scene, and also solved Wu Ruohan's depression due to love.

The family can finally get along with each other as before.

In the early morning of the next day, Wu Ruohan was still taken by Gao Yang to run for morning exercises. Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong also smiled when they saw each other. Such an attitude made Wu Ruohan feel a lot easier.

In the morning, Gu Wenlong drove by himself, took Wu Lan, Tiantian, and Aunt He, the nanny, to Muxidi, and sent Tiantian to kindergarten first.

From now on, Gu Yawen will mainly live in Wanliu's side, and live her life as she pleases.

On May 5, when it was time to go to work, Wu Ruohan also went to work in the office together.

Her dissertation defense has passed, and next, she is waiting to get her degree certificate and officially graduate.

At 5 a.m. on May 8, the SNS web game "Kung Fu Panda" was also officially launched. Outdoor ads on the street, bus stops, buses, and elevators were also officially launched today., 51 Renren, Foxmail and 51talk are all being promoted.

At the same time, there is also [51talk space], 51talk users can use the function of this blog log as long as the version is upgraded.

51 Renren users can also play this SNS web game on their personal homepage, the premise is to register as a 51talk user and upgrade to a version with 51talk space.

On 51 Renren's personal homepage, it is just a trial game. If you register as a 51talk user, then 51 Renren's personal homepage will be connected to your own 51talk space.


51 coins are common on all platforms. Game users of "Kung Fu Panda" also use 51 coins to calculate by planting or stealing friends' precious medicines.

51 coins, allowing game users to upgrade their level.

On the afternoon of May 5, the SNS game "Kung Fu Panda" began to be discussed in the life community of and among users of 51

"Wow, giant pandas know martial arts, this game is well designed!"

"Hey, it's really interesting. A group of animals have been anthropomorphized to form an animal version of martial arts."

"The idea of ​​this game is a bit similar to the fantasy or fairy tale novels in the Internet, the kind of monsters and spirit beasts."

""Kung Fu Panda" is simple and fun. The most fun thing is that you can steal your friends' precious medicine..."

"To play "Kung Fu Panda", you have to download and register 51talk. In the future, use 51talk to chat?"

"Download 51talk and play it. If it's easy to use, what's the point of installing another chat software?"

"I need to get a few friends to install 51talk, this game is very fun, it feels like it's going to be popular..."

On May 5th, a number of game forums also published many "Kung Fu Panda" evaluation articles. The evaluation articles were naturally arranged by Yuanda Company, and the leader was naturally Wu Xi.

Wu Xi is now the head of the game department of 51, and will not be registered as a game company at this stage, because he is making free SNS games on the 51 platform.

After the May Day Golden Week holiday, "Kung Fu Panda" slowly became popular within a week.

The number of registered users has exceeded 150 million, and the spreading speed is getting faster and faster.

There have been a lot of discussions on the Internet, and the number of 51talk users has started to grow rapidly with hundreds of thousands of new registrations every day.

At noon on May 5th, the ninth day of its launch, the number of users of "Kung Fu Panda" exceeded 15 million, and the number of new 250talk users reached more than 51 in half a day.

In Wanliu Huafu, Gao Yang woke up after a lunch break, and suddenly received a call from the owner of Yiwang Ding Lei: "You bastard, how do you start a game? Didn't you say that you want to build a 51NB alliance?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Lei, don't get me wrong, what we are making is a free social game for attracting traffic, and what you Yiwang is making is a commercial game, we have no conflict."

Ding Lei asked again: "Your game has always been free?"

Gao Yang said: "That's right, the core of 51 is pan-media based on social platforms, and we don't make money by making games."

Ding Lei laughed and said, "The game "Kung Fu Panda" is quite interesting. Our game department commented that it might explode. It seems that when you were developing 51talk, you thought about this game?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, 51talk needs to develop users. Brother Lei, if you sell POPO to us, 51talk will grow rapidly."

"Get out, don't even think about it!" Ding Lei scolded with a smile, and then asked, "Gao Yang, do you play golf?"

Gao Yang said: "Not yet, but there is a golf course next to the community where I live."

Ding Lei asked, "Where do you live?"

Gao Yang said: "I live here in Wanliu, the golf club is on the north side of the complex, just across the street."

Ding Lei said: "I know the club Wanliu, and I have played there a few times. You live so close, go and practice. We can play together in the future."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Lei, I don't have time to learn golf. If you like snooker, I can accompany you. However, I am also an amateur in snooker."

Ding Lei said: "Snooker is boring. It's played by young people. Golf has been popular in our circle for many years. You have to keep up with the trend."

Gao Yang laughed happily: "Brother Lei, when I have free time, I will worship you as my teacher..."

(End of this chapter)

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