Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 324 51 Happy Farm, Stealing Vegetables?

Chapter 324 51 Happy Farm, Stealing Vegetables?

After hanging up Ding Lei's phone, Gao Yang thought about it, and then called Wu Xi, the person in charge of the game department: "Brother Xi, where are you at this time?"

Wu Xidao: "I'm in the studio in Xiangyi Villa, what orders does Mr. Gao have?"

Gao Yang said: "I'll go to Xiangyi Villa later, let's have a chat."

Wu Xi said, "Okay, Mr. Gao, I'll wait for you."

Gao Yang hung up the phone and greeted Gu Yawen.

Gu Yawen said: "Then Ruohan and I should go there too, and stay at Xiangyi Villa tonight."

Later, when Gao Yang and others drove to Xiangyi Villa, they found Wu Xi waiting at the gate of the community.

Gao Yang got out of the car and said, "Brother Xi, you are waiting for me in the studio, why wait here."

Wu Xi smiled and said, "President Gao is here, I have to welcome him."

Gao Yang walked with Wu Xi to the villa studio in Area B.

Wu Xi complimented: "Mr. Gao, the last time you made a big change to "Kung Fu Panda", your ideas are great. The user development speed of this game is amazing. This month, it is estimated that it will break through 500 million, or even 700 million. possible."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I came today because I also wanted to share game ideas with you."

Wu Xi hurriedly said, "President Gao, what other ideas do you have?"

Gao Yang said: "Let's go to the studio, sit down and chat..."

In the studio, Gao Yang and Wu Xi sat down, drank tea and chatted.

Gao Yang said: "Brother Xi, I came to chat with you today because I have an idea. The game department will start immediately and develop another SNS web game."

Wu Xi handed Gao Yang a cigarette: "Mr. Gao, are you creative?"

Gao Yang nodded: "First of all, let me talk about the game "Kung Fu Panda", which is indeed relatively successful. The purpose of the original design was to help 51talk attract traffic and use the cute image of giant pandas.

However, with the idea of ​​anthropomorphic martial arts, the gameplay of this game is relatively complicated.

Recently, I was thinking about whether it is possible to make a simpler, popular, and easier-to-play game, and then let users use the fragmented time to play the game with just a few clicks of the mouse.

I came up with a theme idea, which was the farm..."

Wu Xi was puzzled: "Farm?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, farm. The background of the demand for this game is that most people who can access the Internet now live in the city and don't know much about the countryside. So in recent years, with the improvement of the level of economic development, rural tourism, farmhouse entertainment What, the popularity is getting better and better.

There are even some farm-style farmhouses. People in the city can go on vacation, pick fruits, and even rent a small piece of land to try to grow vegetables. It is an experience of rural life, and it is still relatively popular.

So, back to our game ideas, I suggest that we can develop a farm-themed web game, such as growing vegetables.

It's just that the gameplay must be simple. Let people know how to play after just a glance.

The core is its social function. For example, you can wait for your friend's vegetable field to ripen in the circle of friends, and you can go in and harvest it secretly, turning it into your own harvest.

In addition, you can also help your friends water, fertilize and so on.

It is probably such an idea, specifically, how to upgrade and so on, you design the plan yourself.

The general requirement is that the gameplay should be simple, the background should be as simple as possible, and then with this SNS feature, the audience can be covered to the greatest extent..."

Wu Xi's eyes lit up: "Mr. Gao, this game is so creative, I think it is likely to become popular."

Gao Yang said: "Yes, it is hopeful that it will become popular, the key lies in its social attributes. How long can you develop such a game?"

Wu Xi thought about it: "With our current strength, it is estimated that we will be able to make it within a month. The key to this game is that the theme is creative, the gameplay is very simple, and the development is not complicated. It is much easier than the previous game. gone."

Gao Yangdao: "After the game is developed, it is still necessary to use the name of 51 Group to apply for relevant trademarks and patents before it can be launched. Let's try our best to launch it before mid-July."

Wu Xi asked: "Mr. Gao, is this game a free game?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, it's still free. Our purpose is to attract traffic to 51talk and 51 Renren."

Wu Xi sighed: "Mr. Gao, it's a pity that there is no charge. Just like the current "Kung Fu Panda", the popularity is already very good. If we add some props to sell, it will be easy to make money."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Xi, remember, these two games cannot be charged, and they must apply for patents and related trademark protection. Our purpose of doing this is to attract traffic to the platform, and to prevent other companies from imitate.

We have always been free, so they have no room for imitation, and once imitated, we will immediately file a lawsuit.

Of course, these two games can also make money, but not in China, they have to go to overseas markets to make money.

You can develop a multilingual version, put it on foreign Internet platforms, especially social platforms, and then use the props you mentioned, or share with the platform traffic, in short, there is a way to make money.

In addition, for the game "Kung Fu Panda", you can also consider re-developing overseas versions, such as online games, to highlight its Chinese martial arts cultural elements, but you must start from the perspective of Europeans and Americans.

For the story script of the game, you can find a writer who is familiar with Western culture, or who is originally a Westerner, but has a certain understanding of Chinese cultural elements, especially martial arts, to write the story script.

If this project is feasible, then your game department will discuss it, and we can buy a game company to do this.

After the establishment of the group, a 51 game company can be registered and established. The business is divided into two parts, one is commercial games, and the other is this kind of SNS free web games that serve our platform.

For commercial games, at this stage, if "Kung Fu Panda", or just "Kung Fu Panda", consider overseas markets first.

51 Group will reach a strategic cooperative relationship with Yiwang, and Yiwang's main business is commercial games. We don't need to do this in the domestic market, at least not at this stage. "

Wu Xi nodded: "Mr. Gao, I understand. If "Kung Fu Panda" considers the design of online games, targets overseas markets, and reflects Chinese martial arts cultural elements from a Western perspective, I feel that the possibility of success is relatively high. After all, Chinese Kung Fu In the eyes of ghosts, it is still very magical."

The two exchanged for a while, and Gao Yang said: "This SNS game with a farm theme, um... let's call it [51 Happy Farm] for the time being, and the key to implementing the design and development as soon as possible here is to steal vegetables.

In terms of manpower, if there is a shortage, the game department will bring it up as soon as possible and let HR arrange the recruitment. "

Wu Xi smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Gao, I will arrange it right away."

Wu Xi sent Gao Yang downstairs, looked at Gao Yang's back, and murmured:
"51 Happy Farm, friend stealing food? Mr. Gao's brain is amazing..."

Then, Wu Xi went back upstairs again, and shouted at several colleagues who were playing cards:

"Brothers, come, come, Mr. Gao has just arranged a new product task, let's discuss it, I think Gao is always a creative genius, really amazing..."

(End of this chapter)

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