Chapter 326

June 6st is Children's Day, but Gao Yang has no time to play with his son every day.

He Guangwen led the team to develop for more than 51 months, and was launched.

Today, the 51 Group was officially established.

The press conference for the establishment of 51 Group and the online public beta of 51 Fortune Online was held at the China World Trade Hotel at 9:[-] in the morning.

Yuanda Company invited more than 100 media from across the country to attend, including more than 40 mainstream media outside the capital.

Gao Yang's latest identity is the chairman and president of 51 Group, Gu Yawen, Wu Bo, Jin Yang, Fang Jian, Zhou Wenbin, He Guangwen, Zhang Xiaolong, Wan Hong and other eight people are the vice presidents.


In his capacity as chairman and president, Gao Yang took the stage to deliver a speech, introducing the main development directions of each company in the 51 Group and looking forward to the future.

"51 Group is determined to become a new type of Internet company with social platforms as the core and pan-media.

We are committed to promoting the healthy development of China's Internet industry, and continuously providing high-quality and innovative Internet services for netizens, enterprises and institutions across the country.

It is the purpose of 51 Group to be user-centered and provide users with continuous improvement and innovative experience..."

Later, to the amazement of more than 100 media present, Ding Lei, the founder of Yiwang, and Li Yan, the chairman of Baidu, appeared on stage as industry guests and delivered brief congratulatory speeches.

These two were forcibly pulled over by Gao Yang to stand for the inauguration ceremony of the 51 Group.

After that, Feng Jinsong, chairman of CPI Group, and Lu Tao, chairman of [-] million companies, came to the stage to deliver congratulatory speeches.

In contrast, Feng Jinsong and Lu Tao have little weight and fame.

But Ding Lei, the former richest man, and Baidu's Li Yan, are the top bosses in the Internet circle, and the media reporters were blown up in an instant.

As the main founder of the two websites and 51 Renren, Gao Yang is now considered a news figure, but the media circles did not expect that Ding Lei and Li Yan would actually be there to stand for 51 Group and also invested in 51 .

Finally, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Gao Yang took a group photo with the four guests, mainly to provide opportunities for media reporters to take pictures.

Gao Yang pulled Ding Lei to the middle position, but was replaced by Ding Lei.

As a result, Gao Yang stood in the middle, with Ding Lei on the left, Li Yan on the right, and then Lu Tao and Feng Jinsong.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the establishment of the 51 Group was not long. Afterwards, the image spokesperson of the 51 Group, the 18-year-old girl star Liu Yifei, sang a song "Butterfly Love" on stage, singing and dancing.

After Liu Yifei's performance, she went to the VIP room to change clothes.

Shao Hanyun came over suddenly and found Liu Yifei's manager, who was also her mother, Liu Li.

Shao Hanyun said: "Aunt Liu, can I ask Yi Fei to sign for me?"

Liu Li smiled and said, "Assistant Shao, you are too polite. Yifei is changing clothes and will be ready soon. Do you have friends who like Yifei?"

Shao Hanyun said: "This is the task assigned to me by Mr. Gao's lover. Mr. Gao's lover has a younger sister who likes Yifei very much. Today is her birthday."

Liu Li understood, and asked with a smile, "Do you need Yifei's autographed photo?"

Shao Hanyun said: "It would be great to have a signed photo, thank you Aunt Liu."

Liu Li said: "It should be us thanking Mr. Gao and 51 Group. 51 Group's support has greatly helped Yifei's career..."

Liu Li is sincerely grateful. Not long after her debut last year, Liu Yifei won the endorsement contract of 51

Today, 51 Renren is a popular social platform with over 2000 million users, and Liu Yifei has more than 51 million followers on her 300 Renren account.

Now, Liu Yifei has cooperated with 51 Renren as an endorsement, and has switched to endorsement of all platforms under the 51 Group, gaining both fame and fortune.

At this time, the 51 Fortune online public beta press conference also started outside.

Wan Hong, CEO of 51, He Guangwen, CTO, and Yuan Ye, Executive Editor-in-Chief, gave presentations on PPT respectively, introducing the content positioning, structure and service characteristics of the platform of 51 The goal is to build the first Internet financial platform based on SNS technology in China , to build a first-class SNS community for Internet users with financial and investment needs.

The long-term strategy of 51 is to develop into a leading domestic investment and wealth management information and exchange platform featuring SNS.

After 11 o'clock in the morning, the press conference is over, and the next step is to arrange some media interviews.

Ding Lei and Li Yan could finally leave now, and Gao Yang was going to see them off.

After the three got up, they were blocked by a group of reporters just after taking a few steps.

The targets of the reporters were naturally Ding Lei and Li Yan.

"Easynet invested in 51 Fortune because of the huge potential of this platform.

Just like Mr. Wan said at the press conference just now, China's economy is developing rapidly, and its savings rate is very high, ranking first in the world. The common people have funds of the order of 10 trillion in their hands, and they have investment and financial needs.

51 Group established the SNS financial platform 51 Fortune, which also complies with the needs of the development of this era..."

"Gao and I are always friends, and 51 Group has developed amazingly in the Internet field since it founded

When Mr. Gao talked to me about the 51 Fortune project, I was also very optimistic about it..."

After Ding Lei and Li Yan responded briefly, they left in a hurry.

Gao Yang went all the way to the parking lot, Ding Lei punched Gao Yang in the chest: "You bastard, forced us to sit here all morning, you are satisfied now."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Lei, you and Brother Yan are also shareholders, shouldn't you stand for your own company?"

Both Ding Lei and Li Yan shook their heads and smiled.

Gao Yang said again: "Brother Lei, I want to borrow someone from you, let's say hello in advance."

Ding Lei asked curiously: "Borrow who, you kid want to poach my corner?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's not poaching, I want to invite Mr. Fang to come to 51 Fortune as a consultant, to help Wan Hong and Yuan Ye come up with some ideas, and have more time to communicate.

Mr. Fang has a wealth of experience in big media, and has done financial news. Wan Hong and Yuan Ye don't know much about finance and finance, and they still need to learn a lot. "

Ding Lei said: "Oh, let Fang Siwen be a consultant to come up with some ideas, not poaching corners?"

Gao Yang said: "No, it's definitely not poaching, it's just to let Fang Siwen have more exchanges when he is free, so that we can exchange ideas. Ask him to be a consultant, and he won't let him do it for nothing. You have to pay someone for it. If you are motivated, you will take the initiative to use your brain."

Ding Lei understood: "This matter is simple, how about it, I will ask Fang Siwen to represent Yiwang as the non-executive director of 51 Fortune, you can arrange it yourself, just make an appointment to communicate."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Lei for your support, this arrangement is really good..."

 Note: Liu Yifei in the previous article was changed to Liu Yifei from this chapter. The story is purely fictitious, please do not link it...

(End of this chapter)

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